The Grove's Coconut Hunt is back this month!
It's similar to our original hunts in that coconuts will be hidden around the village and participants will have to run out and find them.
There is a golden coconut and the person who finds that wins the grand prize. While in the past there was no fee to participate, this year there is a $10 fee which is a donation to the Woman’s Club.
Clues will be given out for where the coconuts are hidden.
Forms are available at the Woman's Club now or you can pick one up the day of the event. The Woman's Club is at 2985 S. Bayshore Drive.
Below is how we covered one of the events in 2009, this post originally ran on July 5, 2009. We held the Coconut Hunt on July 4th back then.
We would spend a month or so painting coconuts, real works of art, at coconut painting parties at the Windisch-Hunt Gallery and then on July 4, we would have the wild event on the streets of Coconut Grove.

The contestants started signing up early at the Mayfair and in front of The Barnacle. About 60 people signed up. At 3:15 promptly, the hunt started and everyone was given the clues in the form of two line poems. Basically the locations needed to be found, more than the actual coconuts, because once you knew the location, you just had to go in and ask for a coconut.

The finish line was fun, everyone started showing up at around 3:30, the hunt ended at 4 pm. The start off was amazing too, all at once, people burst off into the the Center Grove searching in one mad rush.
I had the golden coconut and I told many people at the sign-up points that there was a major clue on the Grapevine, being posted exactly at 3:15, the start time. Many did look on line using their phones and said, "We know that a guy in red has it." That was me, I guess the photo posted was not so clear on their phones, so I guess it made it even more fun.
The prizes were handed out by Felice, Steven and AnnaMaria at the fountain at CocoWalk. Everyone seemed to have a great time and I guess they were pleased that little Oscar won first prize -- a two night stay at the Mutiny (for two), breakfast, lunch and dinner and 100 Grove Bucks to spend at participating merchants. The next prize was a night for two at the DoubleTree hotel and 50 Grove Bucks.
Everyone won at least one Grove Buck, as long as they brought in one coconut or more. The remaining prizes went to the person who had the most coconuts (which ended in a run off, literally, up and down the stairs at CocoWalk) and others were drawn randomly (each coconut was not only painted and decorated, but they were numbered).
Related stories:
How the Golden Coconut Was Found
Coconut Hunt bring a lot of excitement to the Grove
We've got a lovely bunch of coconuts
Here are the clues to the Coconut Scavenger Hunt
Hunting coconuts in the rain
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