Be careful what you ask for . . .

This worries me a bit because the parking lot does have an attendant when it is open at night, in fact, I have seen up to three guys there at once, so I am not sure why a meter is needed inside the lot unless they have plans for the future.
At this point, it says right on the meter that it is only enforced from 6 pm to midnight, but people don't see the sign. Today I witnessed many people paying for parking including the lady shown here.
I think the Miami Parking Authority has gone a bit too far on this one. The attendant at the lot should be the one accepting money at night, not the meter. He is being paid to be there anyway.
For linking to this one story, just click on the time it was posted & just this story will open for sharing - only through social media. Not copying and pasting.
The Miami Parking Authority is something else.
They seem to be a governmental body all their own. It's a little bizarre that a city would create such an entity.
I would love to see the results of an audit on their books.
Tony, I think you are absolutely right-- except that we would never get an audit.
I was delighted today when I had to go to Kinko's. I parked a huge way away and discovered that the parking machine coin slot was hopelessly jammed. The credit card reader wasn't working either. Nor was the dollar slot.
I placed a note on my dashboard with an explanation that the machine was not working, the date and the time, and happily came back to find a newly minted ticket. I was delighted. Now I will have to deal with that.
Bob Coultas
You guys need to get a life and stop complaining about little things like these. As for you Bob receiving a ticket, look up the laws and notice that it states if the machine is not working, then you should not park there. Call the commisioner like you guys always do and have him resolve the issue of poorly operational machines.
And as for the person who posted this incident, I don't see anywhere that you told the lady not to pay, do you have a concious?
Of course I told the lady not to put money in, her and five others Mr. Know-it-All.
Pro Law, very respectfully, are you kidding me? I needed to get to Kinko's to get some stuff out.
The parking machine didn't work. I had change and dollars and a credit card. I would have been happy to pay.
If we can't park if the machine is broken where are we going to park?
Also, I did not have access to my municipal code while I was in my car. I was unable to check the applicable statutes at the moment.
And do you really think Marc Sarnoff wants to hear from me because I can't find a parking space?
Bob Coultas
Bob please Call Marc Sarnoff especially regarding parking issues. Soon with the NET closed you will have to call Marc Sarnoff for everything, as there will be no one else to handle anything. Wild Wild West here we come.
Maybe the City should get our parking $ back from the MPA. All this Parking money would certainly resolve the budget crisis.
Pro Law, no anger neccessary. It's a blog, man. Peace.
Your name?
Actually, most of you folks are correct to some large degree. If the meter doesn't work, why not park? Everything is more complicated today and everyone and everything needs money to pay the bills. People will be getting tickets and citations for every little single infraction, even on camera. Here, now, today, I have over $65,000.00, in two separate liens on my home for absolutely nothing. I have resolved three citations in Biscayne Bay, for absolutely nothing. Yesterday I was looking out over Dinner Key, by the boat ramp and a police officer's alarm went off behind me so I move and he parked where I had been parking. He then came over to my second parking spot and asked me if I wanted a ticket, I said nothing and moved over to City Hall and he followed me. In the last two years I've received about 10 various citations, liens, boating, etc and went to court 22 times, code enforcement hearings twice and will be going again soon. I'm finding all of this to be a way of life, so much so I'm 100 pages into another book. For my health I had to make all of this a form of entertainment in the positive----go figure. So when I write about things I am not being negative, just factual and I have found that reality is much, much more interesting than fiction. And I find solace when I read what all of you folks here in the Grape have to say about life.
Isn't the post office parking lot Federal property? How can a local parking authority take it over? This is confusing!
I think Coconut Grove should start charging MPA for parking! Every time they are parked on the sidewalk, blocking driveways & taking up meters without paying!
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