27th Avenue renovation plans stink

Not fair. When are we going to start thinking of people and quality of life? Every time the City or County has some project in mind it ends up being a major issue. Can't some trees be added to 27th Avenue -- lots of trees -- and maybe clean up some sidewalks and plant some flowers? Isn't this good enough? Is it necessary to destroy businesses?
The same goes for the waterfront plan. Does the whole area need to be demolished? Can't the convention center be knocked down -- green space added and that be it?
I often feel that these projects are all about money. Rather than save tax payers money, it is the opposite -- large sums are thrown at businesses who are all on the take and have some connection to the City or County. Small projects don't put money in people's pockets, large massive projects do, so rather than plant something here or there, it is a huge construction project that takes years, takes lots of money and serves no one except those involved in the project. Enough! Try fixing a sidewalk or two, that is what is needed. Plant a tree.

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Is this a renovation of 27th Avenue or a redevelopment? The use of eminent domain sounds like redevelopment to me. I'm figuring that you are assuming, and rightly so considering the City's track record, that this will become a development issue.
I don't understand why the county would need to use eminent domain to take over the swale. The swale is, by definition, a public right of way. That area between EZ Kwik and Slice n Ice is one of the most dangerous in the Grove, and something ought to be done to improve it. People use the EZ Kwik parking area as a right turn lane all the time.
As usual, I don't see any specific plans that are being referenced, here. For all we know, the county plans on doing something similar to what was done on Grand Ave., which wasn't at all bad.
i don't understand the objections here. That thoroughfare looks like a rat trap. The major impression is overhead powerline (i think on both sides of the street), abundant ashpalt and little to no landscaping. I'm guessing that the city is simply claiming it's zoned street right-of-way. i welcome a 'greener' entry to the Grove. although not necessarily beneficial to a pizza joint and a conveniece sotre, this project is most assuredly in the community's best interest.
Grapevine is mostly right. In Miami, all government projects automatically are massive and all-encompassing.
No improvement can be made without the requisite $80,000 "study" followed by two years of interrupted traffic and construction mess.
In most cases I think that the projects are pushed by special interests. But not this one. This project is needed for all. It is so sad to see a mother with stroller, or a group of tourists walking through the gravel and dust making their way from the Metrorail to the village.
The fact that government bureaucracy is slow and expensive should be addressed as a separate issue to whether 27th street needs an upgrade.
I don't know why my comments keep disappearing off this site? Are they being erased?
Yes! Yes! More trees are needed along that stretch.
Actually the plans look pretty good.. Sidewalks, on-street parking, bike lanes, and of course, trees. It actually sounds great, and it sure beats the eyesore of present. More information here.
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