I fear the charm is going to be lost among the hoopla

George's doesn't usually have acrobats hanging over the awnings and we don't have ambassadors at every turn, in fact, we usually don't even have anyone in the actual information booths.
Our charm is our old town atmosphere -- tree lined streets, the bay, the funky Grove characters. One thing the visitors should look for tonight is how all the ambassadors interact with each other. To see how the characters all fall into place. They need to see that we are real, we interact with each other daily. We all like each other and all love the Grove.
If a visitor would stand on a street corner and just observe or sneak in on a Merchants Meeting or 4th of July meeting, they would see the real Grove and the real characters. That is what they need to take away from tonight, a sense of community and characters. They need to feel that when they visit the Grove, they are being a part of that, they are entering another world, a sitcom world maybe(?), only real.
I see this reaction when people enter the Windisch-Hunt Gallery, they feel like they entered something special, they almost get giddy -- Fred Hunt is painting in one corner, some of us are eating at a table, some others are painting one thing or another at another table, like maybe coconuts, someone else is working on the computer, someone else may be hanging art; one time there was a rehearsal for the Mango Bama dance and visitors just wandered around and enjoyed this as if they stumbled upon something secret, real and fun.
Another time, people entered the Bookstore to see the whole town holding a village meeting. They enjoyed this, it was organic, real and hometown-like. They felt as if they stumbled upon something special.
We live here because we don't have something going on 24/7, but we actually do have a lot going on. I like to think of us as being the anti-South Beach. I hope the visitors tonight see that. I hope they see that village business owners visit with each other during the day, they pop in next door for coffee or to visit for a bit. They share food and gossip, they hang out at Paul's sunglasses kiosk, and shoot the breeze. This is how it really is.
I would tell visitors that aside from the shopping, dining and unwinding, this list below is what we have going on on a regular basis throughout the year, and this is only the half of it, also keep in mind, the lead up to every one of these events is a show in itself. All the planning committees, rehearsals, dinners and pre-events are just as fun and maybe more fun and enjoyable than the actual final event.
Just in the last few months, we have experienced these events:
The Gifford Lane Art Stroll (Story here and Slide show here)
Bike Day was incredible. Story and pictures here.
The King Mango Strut here
Movies in the Park here
Shakespeare in the Park here
The Taste of the Grove here
The Coconut Grove Arts Festival here
The Monthly Antique Market here
Poetry Night at the Bookstore here and even Waffle Sunday here
We have Burn Notice filming all around us like we reported here
We have artists on the streets here and artists dressed as clowns here
We have Breakfast with the Artists every month here
We also have a master artist who anyone can meet any day of the week here
We even have a Lobster Crane Game here
And there is always sailing and water sports available like here
Our old fashioned 4th of July is coming up (think Mayberry or Stars Hollow)
These are just a few of the past events, and just a few of the upcoming events. If you go into our archives and snoop around, you would be amazed at all that goes on here. This is what the tour operators and travel writers need to know about the Grove. Not that we have fire eaters on Commodore Plaza tonight.
For linking to this one story, just click on the time it was posted & just this story will open for sharing - only through social media. Not copying and pasting.
This is all great, but can't these visitors come next time on Friday, or weekend-day? Even a Thursday or any other day of the week would be better. I'm affraid a lot of us Grovites and other Miami Residents who often visit the Grove won't be able to go out tonight. Work tomorrow, and Monday night?? It's the worst night of the week. Great event though, excellent initiative and effort, but these travellers won't see many locals out here tonight. The place would be PACKED on weekend days..
They will see the 100 or more volunteers from the Grove who are participating tonight. They will see all the business owners and their employees and then some.
All the Grove characters that I write about daily will be present tonight. Sorry you cannot make it.
how can you lament something that doesn't exist? there is no such thing that is quintessentially "the grove"? it is an amalgamation of a number of things that make it the grove, but ultimately, what the grove is really depends on who you ask.
To me, that Grove exists and that is how I see it. Sorry you don't see it like that, you are missing out.
I get the the quintessential Grove we all dream of. I miss coffee mugs hanging from the wall at Greenstreet with your name on it. But that Grove has transformed itself. Yes, there are still pockets of it and the region will always have its characters, but the stark reality is that travel agents aren't going to recommend the Village as a destination based on our nostalgic interpretation of what the Grove once was.
This was a single moment in time to make a lasting impression on a still influential sector of the travel industry; and I'm glad the Grove pulled out all the stops to do so. Because expecting visitors to just stand on a street corner and imagine the Grove we grew up with is just never going to happen. The Grove is an organic and fluid place and we have to let her change with the times.
But that should never stop us from remembering great places and good times and always striving to make sure the Grove retains its Village charm. Keep it up Grapevine - your efforts don't go unoticed.
Just reading the list of all the things that have happened in such a short span of time and I participated in some of them. WoW we are the Wow of Pow Wow.
Thats why people take photos to remember, thanks for the memories grape. What a neat place we live in.
It's time we wake up and take off our psychedelic sunglasses. The Grove still is a great place, it's just different from the place it was ten or twenty or thirty years ago. Is there room for improvement? Absolutely. But that doesn't mean it's not a great place. I just had a guest for a week from Portland, Maine who loved the Grove. Others I have met who have come from outside Miami have really enjoyed the walkable community we have, the sidewalk cafes, the waterfront parks and walking paths by the marinas. Even people I know who live in other parts of the Miami area love the Grove. Most of the complaining I hear comes from fellow Grovites. Changing our attitude is the first step in the revival of the Grove. If we are not our own biggest cheerleaders, how can we expect that from others?
I think it's great the the BID and the Chamber are pulling out all the stops to show off the best the Grove has to offer tonight. Best of luck!
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