Mayoral candidate Tomás Regalado meets residents

City Commissioner Tomás Regalado, who is running for Miami Mayor, met with Grove residents last night at the Coconut Grove Sailing Club.
Regalado is a favorite of many Grovites because he has championed many Grove causes and has been against many projects (like Home Depot) which many Grovites were against.
Photo by Harry Emilio Gottlieb
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Mr. Regalado had his monologue for over one hour. Mainly talking about large Money issues in the City of Miami, hardly addressing very few Grove issues. There was little time after that for questions from the audience, perhaps just 20 minutes and a handful of questions. Usually having little or nothing to do with the Grove. I found that Mr. Regalado's answers to a couple of courteous audience people were highly defensive, bordering on irate and too loud in several instances.
At least he went the whole time and did not cut his appearance short the way Sanchez did. Sanchez left people in the audience still with their hands raised and who never got their questions answered. Regalado was applauded for his vote and stance not only on Home Depot, but the Grovernor and the Mercy project. He stands with the people and represents the voters not developers. He is his own person and not a Diaz puppet.
Obviously the anonymous comment posted at 8:41 a.m. is from a Sanchez supporter. Mr. Regalado spoke about the current economic situation that the city faces, unlike Mr. Sanchez who gave you lip service. I thought the meeting was very informative, and it is obvious that Mr. Regalado knows what he is talking about. He does not need to talk about what he will do for the Grove, he has always supported the Grove. Ms. Neimeyer was there text messaging the entire time. It is a shame that Mr. Sanchez has resorted to dirty politics in order to get some votes. The courteous audience that Anonymous 8:41 a.m. is speaking about came across as someone who was asked to make Regalado look bad and as it turned out, the lady had her facts wrong and at the end apologized after another attendee corrected her recollection of what Mr. Sanchez had said. I don't recall one person asking Mr. Sanchez at his meet and greet where they could send checks. Not only did they ask Mr. Regalado where they could send checks, someone got up and handed him a check! GO REGALADO!!
Wonder why there was police presence when Mr. Sanchez was made his appearance and none for Mr. Regalado. I guess Mr. Sanchez has made too many enemies! He has voted time and time again against the residents and now he has the nerve to have a slogan "Neighborhoods First". Only in Miami!
This meeting cemented my vote for Regalado.
Thank you Grape for letting everyone know. It was a shame I didnt meet you there yesterday.
When Commissoner Sanchez spoke at the Coconut Grove Park Homeowners Association last month, I asked for the presence of the police because I became concerned about the nastiness of the anonymous blog comments and emails. Commissoner Sanchez was an invited guest, and CGPHA is a private organization, which gives everyone an opportunity to express themselves, as long as it is done in a civil and courteous manner. I think the fact we had to ask for assistance for Commissoner Sanchez and not for Regalado speaks more to the inability of some folks to engage in a mature discourse with an opponent. It implies nothing about either Commissoners who have different philosophies and management styles, but who have both served the City of Miami well.
Commissioner Sanchez should change his slogan to Flush the Neighborhoods instead of Neighborhoods First as that is how he has treated them thus far. He needs a 180.
Steve Hagen
I like Tomas Regalado personally. I think he is a nice man, and frankly find it sad that he spent 50% of his time speaking negatively about his opponent and not speaking positively about what he has accomplished in his time as a Commissioner or about his plans for the City's future. It doesn't reflect well on him. I could challenge the truth of several things he said that the audience bought, hook line and sinker. I did not hear one idea for creating jobs. I did not hear one idea about making our streets safer. I did not hear one idea about how to make the Grove's business district thrive again. I did not hear one idea about government efficiency or accountability, other than the suggestion 20% of "the bureaucrats" should be fired without any specific ideas about how that should be accomplished while still providing services.
And for the record, I wasn't text messaging ... I was taking detailed notes, so if the residents of Miami ultimately choose Tomas Regalado as our Mayor we can remember what he told us at that meeting and ask him to follow through with his promises.
Let’s recall which Miami City Commissioner sided with which issue.
We as citizens should support the candidate that fights for the issues, quality of life and future of our community that we believe in.
Joe Sanchez Tomas Regalado Courts Ruling
Home Depot Entering Coconut Grove YES NO N/A
Fire Fee Settlement YES NO NO
Miami River Is Dead To Marine Industry YES NO NO
Mercy Hospital Changing Zoning For Related Group 3-Luxury Condos YES NO NO
Marlins Stadium Deal ¾ Paid By Taxes ¼ Paid By Marlines YES NO N/A
Marlins Stadium No Bid Contract For Buildings Contractor YES NO N/A
Tomas Regalado has been accused of being the NO Commissioner and not being a Team Player.
Under the present administration, he is most proud to ware both these titles with distinction and honor.
His NO votes have been proven time and again to be the correct votes when the cases reach our court system.
