The Parking Authority is bad for business

I think the time has come to go after the MPA, they have done enough damage around here. I was at a meeting this morning with a few movers and shakers from the City and the Grove and not one of them had a nice thing to say about the Parking Authority. They felt they were crooks and fools (their words, not mine) for putting a meter in the post office lot.
They said nasty words under their breath when we saw the meter guy out and about early this morning already giving tickets at 10 am.
We need to make the Grove it's own Village/City. We need to start up the meetings again. The MPA is a monopoly that needs to be broken up. They have ruined the quality of life for everyone in the Grove except for a select few who feed off of them, literally.
The MPA and their nasty tactics is the number one reason people avoid visiting Coconut Grove. This is the case with every random poll ever done. When people deal with the MPA once, they don't return to Coconut Grove again, this is a fact. There are more friendly environments that welcome these guests (like South Miami and Coral Gables), they don't need to come back to the Grove.
Enough already. We need to get a movement going now. The Parking Authority monopoly needs to be broken up. The job needs to be bid out yearly or every few years, or just be gone all together.
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Job well done Grape. The fact is Grape, like it or not, presently you are the force in Coconut Grove, Florida. Perhaps you might consider a helper, an assistant to bring some of your thoughts to fruition and I do mean fruition, to set some issues straight and legal for what is best for Coconut Grove, Florida. I don't have to tell you that City Hall is right over the ridge on Pan Am Drive. GO FOR IT! I think many people would snatch up space on the Grape if you take this path. And you could do it your way, in good humor.
I smell secession! Let's blow this popsicle stand. I still say we should start ticketing MPA people who park illegally.
Times; they be achangin
Sooner rather then later the hammer will fall
Other bad decisions, like taking up 3 prime spots next to Cocowalk for $10 valet parking, don't help.
If you people would follow any public meetings instead of quickly jumping on your anti-city platform, you would properly report that that the parking authority took on this operation at the request of the BID and they will not make one dollar off of this lot after the cost of security, etc. Chalk this one up to No Good Deed Goes Unpunished. The parking folks stepped up upon request and you slam them. They are damned if they do and damned if they don't! Could it have been a simple mistake that somebody forgot to put the cover the on the machine?
The Parking Authority has no business putting meters in the post office lot. They have no business running the parking lot. That should have been a private enterprise, the MPA should not have been involved and when it came up at the Restaurant Meeting, I was very suspicious at the time.
And a hefty bag shoved over the machine is not a covering that was forgotten to be put on.
A private company would not do it for a Loss! Don't you get it? $1 per hour parking! Do you see those rates anywhere else during those times?? Get real Grape!
Well let's put it this way. If I am wrong, why is the meter covered today, right after I exposed their little scam? With a Hefty Bag, yet.
Any company would run the lot for flat rate fees of $4.00 to $5.00 like they do everywhere else.
The MPA should be removed from that lot at once. And I would also like to see a copy of the contract, I request this from David Boardman the Postmaster, who brought this up at a meeting and also the BID. Thank you.
PS. What did the MPA do with all the money that people put into the meter all week during the day when they should not have been charged?
Did the MPA return it or keep it?
Where is that money now?
I dont like to take sides but the MPA meter does not belong in the PO car park and it wasn't covered with a bag all week. What did happen to all that money that came in during the daytime? Also if the MPA is doing it all for free why is a meter there?
Why can't the security man collect the money like the other car park lots? If he is trustworthy enough to guard the autos isn't he trustworthy enough to collect the fee?
Go to the MPA website and look at thier financials, you will understand the magnitude of the scam.
They collect close to 23M in annual revenue and have contributed one big goose egg to the City coffers for the past 2 or 3 years. Go figure !! all the money collected from you and me and not a cent has gone to the City coffers. So where does all this money go ?
Furthermore they have ammased more than 60M in debt.
hmm, just tried logging on to thier website to verify the above details and here is what I get : uses an invalid security certificate.
The certificate expired on 9/11/2009 7:59 PM.
(Error code: sec_error_expired_certificate)
aww, their website is down !!!
The machine was covered on wednesday on my trip to the post office you saber rattler..
Bet you took it off yourself before your private investigative operation..
Bet you dont print this comment ..
I am sure that can be easily verified with the post office's security cameras. We should check them. Maybe I can get a copy under the Freedom of Information Act.
Just ignore them Grape these are the same people that think Regalado is a thief that has hoodwinked everyone and 9/11 was a conspiracy theory.
How much did it cost the city to put that meter machine in the post office lot in the first place?!?!?
It didnt cost the City anything....however it did cost you and I something.
And the MPA rages on.
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