How about them traffic circles?

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Grand & McDonald
Mary, tigertail and oak
Aviation & Tigertail?
Tigertail and Aviation,
Tigertail and 22nd,
Tigertail and 17th.
We need to build five in front of the City Hall and fifteen in front of the mayor's house. That should straighten them all up.
Actually, I would like to see "more" traffic circles - everywhere - they cut down on useless traffic lights which use up way too much fuel and time for everyone. The traffic circles keep us all MOVING.
Why is it that the complainers complain even when things get improved?
There are already 3 calming devices at City Hall and they are Commissioners Gonzalez, Sanchez and Spence-Jones - they calm the Mayor by voting the way he tells them!
I'm not sure a traffic circle on Shipping and Virginia is a good idea. I feel a full stop by the dog and toddler park would be safer for pedestrians and animals.
But we could use a traffic circle on 22 Ave and Tigertail. Or just a lot of stop signs on Tigertail would be more effective and cheaper than a 130,000 dollar traffic circle. Think someone's cousin is getting paid to do them?
i like the Tigertail and 22nd idea. That 4-way stop is ridiculous as is the light on Aviation and Tigertail. I dont think there is enough room for a large enough one on Aviation/Tigertail, but there is plenty on 22nd/Tigertail and that would be ideal.
Carrolton School and Main Highway
I live on Virginia St. and i think that rotary is stupid. I was fine with the 4-way stop. Plus, it gave me a second to look at the dogs (and babes). I think the circle is a waste of money. Those tax dollars should have went to something that is far more important that we could all benefit from in Coconut Grove. And that's a Miami bush hamster sanctuary. We need a safe haven for these cute little critters. We could charge admission to come see them, pet them, and feed them their favorite treats, twizzlers with peanut butter. The numbers of Miami bush hamsters are declining fast and something needs to be done soon...
Park Avenue in South Grove (to stop people who make a right turn on Park Ave from Douglas going South, speeding, and violating the no-rigth-turn (unsupervised) sign.
Traffic Circles? Why?
No public process, No advance notification to the neighbors. We critize other Commissioners but in Comm. Joe Sanchez District they had a public process for community input, everything from design to plants. Where was our Commissioner in this process, oh I forgot the traffic Circles are infront of his house. How convenient.
I agree, Commissioner Marc Sarnoff may make a lot of noise, but I guess he is the same as the rest.
A traffic circle in front of his house.
We need to continue to send a message on Nov 6th.
Sarnoff is the wrong guy for the job. Too many negative qualities. The more I get to know about this guy the less leadership I see.
What does anyone know about the other candidates for district two?
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