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Sunday, December 23, 2018

One reader's take on the King Mango Strut

A Strut veteran responded to my article on the King Mango parade with these observations,  I'm not pleased that it is anonymous, but he/she has some interesting points.

- I was involved with the Strut for a few years. Our meetings were fun, great beer parties at one bar or another. Unfortunately, when new people tried to become involved, they didn't feel welcome.   We should have worked harder to bring them in.

-It is not a funny or original as it once was. The comedy bar has been lowered. Have you seen the latest poster's unfortunate design and its 2018 theme? Something like "Rage against the Red Tide and  Blue Algae. This parade is supposed to be humorous and this year's theme is not. 

- The Strut has always been run by old hippies and younger, non-hippies aren't attracted to the event.

-The Strut stayed non-commercial when they needed a boost of cash. Why did the BID reduce its financial support? Isn't that what the BID is about, bringing more money spendin' people to the Grove? The Strut does that.

-Parades are an amusement of the past. The big ones that still exist are completely commercial but are still somewhat amazing. We do have a Veteran's Day parade in the Grove but it, unfortunately, is not well-attended. There are more people marching than watching.  

-People are lazy. People in parades no longer march, they ride. Almost everyone in local Vet's Parade was waving from a vehicle. Similarly, people are too lazy to step outside to see a parade. I guess it cuts away from their screen time.  

-Nothing lasts forever and maybe the Strut's days are numbered. Still, wouldn't it  be great if a younger generation fell in love with laughter in the streets and they made the King Mango their own.

For linking to this one story, just click on the time it was posted & just this story will open for sharing - only through social media. Not copying and pasting.


Anonymous al Crespo said...

I was banned from the 2011 Strut because I wanted to make fun of Commissioner "Ethics:" Sarnoff.

I knew then that the days of the Strut as an independent, irreverent and funny parade were over, and that those who had captured the Strut, would end up killing it.

It seems that that has just about come true.

For those who would like to actually know what happened in 2011, including the photos of how the Strut used to be until I came along and wanted to wear a medal like sign declaring myself as the Code Inspector for the City of It's Miami, Bitches, copy/paste this link: https://www.crespogramnews.com/132011-banned-by-the-mango-strut.html

December 23, 2018 9:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let it go Al, let it go

December 23, 2018 11:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened to the Bed Race, what happened to Goombay Festival, what is happening to us? We are losing our identity, character and history to ignorance, greed and intolerance.

December 23, 2018 12:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can there be a King Mango Strut, an event whose very nature and identity is trolling, sarcasm satire and parody when everything about current culture is about being a victim or being offended.
Crespo’s experience was a canary showing that only sanctioned and approved entrants guaranteed not to offend or cause the now commercial entity The Grove (c) any possible embarrassment or lawsuits need apply.

The King Mango and PC culture are antithetical.

We’d end up with 10 different Orange Man Bad groups, a group of Drum Circle aficionados and a couple of groups of kid from the school and there band.

Shall we talk about availability of parking for the event? If not availability how about over aggressive ticketing and booting?

December 23, 2018 2:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Young professional Grovite over here. Have lived in the Grove for about 6 years now with my wife and young child. I love the Grove and think the Strut is an incredible event. I would love to learn how to get more involved and help carry the torch forward. We can't let this incredible tradition fizzle out. I will not be able to attend the final meeting this year, but would appreciate being connected with anyone that may help me ramp up my involvement for future Struts. Thanks!

December 23, 2018 8:07 PM  
Blogger Glenn Terry said...

The "young professional" above gives me hope for the Grove parade's future, however, I can think of two additional things the Strut must contend with.


The Mango Strut is a parody of something that barely exists (holiday parades) anymore. Maybe its humor power has faded. It's a little like telling President Nixon jokes to someone who never head of him.


The Strut was once unique in that it made extreme fun of our leaders. Often you'd see thing on Main Highway you'd never see anywhere else (like a fake, drunk, city commissioner). Now it's all over. Now these jokes saturate social media. We hear "Strut-type" humor about politicians and current events on every talk show every night. It's like what it might be like if the mango king had his own talk show (with very good writers) years ago.
Hmm, maybe its time to create an animated Strut and put it on cable!

December 25, 2018 12:40 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

HEY Tom...
why dont you help by putting out an article TELLING EVERYONE,, THEY CAN JOIN THE PARADE if the want to. What number to call,e tc...

I have had my own group in the parade the past 18 years....I LIVE FOR THE MANGO PARADE.....but yes....the new comers to Miami, dont appreciate the TWIST on the English humour in some cases.. & in other cases, they dont care to make HUMOUR of anything. They are so very HAPPY to be in the USA....thats good enough for them.....I dont blame them......they dont need to complain or laugh about anything!!!. ITS JUST FINE FOR THEM... I AGREE ALSO!!
It is all a ''change in cultural appreciation""... I STILL BELIEVE"""IN TIMES LIKE THESE WE NEED A 'KING'----KING MANGO STRUT"".WILL LIVE IN OUR MEMORIES..
Sonia (Grovite forever)

December 26, 2018 9:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went to the last couple of years’ struts and found them just plain boring. What passes as “humor” is mostly just trite political commentary that we see all day every day in the news. If this is the future of the event then it will have no future at all.

December 27, 2018 7:57 AM  

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