Comm. Marc Sarnoff explains his Marlins Stadium votes

Commissioner Marc Sarnoff sent out a letter last night explaining why and how he voted on the Marlins Stadium issue yesterday. There were three votes and he goes into each one on why he voted the way he did.
You can read the letter here. It's a PDF file. If you need to download Adobe Reader, you may do it here for free.
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I think he is full of bs, and I think this was planned that he and someone else voted against it to make it look like hd did not want it, but in reality he does.
You believe that? You believe Sarnoff said, "Hey you guys, how about you three make yourselves look like crooks and scammers and like you are on the take and you make me look like the hero? And Joe, I know you are running for mayor, but would you please jeopardize that for me by voting for the stadium, so that I look good? And let Tomas, who is running against you look like the good guy, too. Oh, and Michelle, they say you are on the take and want bribes, how about you vote for the stadium, too. So that I could look good? Thanks, babe!"
Did the city take open bids from different contractors, or was Hunt-Moss the only contractor even considered? I've never really heard anything on that point. If anyone out there knows, please share with the class. Tom, thanks again for keeping us in the loop.
His rationalizations are interesting, if not telling, but I feel like the explanation of the third vote was lacking. I guess I simply don't understand the County Development task and may have to do some independent research.
I'd really like to hear some explanations from the 3 sellouts.
I run into Joe Sanchez at many events and we pal around, but I am going to sit him down and ask him where his mind is on all these stupid votes.
oh, and in response to Grape's comment: didn't you predict the outcome of this vote and who would vote on each side? I know many others did. Once a person in that position realizes it will pass even without his vote, he's free to play the game with voters. I'm not sure that's what happened here, but I don't doubt it either. Now he's got a way to bash Sanchez in the mayoral race - "we're in a recession and blowing money on the bad Marlin's deal, while I'm looking out for the little guy."
While we all know by his own words, that Marc Sarnoff only represents the wealthy residents of his district.
yep, I surely do believe he is a fraud Grape and he voted that way only to appear to be something he's not. Thanks "that guy" I completely agree...
Sarnoff was for the stadium before put on a show to act like he was against it. Here is what he had to say a year ago when he voted for it:
“And I want to say that I was decidedly
pretty much against this whole scenario until I looked at the agreement, and I read the
agreement, I thought, as carefully as I read an agreement as a lawyer. And my hat's off to the
Mayor, my hat's off to the City Manager and to the City attorneys who negotiated this. I didn't
expect to read an agreement, from the City's perspective, that I think makes financial sense.”
“Whether you worked a day on this or you worked a
thousand days on this, the result is what counts, and you have a fine agreement from a financial
perspective for each and every one of the citizens of the City of Miami, whether they're rich or
whether they're poor. So I'm impressed with this agreement. Thank you”
He could have killed the stadium last month with a simple no vote and an adjournment of the meeting. Instead, he kept it alive with 3 inane tweaks of provisions that were already in the agreement.
The deal is insane. The County and City's "partner" refused to open its books and it refuses to put up any money. The County is loaning the Marlins the rent and the Marlins will attempt to get a loan in two years to cover its share of the construction costs. What happens when the Marlins cannot get a loan? Right, the taxpayers get screwed again.
Plenty of blame to go around. County and City administrators have no business trying to go head to head with New York City slicksters. A textbook no-money-down deal which puts all the risk and no reward on the backs of the taxpayers. Of course, the County and City admininistrators do not care, most live in Broward County, the rest must be renters.
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