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Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Coconut Grove BID renewed for another 10 years

"I am pleased to report that we have secured the votes necessary to re-establish the Coconut Grove BID for another 10 years," said BID Director Nicole Singletary.

The BID will serve as a responsible steward for our neighborhood, according to them, by providing programs and services that support business growth while advocating for smart, sustainable policies over the long term.

All necessary legal steps were taken in connection with the conduct of the affidavit process to re-establish the Coconut Grove BID. Business property owners who pay into the BID voted through notarized affidavits. They pay a special assessment to the BID, taxing themselves. 229 properties in the Center Grove are affected, 165 affidavits were filed by the deadline - Monday, October 15 at 5 pm, of those 165, 140 were determined to be filed properly.

25 of the 165 filed affidavits received before the deadline were determined to be improperly executed and therefore deemed invalid. 23  originally deemed invalid were corrected by the property owner. As a result, only two affidavits were deemed invalid after the deadline.

87 property owners did not vote, and therefore considered to be "no" votes.

In the end, 61% of the property owners approved the BID renewal and therefore the majority won.

"It has been a pleasure serving Coconut Grove over the past year, and I look forward to working with you to build upon the BID’s past successes while improving this neighborhood that we love," said Nicole.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been a property owner in Center Grove since 1989, and I've never received an affidavit from BID or the City of Miami regarding my approval of BID. I talked to 6 neighbors in Center Grove today and neither have they. Since when is Center Grove, Coconut Grove, 33133? I read recently that the bid (I think) raised $11,000,000, 2017.
$11,000,000 divided by 229 = $4,803.49, and my tax bill this year will be about $5,000.00. But, more importantly, if you read what the Grove BID claims to do for us, are you serious? get real, reality real. Dangerous sidewalks for over a year, no tourist, over developments, traffic congestion, speeding on our back streets, parking halfway or 100% on our streets overnight, rent so high the old Grove left for greener pastures. Why is Nicole Singletary "Pleased"? Nicole, do you live in Center Grove or even in the Grove? Elmer Suggins

October 24, 2018 12:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elmer...the people that fund the BID and pay a special taxation are THE BUSINESS OWNERS of the Grove .. not the residents. Also, the BID has nothing to do with development in the Grove, residential parking, rents, etc. etc.

What the Grove does fund are the sidewalk renovations, the Freebee, the movies in the park, the block parties, the FAM nights, etc.

Your comments are typical of the vocal but uneducated members of the Grove.

Sara B.

October 24, 2018 4:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sara B, So who pays the businesses in order to pay the BID fees and parking improvement fund and by the way when on earth is the Playhouse reopening and where are the parking funds being spent?

October 24, 2018 7:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Freebee is paid for by advertisers, not the Grove BID. You think Arbor is getting that pub for free? What Elmer I believe is asking for is more transparency with the BID and local govt as a whole. I know business owners who have been paying that tax for years with zero help from the BID - unless you think those VIP valet spots are a reasonable solution. improved sidewalks, more canopy cover, which is why ppl live here in the first place, and for gods sake improve the waterfront to make it the forefront of the grove, like it should be.
Chris W

October 30, 2018 1:33 PM  

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