Hit and run this morning

As I came out of store, I saw an old man lying on the floor, his cane next to him, it almost looked fake. I asked what happened and someone said it was a hit and run and they pointed to an SUV leaving the lot onto 27th Ave.
I chased after the driver as the rest of the people there comforted the old man and called 911. As I tried to remember the license of the get away car, by luck, he turned into Crook and Crook across the street. (Right under the "people whining" billboard).
I went up to the driver and told him he hit someone, he obviously didn't know, his name was Bill, he started freaking out and ran across 27th Ave. with me, back to the Shell station, repeating over and over, "Oh my God, Oh my God!"
When we got back, about 20 or 25 people were surrounding the old man, trying to comfort him, many on their cell phones calling for help.
I didn't stick around, the site of the old man and the blood around his face sickened me. But as I did leave, I could see the ambulances arriving within minutes of the calls and I could see that people were genuinely concerned about the old man.
I am sure the old man will be ok. The paramedics didn't waste any time arriving and the people comforting him surely made him feel better in a terrible situation.
For linking to this one story, just click on the time it was posted & just this story will open for sharing - only through social media. Not copying and pasting.
How can your possibly "not know" your car hit someone with sufficient force to knock them to the pavement? Maybe if you’re wearing earphones and listening to screaming rock music you won’t HEAR the thump. But you’d certainly FEEL the impact! Unless you’re driving one of those combat-ready Hummers straight out of Iraq!
I’m guessing neither was the case.
I applaud your efforts to stop the driver. Did he really seem sincere when he realized he had hit someone? Did he really not know? Also, not for nothing, but was a picture of the old man lying on the ground really necessary? Did anyone ask why you chose to do that? I understand youre reporting news, but I dont know if Id like that if I were the old man...
The guy didn't know he hit the man, I think he may have hit the cane and that made the old man topple over.
I didn't show the old man's or anyone else's face in the photo. I had my cell phone and I thought it would be a good thing to take the photo at the time. I like to run photos with all my posts if at all possible.
I love tales of good samaritans in this town...especially hearing that 20+ people stopped to help.
I thought the photo was effective. Showed people in the action of compassion without gore.
Thanks Coconut Grove Grapevine for an excellent job of:
Photo journalism
Being a good samaritan
Providing meaningful community info.
Your efforts and contributions are much appreciated by all of us Grovites.
Keep up the good work.
Thanks for helping the victim and for going after the driver - you are to be commended for taking the time to help - many would not have done that.
Good going - glad you caught the driver and that for once someone involved in a hit and run didn't ultimately run.
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