Changes are in the air

I feel that the residents of the Grove and the City of Miami are not going to take it anymore and the City of Miami is going to regret this. I think these two underhanded projects are the impetus for change. Real change. I feel it, I smell it (wait, that is the filthy developers and paid off politicians I smell), no I feel it in the wind.
Changes are coming. Watch out. Johnny Winton was the beginning.
I also see bad karma and bad luck for the three City Commissioners who spit all over the Grove residents. I honestly see bad things happening to them and their districts. I feel that the County Commission is going to start crumbling now, too. There is just too much corruption. Carrie Meek has shocked me in her underhanded deal, if you can't trust Carrie Meek, things are really rotten.
Every day, more and more City and County scandals are unveiled -- all involving developers, politicians, zoning and the almighty dollar.
Karma is a bitch. Things are starting to hit the fan . . . . watch out.
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I walked through the home depot last week and I couldnt help smiling. There were less people in there then my little home town in colorado. All that fighting to get their store in and I have yet to see that parking lot full
karma baby karma
PS if your thinking about going there for anything other then the basics you might as well check out shell or go to their shop on 8th. they have very limited stock.
Most of the cars in the lot are the employees' cars.
I think you all will get a kick out of an email I sent to the US deparment of Justice this morning following reading another day of scandel in the paper
I am sending this email knowing it will probably be shuffled into some back office email account where it will lie in cyber infinity, but it is really the only option I see left. I am a current student and research assistant living in Miami Florida. Miami is in crisis. I cannot tell you the number of times I have heard people crying out for someone to call in the federal government. Most major cities are home to numerous types of corruption. However NOTHING can even compare to the deep seeded broad based scum driven activity taking place every day in this town and county. Honestly we as citizens do not know what to do. Our housing, zoning, transportations etc etc etc are so deeply rooted with corruption it is hard to fathom, Often the people engaged in this activity are often working right out in the open. EVERY DAY the Miami Herald is uncovering some new incident which leaves officials scrambling to deny, deflect, and distract us. We can’t take it anymore. And what is worse, the only real effective investigation IS THE NEWSPAPER FOR GODS SAKE. Where is the district attorney, state attorney, ANYONE??? The amount of investigation is minuscule compared to the problem.
So what’s left for us? Really we need someone outside the "you scratch my back ill scratch yours" to come in and look around. We are begging, please, do something. I feel like Princess Laya in star wars saying “you’re our only hope”, but YOU ARE. Either you fix this or it doesn’t get fixed. We try our part. Many voted in Commissioner Johnny Winton in as the voice for change. A few years later he is deep in scandal and now was removed from office for assaulting an officer at the airport.
Just to let you in on the activities of our city here are a few stories from the Heralds website TODAY. I must warn you not to eat too much before reading them because they can and will make you SICK!!!!! I also included a few of the comments from citizens for your enjoyment.
Housing chief being forced out
Miami housing chief Barbara Gomez, under fire for questionable deals involving millions in anti-poverty funds, is leaving her post and may get a hefty pension.
*This nonsense has gotten embarrassingly out of control. The only resolution at this point is to bring in the federal government. These officials...all of them...need to leave. Miami has become completely detached from the rest of this nation and are completely oblivious of how the rest of us view your corrupt leadership
*No Justice, On top of all this in Miami some people get cake and can eat it too! And the powers that be, worry about how to serve up an after treat, for services rended for the good servant. What about me??? I need a place to live
Miami-Dade kills biotech park deal
Dade officials ended a biotech project that was supposed to provide thousands of jobs in Liberty City after The Miami Herald exposed widespread problems
*Welcome to Miami-Dade County. Leading the nation in government of the crooks, by the crooks and for the crooks.
*In a city as corrupt as Miami has always been when was the last time you heard of an undercover investigation by the Miami police, Metro-Dade, FDLE, FBI or the State Attorney's office on Corruption? NEVER! Can you believe that the Herald can investigate something and come up with serious substance but not Timoney, Robert Parker and Fernandez Rundle? How about Mayor Alvarez who has a police background and promised he was going to clean it up. For years we the citizens have known that MIA has been the cash cow for every administration from Steve Clark to Penelas yet these law enforcement turkeys sit idly by. Shame on them! We need a corruption Czar to be appointed by a Federal Grand Jury or something. No tienen verguenza estos descarados! Doesn't anyone have any integrity and fortitude to take out this cancer? HELP!
*Please! Bring on the Feds! Somebody needs to take over and stop this! They (The Feds) cann't be any worst than what we've got in office, the people responsible for looking out for the taxpayers are in the bed with the thieves, nobody Knows or sees anything. While the rich get richer and the poor continue to be raped over and over. Does anybody care????
Secret firm operated in plain view
*Who believes it was the Asst. City Manager who caught the problem and it was not initiated by an anonymous letter? The fact is that no one did anything until letters were received. Not only is the city corrupt, it will falsely take credit for actions to clean it up. Disgusting
I think a large number of us Miami citizens need to start lobbying federal govt to investigate and clean this place up.
Let's see, who's our Attorney General? It's Alberto"I don't recall" Gonzalez. I'm sure he's standing by ready to help.
Karma can be fixed. It requires recognizing you've done wrong and start correcting it. Our egregious bunch of corrupt commissiones should start NOW
Things are looking up. Miami 21 did not pass. Lead by leaders Commissioners Sarnoff and Regalado Miami 21 was deferred for 90 days. It was Manny Diaz's baby and he was desperate to get it passed warts, STD's and all. No way, Jose. Too many problems to con even Joe Sanchez.
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