This is what the Parking Authority is doing to resturants in the Grove: story here.
This is why: story here.
For linking to this one story, just click on the time it was posted & just this story will open for sharing - only through social media. Not copying and pasting.
Well Grape, you've certainly stirred the pot on this issue. Judging by the fact-free vitriol bubbling up in the Comments sections of your posts, that class action lawsuit oughta be coming down the road any day now. Probably another battle to be fought by the Take Back the Grove secessionistas. Really, somebody's gotta stop the MPA from funding aimless spectacles like that King Mango thing.
Grape stirred the pot real good. AMEN.. Look up SUNSHINE LAW and Government in the SUN. And EXTORTION while you're at it. We have paid into this fund for so long now we really see where OUR MONEY goes.
I am horrified by this news.
Sadly, there was hardly any talk, if at all, about these issues or any Cocoanut Grove real issues tonight at the Sailor's Club. Mr. Regalado gave a long, long speech about Money and Miami, that's for sure. No chance to ask many questions, at all. The cheese and crackers were mediocre, good fresh strawberries though. CI
Thanks for the attached annual reports to first post. Management and Administrative fees went up from $800K in 2006 to $3,134K in 2008? While income in the rest of the USA has disappeared. The sweetest government sweetheart deals, this is what Joe Kennedy had in mind many decades ago and now the Republicans running Miami have mastered the art.
CI, that is a really cheesy comment. First of all it is called the Sailing Club,and if you go to these events for the food find a new pastime. If you want better food, stop by Fresh Market and contribute something. This money comes from homeowners groups and many people bring their own baked goods, all you bring is complaints.
Anon @10:48. I know very well the Sailing Club, thanks been there a dozen times. The food comment was meant as a joke. The meeting to me was cheesy, politics as usual, and vurtually no Coconut Grove issues were discussed. Were YOU there instead of just talking here? About the Fresh Market, I walk across the street to it almost every day and do all my shopping there, spending literally thousands every year since it ever opened. I know the cashiers, food servers and bags people by their first names, so what's your point? CI
I was there, I agree it was a long, long speech. Although it was very relative to the Grove. He talked about what has happened in his district and in other districts and the similar things that they tried to pull in the grove (mercy towers for one) During questions no one asked about the MPA.
Although he mentioned how it does not work and needs to be fixed .
He talked about voter history and what his has been, again extremely relative to the Grove.
He also talked about how the past few years in the city the only thing that residents can do is open a law suit against the city!!
I think I see how relative to the grove this is right now when I am thinking of suing the city.
the thing is these restaurants would have to pay way more than $90 per space per month if they were renting real parking space.
the problem is where the money goes. more oversight is needed of the parking authority, no doubt.
the money should go for the public good.
yeah, like a free garage.
you miss the point It's the smoke and mirror way that Dave Collins manipulated us into the BID I'm real sore about not having a vote.
I think the BID is a great idea. The Miami Parking authority.....not so much.
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