His NO votes have been the right votes for the best interest of Miami, its citizens and our future.
If you are pleased with the direction Miami has been on for the past eight years then don’t vote for Regalado for mayor.
But If you want real change, real neighborhood improvements and real respect for citizens over special interest groups, then please considered electing Regalado for mayor.
Harry Emilio Gottlieb
Coconut Grove
ahh, sweet politics, as usual. I bet there's really not that much difference between candidates in the end, it's mainly about money interests, as we've seen for the past few decades. That of course applies to the specific Grove issues, which will remain largely ignored or mismanaged by the City of Miami, regardless of who the Major is or was.
I don't know Mr. Sanchez or Mr. Regalado personally yet, like many, many other people without a voice, I did raise my hand a few times last night but he didn't have time to answer most questions from the audience in 20 minutes after his never-ending monologue. when he answered, he was rather loud and rude, when it was not a praising, little flattering comment from his OBVIOUSLY set-up supporters, like the lady with the check.. was that for real?
I sure was glad it was a beautiful evening, with a great moon out there by the bay. I had to take a couple breaks from all that political.. talk. Heard this type of talk a thousand times. The Bay and the wind and the boats made it worthwhile attending. Of course, specific CURRENT Grove issues like the Waterfront, Parking, Bike Lanes, Business Hours, Business incentives or deterrants, Police, etc, were hadly ever talked about in 2 hours. If I missed some of it looking at the boats in the beautiful bay, I'm sure it was nothing concrete or subtantial. And I don't care who the candidate is, maybe Regalado is better than Sanchez or Manny, who knows. can't be much worse. same political machinery though, virtually impenetrable City of Miami burocracy. We can't expect too many changes in the Grove anyway.
And mr. Regalado just spoke mainly about Money, Budgets, the PAST, not about any specific plans with realistic steps for the Current and Future Coconut Grove issues. Now did he? CI
Talk is cheap.
Actions speak louder than words.
Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior.
Cliches are often true.
What a joke.. I just remembered some selected people who seemed to be so artificially happy with Mr. Regalado, during and after his elongated speech, a couple of hired clowns were praising him for past exploits and future triumphs.
The running Lady with the "unsolicitted contribution" check was the highlight of this political circus. I am now sure that a few of those people were hired by this particular campaign, just as Sanchez, or Manny probably also hire people as actors for these events. Powerful agendas and decent funding from huge Business interests. It was so OBVIOUS last night, truly laughable. Can't wait to check out the other clown Sanchez some day. Politics..
Maybe some of them weren't fake, but it's like a poker game calling bluff, sometimes it's easy.. Guess all candidates pull the same stunts, new to this often fake game of politics. CI
CI - I think you stepped out to watch the moon and the boats when she handed him the check. I'm not an expert, nor a paid supporter of either candidate, but she did look sincere about her gesture. I doubt it seriously that it was planned. Whether you like Sanchez or Regalado that fact is that Regalado has come out for the Grove every time he has been asked to and has always supported the Grove before he put his hat into the Mayoral race. Also, I was there and don't recall anyone that had their hand up that did not get to speak. The only person was a gentleman that had spoken earlier and was bypassed to allow others to ask questions. And he certainly stayed long enough afterwards to speak to everyone in the room. Where you there when Joe Sanchez cut his Meet and Greet short because he had somewhere else to go only to go as far as the bar at the CGSC and stay for a long time?
Where can I find the posting for the Meet and Greet of Joe Sanchez? I would love to read the comments that required police presence.
Say what? I was there and Sanchez did not cut his meet and greet short nor did he linger at the bar. He stayed for about 5 minutes tops at the bar and then left. Why are certain people so bent on misrepresenting the facts?
Hi Grape! Hi Gracey! Carlitos, Michelle, Peter, Judy, Luis, Commissioner Regalado and Emilisimo Gottlieb... This is my first entry on the Coconut Grove Grapevine!
