Could we be getting a pier at Dinner Key?

There are a few projects around the City that the money would be used for, a few are in the Grove. Officials would like to fix up the shoreline at Kennedy Park and fix the dock there. Also, ironically, they would like to put in a public pier and bay walk at Dinner Key.
A friend commented to me recently, saying we needed a pier. I said to her, that that won't happen. That there is no way the City wants people congregating in areas like that. But I hopefully, am wrong.
If you travel to the west coast of Florida, you'll find that each town has a pier. In the case of the west coast, they see the sunset over the Gulf so perhaps that is the main reason Naples, Ft. Meyers, Siesta Key, Punta Gorda, Sarasota, Bradenton (shown above), and so on, have piers. Also, people hang out, fish and just enjoy it.
Let's hope we get one. It would add a lot to the waterfront and the Grove.
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The pier design is part of the Sasaki waterfront Masterplan, it would be on the north side of the Marina near the much discussed Grove Harbor. The idae was that the Shrimp boats etc, go on that side so t it is a working pier (yet picturesque enough, to give it the "Fisherman's Wharfishness" that makes it palatable to landlubbers). That way all the sailing activities would be on the south side of the Marina.
you can see the pier in the renderings by Sasaki. It would be one of the "later" phases of the project.
A Pier would be awesome, all wood, old fashioned lamps, as long as possible into the bay. I often go to Scotty's just to walk a few feet into the water with their little pier and enjoy the view and the wind into the water.
It's sad of course that we sold our Waterfront already to money interests in this crucial stretch between Peacock Park and Kennedy Park. Just Imagine a walkboard like they have in many waterfront places, South Beach, Lauderdale, and parks right by the Water here. If there had been ANY planning years ago, they would have built the huge Boat Hangars and other buildings farther from the water or elsewhere, further up north, etc in South Bayshore, not right in the Middle of our village. Lamentable planning.
And Kennedy Park, great, clear it up for water views as much as possible, what happen to that invasive species project? I've e-mailed the City about that.. Would be GREAT to see more water there too!
Onother great thing is they been cleaning up the little Islands in front of us, the are looking nice.. could be Ticky Bars, Hamack on Palm trees with little boats carrying tourists and residents there for some simple fishing, a few telescopes at night, fish soup, sand, music, Kayaks,, just imagine the possibilities..
Carlos Iglesia
I have access to the waterfront everyday. It is possible to walk from Myer's Park to Monty's. I like the pier idea, but there is beautiful waterfront in Coconut Grove to enjoy today, long enough for a walk or a run. I'll never understand why runners use Bayshore instead of the waterfront.
I run along the waterfront and up and down all the piers. Its peaceful and quiet with beautiful scenery and zero worries about auto traffic. Quite lengthy too.
"No Trespassing" signs, stray dogs along the shrimp boat path, boat lift traffic, and gates/security guards that make some areas seem like private property are probably deterrents for all but the more gung-ho runners. I was actually expecting to be stopped by security one of these days... I agree that a public pier would be a nice addition.
"I run along the waterfront and up and down all the piers. Its peaceful and quiet with beautiful scenery and zero worries about auto traffic. Quite lengthy too."
I must have seen you then. Been running here for years now. But I disagree. What peers? From Peacock Park to Alice Wainwright Park.. ?
- You have the Amy Billick Meditation Garden, (Peacock Park) nice little place where they sometimes do the Shakespeare Theater.. LITTLE, but very nice walkbord there.
- Then, running North, trying to stay as close to the water as possible, you start sorting hurdles: the Sailors Club is cool, (you already lost sight of the water though, right?) then Kenneth Myers park is also great with the Seminole Ramp an then Dinner Key, around City Hall outside, that's all nice and cool. Been running it for ages now. (Although MOST PEOPLE do not even know that's there that you can SEE the Water there, blocked by Buildings fro Bayshore Drive)//
Then comes the tricky part. You have to jump over Huge Forkliftgs and oil on the ground to get to Scotty's place, then it's cool again for a few yards, until you hit the Infamous Grove harbour marina, better pay attention there,, then it's a relatively nice path, past Shake-a-leg until monty's, then another Mine-Fiel inS.Baythore Drive until Kennedy Park (I've severely twisted both ankles twice there running) then Kennedy park is great, then good luck until the Toll Plaza up North.
Once you're in Key Biscayne, you're sake, Run, Bike, walk, whatever. I often just drop the car there, in front of Alice Wainwright park, and start running again.
Sarnoff and other "representatives" of ours aren't a huge running or biking fans, are they?
Cl - When I say "piers" I mean the places where the boats tie up. I run the paved path then up and down the "piers". Thats what I believe they are anyways. Youre right, the part between City Hall and Scotty's does get tricky but you can either run on the grass for a few seconds or run into the City Hall parking lot and make a right into the boatyard and back to the paved boardwalk. Another tricky part is down by Fresh Market. Thats usually where I cut into the parking lot and make my way back on Bayshore towards Center Grove. The hill on the way up 27th or Mary is a nice little incline. My run is usually around 3 miles. Ive been slacking though lately and have been using the 1 mile square in my neighborhood instead because Ive either been lazy or short on time.
Look, the city and streets were designed long ago without biking and running in mind. It sucks but you just gotta deal with it. Im not a Sarnoff fan but its unreasonable to think that our streets can just be transformed at the snap of a finger. In a perfect world, there would be plenty of room for both running/biking and auto traffic. Miami is far from a perfect world though...
Blind mind, someone has to do something to change things, sometime. If you like Waterviews, running, biking and the Grove, A LOT of significant CHANGE is very possible. It's even CHEAP.
Miami is THE third worst city in the entire nation for Bikers, and the Grove a mess there too. Manny Diaz and others know about those official city reports. Our neighbors, Key Biscayne or Weston and many, many other cities nationwide, not to mention Worldwide, have addressed the issue. Runners, Bikers, Walkers, skaters, tourists, residents, visitors sure appretiate places where they can get rid of their cars for a while. The Grove shouldn't be US1, especially Main Hwy, Douglas, South Bayshore..
It's just a lamentable mismanagement by a City which has absolutely no clue about the Grove.
This would be a great thing for the Grove. I've had friends in town who are shocked by the lack of public water access(even for just hanging out and looking at the bay) in the grove. A four foot wide wooden path that goes 50 feet between the sections of kennedy park is kind of embarrasingly inadequate.
Amen to that!
I know some of you think I'm a sour puss, but septid tanks still flow into the Grove water fronts; French drains are real, the boats in the anchorage must be dispatched elsewhere, no massarators, crap in the water type of thing-----try cleaning your boat bottom without some bug crawing into your ear(s),----but the Grouper's and snappers are returning, the U.S. and Florida are working hard to clean up the entire coastline of the United States of America and Biscayne Bay is slowing coming to life, but a pier here, now and today when dollars are needed elsewhere. Perhaps in several years, but not now!
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