Does the Grove have a calming effect?

While stuck in traffic on Miracle Mile, SW 37th Ave. in Publix's parking lot, anywhere actually in the Gables, you hear nasty car horns every other second. I don't mean cute little "beep beep", I mean people sitting angrily on their horns. More than once I felt like getting out of my car with a baseball bat but I thought better of that.
While driving through the Grove a few minutes later, and while stuck in traffic on either Bird Ave. or SW 27th Ave. or Bayshore Drive, I don't hear any car horns. People are patient for some reason.
Now I am not comparing the residents of the Grove and the Gables because the majority of drivers in both situations are just passing through each area, most likely they aren't residents of either place. But it it seems to be the Grove has a calming effect. Could this be?
Perhaps that "Whining sign" should be pointed at Coral Gables and not downtown Miami.
Before any of you start commenting, please try the drive throughs first. See what you come up with before making a negative comment about what I am saying. This happens on a daily basis. I am always flabbergasted when it happens.
For linking to this one story, just click on the time it was posted & just this story will open for sharing - only through social media. Not copying and pasting.
Perhaps the people in Coral Gables have the faint hope that they may find a parking place and actually be able to something, like shop.
In the Grove there is of course no hope of parking and nothing to do but eat at overpriced restaurants or shop at tourist trinket shops. So why bother to honk?
Either you are blind or extremely lazy. There is plenty of parking in the Grove. You may just have to walk, like, a block or two. Judging by most of the fat asses I see in Miami on a daily basis, walking these few blocks likely couldnt hurt. Im putting together a map that points out all parking and will share soon. I really cant stand the bitching about parking anymore.
And honestly, the whining sign should be pointed towards the Grove, and no offense, but at this website too. Ive never heard more whining in my life. Everyone whined about Home Depot and they have done nothing to take away from the community so far and likely wont. You hardly even know they are there. Then it was time to whine about the waterfront, then Mercy, then traffic, then shops, and the beat goes on. Life's a bitch and then you die, so enjoy it while you can.
Blind Mind, you really need to shut up.
This is a blog, what do you want me to write about daily the weather? Most of these problems don't bother me, but I am trying to get some conversation going. Perhaps we should all take a note from your blog, which gets 3 hits a day, if that, maybe that is the way to blog.
Try to get what I am doing here. I am not a complainer and really in daily conversation don't even bring these subjects up to anyone.
I am trying to come up with conversation starters and daily posts. It isn't easy doing it 365 days a year. Try it.
Trust me, after I write the posts, I go on with my life and don't lose sleep over these petty things.
I understand your frustration with my comment. I know that you try to get conversations started, I just question why it always has a negative POV attached. I didnt mean the comment as a personal attack on your blog, just the incessant whining that goes on in the comment sections. And yes, I am fully aware that my blog is totally irrelevant and Im OK with that. I spend a lot of time at airports with nothing to do, hence my blog was born. Thanks for the blog diss anyways, at least it made me laugh.
Good exchange between Blind Mind and Grapevine.
Yes this is a blog and Grapevine accurately reports the local perspective.
Blind Mind's point is equally correct. The Grove does have it's share of whiners.
As a 49 year Grovite, I see it this way: The Grove will always be the most unique and beautiful area of Miami.
However, if we don't push for 5:AM liquor licences to be curtailed to 2:AM, the village will continue to deteriorate.
To Blindman et al:
You probably consider me one of the biggest whiners in the Grove. I disagree. What you might call whining I might call community involvement, or dare I say civic duty. The greater the population density, the greater the need to minimize urban problems and stress. You keep talking about the Home Depot...a project I was actively involved with. You talk about how great they are now...But don't forget their original plan was to occupy the entire site with their typical Big Orange Box. You may not think that would be too bad for our neighborhood. I would disagree. You can thank/condemn Grove whiners for the current situation (which is a lot better than it would have been without our grass-roots activities). A democracy works best when there is active involvement of an informed, compassionate community. We have that in the Grove…you complain, I applaud.
Not sure if this will be posted but I'll give it a shot...
Len, I was the one urging you to run for Commish. Dont you remember the "LEN-NY LEN-NY!" posts I made? Yes, the griping about HD I guess forced them to accept a smaller store, but for how long? Once that had been established, that was the victory. Trying to exile HD from the Grove was a waste of time as it was not going to happen. Not with the way things work in this country.
Look, Ive said this a million times but I'll say it again. The problem I have with this blog does not have to do with the whining itself, but the constant whining without discussion of a RATIONAL solution. THink about it. Anyone can piss and moan and point out flaws in a city system, person, plan, etc. Its a lot harder to think about those issues and make steps towards finding a rational solution. THe world isnt always black and white. Sometimes you gotta find a shade of gray that both sides can be satisfied with.
Oh, and the map Im making that shows parking in the Grove is a total nightmare at this point but Im still trying. I have a friend who is much better with this stuff than I so as soon as its done I'll share.
I agree with Len Scinto. I appreciate his community involvement/civic duty.
Blind Mind's point is well taken regarding the lack of rational suggestions from contributors.
The side arguments are quite entertaining. I appreciate both this blog and Blind Mind's comments, as his are the ones I see most often and sometimes they seem like the only positive ones. I'm new to the Grove and LOVE IT! I found this blog site while doing market research and find it informative and interesting so will continue to consult it. But tony scornavacca jr needs to let up on the 2 AM liquor license...this is Miami, not Tallahassee or LaBelle. And the bars/restaurants are probably the only things keeping CocoWalk and Mayfair afloat.
In response to the calming effect of Coconut Grove, it most certainly does have that effect on me! I was stuck in traffic on Tigertail and couldn't care less because I love the area...but if I get stuck at one of those damn turn lanes without a turn signal on US1 I am the poster child for road rage. I no longer take US1 anywhere, needless to say.
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