He lives and breathes Coconut Grove

Whether you like the new BID or not, you have to admit that Dave worked hard for the BID and he has always worked hard for the benefit of the Grove. Someone said it best in a comment in one of the other posts: "David Collins lives and breathes Coconut Grove and the BIC."
You can find Dave in his office, or around the Grove, early in the morning and late at night. Whenever I show up, he always has a smile on his face and welcomes me with open arms.
Although I have lived in and around the Grove for most of my life, I never paid much attention to what went on politically or behind the scenes. When I first started the Grapevine, I met Dave for the first time inside his own house. It was at the Gifford Lane Art Stroll and he was ladling out his famous cucumber punch. I asked him his name for a photo I took, shown here, with my friend Victor (for this post), and he told me and spelled it for me. I think when he said the name, I realized he was the Village Council guy.
Many others would have said, "I'm Dave Collins for God's sake! I run the BIC, I am on the Village Council, you don't know who I am?" But he humbly spelled his name as he handed out the cucumber punch. That told me a lot about him.
Many times, most times, in fact, when the Village Council has been going back and forth on an issue, Dave waits until the end of the argument, and in that quiet way he has, he says one thing and calms the situation down.
I don't need to be kissing up to Dave, and you all know I haven't on many issues like the black Info Booths, which I still hate. But you'll have to agree, he does live and breathe Coconut Grove and he is always available for anyone who wants to stop in and talk with him.
He personally invited me to the BID launch party the other night, he didn't need to do that, I am not a merchant or landlord, in fact, I could have gone and ripped the whole thing apart the next day here in the Grapevine, but he was kind enough to include me anyway. So that's why I am writing this great story on him. No, just joking, I am writing it because it was a long time coming.
For linking to this one story, just click on the time it was posted & just this story will open for sharing - only through social media. Not copying and pasting.
Dave is truly first rate and the Grove is lucky to have him. Without Dave's leadership, the BID would not have happened. One of Dave's many strengths is his willingness to listen to all sides and to make decisions accordingly, always with the best overall interests of the community in mind. Let us hope that the powers-that-be have the wisdom to keep him on as head of the BID and not to use the position as a dumping ground or reward for the politically connected.
I can't even imagine anyone directing the BID except David Collins. That isn't even conceivable. Collins deserves it, worked damn hard for it, and I don't feel anyone else could have made this BID happen. We have come too far in this process to have anyone else in that slot and risk the progress that has been made.
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