There's a new petition regarding FPL's expansion plans which include 10 story tall power lines along US1.
The power lines are believed to be dangerous and also many feel they will not only be ugly, but they will hurt property values. In recent studies, mortality from Alzheimer’s disease doubled in people residing within 165 feet of similar transmission lines and childhood leukemia is twice as common within 600 feet of a transmission line. Properties within sight of a transmission lines lose 10% off their real estate value, with similar consequences for the local economy and tax base. UM economist, Dr. Richard Weisskoff, characterized FPL’s proposed transmission lines as, “…both the assassin and graveyard of economic activity and growth."
More info and petition are here:
After Fukushima, a glut of green energy in Japan
Blame the National Parks Conservation Association, which successfully pressured FPL into choosing this route over a western route that would have gone through the edge of the Everglades.