I just got home from a long day at work (just like yesterday). Grape, I am sorry you were not there last night. It was a moment of reckoning, at least for me. I went for two reasons. One, I adore Gracey and I promised her I would attend because I wanted to hear Commissioner Regalado, first hand. I was referred to as the “courteous audience people”. I was also referred to as someone who was asked to make Regalado look bad. Now, think about this statement for a minute. I was asked… to make him look bad? This could NOT be further from the truth. I am an open book and I do not have any secret agendas. As I mentioned during my opening statement, “I came here tonight with an open heart and, an open mind”. Which, I might add, was a comment I made again to Commissioner Regalado after his talk. Afterwards, I also asked him why he insulted me when he cut me off during my inquiry and said and reinforced with a hand gesture of about a quarter of an inch thick, “AN OPEN MIND! THIS IS HOW MUCH OF AN OPEN MIND YOU HAVE!!! I was not expecting this kind of behavior from someone who is seeking my vote. My second reason for attending was because I wanted to learn more about Commissioner Regalado ’s plan as the potential Mayor of the City of Miami. Long story short, I have never witnessed a person being thrown under the bus (like Sanchez was) as many times as last night. And talk about beating a dead horse. Lordy, lordy. Now, I need to clarify something. I was present for Commissioner Sanchez’ talk before us fellow Grovites. And Commissioner Sanchez did not throw Commissioner Regalado under the bus. Furthermore, the only time Commissioner Sanchez brought up Regalado was when someone questioned him about his vote (Sanchez) on the Home Depot matter. This was when Commissioner Sanchez made an off hand comment about how Commissioner Regalado voted. So, let’s get the record straight. I did admit and apologized yesterday that I had forgotten about this comment. But, any one else who was present that night when Commissioner Sanchez spoke will tell you, that “CRITICISM” was not the topic of his conversation. In fact, Sanchez spoke a lot about his experience, accomplishments and ideas surrounding what he feels is required to turn our economy around and create jobs. On his website he calls it a “Blueprint for a Better Miami”. I tried to see if Regalado had a similar action plan on his website. But, his website says it is UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Last night I asked Regalado multiple times about his action plan only to be rudely cut off while he digressed and skirted the question. The comment he did make over and over is that he is a journalist and that the people needed to know the truth. Ok. True enough. But, other than finger pointing, firing a slew of city employees and cutting salaries, I did not leave with a sense that he had a solid action plan in place as the future leader of this community. Commissioner Regalado, the jury is still out. I welcome another opportunity to learn more about your plans for turning our city around. Perhaps during the upcoming Mayoral debate in the Grove in June or July? I am looking forward to it.
Gracey, you have my personal email. Please contact me directly if you care to discuss this matter further. You know I love you. And as I have stated before, we can be kind and caring adults about this matter, and simply agree to disagree.
Carlitos, I concur with you and should have joined you on the balcony to gaze at the moon. It was indeed, a beautiful night.
Warm regards to all, Tina.
anon@ 9:52. Nope, unfortunately I was still in the room to see that mockery about the woman running with her "unsolicited" contribution, plus a few other laughable praises by some dubious-sounding people just handing out unconditional support with little substance. I honestly don't know if any of that was true or not, but it looked like a circus. About everyone getting their answers, that's just not true. There were many people including me left with hands raised in the end. The last right of speech was given to the senior lady (taking admitting signatures) who had been trying all along just to say something. Remember?
And gentle Tina was really mistreated by this Regalado guy, and another speaker was too. If you were there, saw it. Guess it's better I didn't get a word in at the time. I had a couple of very specific Grovite questions to ask, looking forward, but I suspect the answers would have been too vague, if not abusive in tone again. I wouldn't have tolerated that. ---The other guys Sanchez and Manny are just the same, I hear, probably even worse, I don't know.. Just glad to walk off by the water into the quiet night in silence, boats, waves, wind and moon..-- politics.. well oh well.. CI
Grape, I thought you were going to limit comments to one paragraph. These people just ramble on about nothing and really don't even know what they are talking about. How about sticking to that rule! Don't these people know the more they ramble, the less people are to read their comments?
Regalado did not give us a sweeping "blueprint". He didnt tell us who he was gonna fire.
Although thinking that I am involved in my community I would like to make a comment about Regalado.
Regalado is simply talking about a shift from the current administration. New manager, new police chief, cutting some of the consultants, his whole back to the basics plan.
But what I really wanted to hit it home is that I am all over Miami and I have recently been asking around what people thought about Regalado.
They love em, everyone mentioned how he stopped this, or voted in favor for something or was vocal about someone who did something wrong. Not only in his district, but in allapattah and in little haiti, in Morningside. These are really the only places I asked.
So I formulate my argument by Regalado might not have "a blueprint" although I do know by Regalado's past experience that whatever Regalado says he will do. He will do.
His past speaks volumes. I am sorry that you don't see that.
The Mayor's race has only two contenders. Joe Sanchez votes for what Manny Diaz wants and Tomas Regaldo has shown independence.
The City of Miami, like many muncipalities, is facing massive deficits. Tomas Regaldo speaks the truth when he states the next few years demand better management than what Manny Diaz and Joe Sanchez have offered. The truth is that taxpayers are upset and they cannot take being abused any longer. The next Mayor and the next set of managers must stick to basics and not act like money grows on trees.
I agree that these rambling paragraphs are contrary to the "RULES OF THE GRAPE".
There are other Miami blogs which ramble and go on and on.
Tina's comments probably took longer to write than the actual meeting lasted!
Talk about a polarizing candidate.
Either love em or hate em
I love the Grove and want to preserve as much as the village apperance possible. Years ago when I spoke to JoeSanchez about the Home Depot and other large building that were trying to destroy the Grove he just "blew me off". Now he says he is interested in preserving the GROVE. What a liar.
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