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Thursday, October 02, 2008

"Your Grove" meets tonight at Flavour

There is a "Your Grove" meeting tonight at Flavour night club (2895 McFarlane Road) at 6 pm.

That's the group trying to "take back the Grove." Their website is here:

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Blogger Sledge said...

Thanks Grapevine. Everyone is invited!

October 02, 2008 11:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a question for Carlos...would the vote to take back the Grove be County wide or Grove Residents only ?

October 02, 2008 3:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please get the word out that the City of Miami commission paid 1.5 million of our taxpayer dollars to consultants to devise the Sasaki/Grove waterfront masterplan only to trash it 6 weeks later by building the 3 story office building/banquet hall right on the water at grove harbor. someone needs to get copies of the city checks paid out and blow them up at kinkos and take them to the commission on oct 23

October 02, 2008 4:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee anonymous, 4:18 pm how about you?

I love it when people always weigh in with "somebody needs to do this," or "somebody needs to do that," Obviously, you have a little time on you hands if you're sitting around on your ass at 4:18 pm reading the blog and giving wrong opinions while the rest of the plebes are at work.

For the record, Sasaki got a little over $600M to do the plan, and no, the City did not trash the plan by approving some banquet hall. Inappropriate as it it is, the building was actually offices, bathrooms and lockers, and (this is the inappropriate part) rental offices-- all much to close to the water, but it was never a banquet hall.

While you are killing time around 4:15 pm or so, check out reruns of the commission hearing on Channel 77, or wait 'til next month since, for some silly reason know only to themselves, they shelved the whole thing after discussing it to death.

If you are going to complain about something, get it right.

With this much erroneous information, you make the 3 people that are "trying to take the Grove back" look like the Three Stooges. What are you you going to do next, argue about whether to change the name of the Grove into Land O' Larry, Moe or Curly?

Oh, and word to anon 3:42 - that would be City. Not Grove or County. City. Which is why trying to pull this off is like, well, and episode of the Three Stooges.

Yawn.--Margot Channing

October 02, 2008 11:48 PM  
Blogger Sledge said...

"I have a question for Carlos...would the vote to take back the Grove be County wide or Grove Residents only ?

October 02, 2008 3:42 PM"

We are carefully studying various legal options, 4 or more, and combinations thereof. Feel free to stop by if you'd like to share your ideas, our meetings from now on will be held every Wednesday, 6pm at the Bookstore.

October 03, 2008 9:54 AM  
Blogger Sledge said...

Please get the word out that the City of Miami commission paid 1.5 million of our taxpayer dollars to consultants to devise the Sasaki/Grove waterfront masterplan only to trash it 6 weeks later by building the 3 story office building/banquet hall right on the water at grove harbor. someone needs to get copies of the city checks paid out and blow them up at kinkos and take them to the commission on oct 23"

We know, we know, can YOU help and do this at Kinkos? And please show up at City Hall on October 23, if you do care (please read our comments on that at www.yougrove.org, and also here, on a several previous blogs regarding that matter. I happen to live right accross the street from that infamous WaterFront project..

October 03, 2008 9:58 AM  
Blogger Sledge said...

"With this much erroneous information, you make the 3 people that are "trying to take the Grove back" look like the Three Stooges."

Right and wrong, there Margot. More people should indeed get involved, and many people just talk and don't do anything.. At this point we are just taking care of the preliminary homework, in depth, meeting with every group,Attorneys, Activists, residents, getting ready.. Studying history and legal venues, making HUGE progress every week, getting the correct DATA. And there are way more people into this than you seem to suggest, jokingly or otherwise.

October 03, 2008 10:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carlos....if your legal research finds that we have a chance to make the vote Grovites only.....publish it forthwith....I,ll be down to lend a hand. Otherwise I think your noble efforts are an exercise in futility my friend.

October 03, 2008 12:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck finding documentation to support Commissioner Sarnoff's statement that the waterfront plan cost $1.5M. Unless he's counting the market value of time given by residents, in which case it's worth much more. His numbers are either wrong or calculated in a really bizarre way. Sasaki was paid approximately $625,000, including all expenses and what they paid to other consultants who were part of their team. Grove Harbour's proposed building is not a banquet hall, it contains a dockmaster office, locker rooms, administrative offices, and some office space for boat brokers.

October 03, 2008 12:22 PM  
Blogger Tom Falco said...

The law is that the City of Miami votes. Not the county, not the state, not only the Grove. The City of Miami.

October 03, 2008 12:23 PM  
Blogger Sledge said...

October 03, 2008 12:22 PM.

Sir, or Madam, where's the positive contribution from Your Self? Or do you just expect reap the rewards from other people's efforts, ultimately enjoying the benefits of what we are trying to do for everyone? So be it. We're cool with that.

October 03, 2008 12:42 PM  
Blogger Sledge said...

"The law is that the City of Miami votes. Not the county, not the state, not only the Grove. The City of Miami."

Certain "Laws" or "Chapters" are just sitting ducks begging for modification. Laws can be REVISED, when and if it makes sense, if it favors the people who dare to speak for themselves, at various levels, including the Federal level. Been done before, will be done again.

It's not like we're going for the 28th amendment of the US Constitution or The Bill of Rights here, nay-sayers, just a better life for Everyone visiting, living or Working around the Grove and Miami. This will effectively happen in due time.

October 03, 2008 12:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is the office space for yacht brokers that should not be there. All you need is a bigger dock master office and some public bathrooms and showers. Anyway you look at it it does not add up to 21,000 sq. ft. That is even bigger than Jorge Perez's house.

October 03, 2008 5:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there going to be a PAC or some other legal entity formed to lobby for the City of Coconut Grove? This way money could be contributed easier.

October 03, 2008 8:24 PM  
Blogger Sledge said...

Yes, anon. at 8:24pm. Actually we'll soon be a 527 non-profit org.

October 03, 2008 9:28 PM  
Blogger Marie-Line Germain said...

As Carlos pointed out, please note that for the month of OCTOBER and the first week of November (at least), the YOUR GROVE meetings will be held at the BOOKSTORE and on WEDNESDAYS at 6pm. We believe it is a better location. See you all there!
Marie-Line Germain, Ph.D.
Your Grove Committee

October 04, 2008 4:42 PM  

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