The candidates and their connections
But I think this could hurt a business. I know in a couple of instances I have a negative connotation of businesses that hosted candidates that I am not in favor of. And I have positive thoughts about places that allow candidates that I like to have an event. They are linked whether the business knows it or not. I guess the candidates need a place to meet the public and it's a necessarily evil, but I just find that I cannot separate the business that allow a candidate to have an event at their place of business, whether it's positive or negative and I know that is stupid of me.
I bring up this up because a couple of business owners in the Grove have told me that they are not voting for the candidate that has held an event at their business, they just didn't know how to turn down the candidate's request to hold the event there. Awkward situation.
For linking to this one story, just click on the time it was posted & just this story will open for sharing - only through social media. Not copying and pasting.
Can we talk about the visual pollution of the signage around the Grove? How can anyone that insists on multiple signs on one lot talk seriously about opposing LED signage east of I-95. Take a ride around the south Grove and see what's going on. It's ridiculous and we are a month and a half away from the election. And the two biggest offenders have very similar signs. I understand how you feel. I had to laugh to see the dry cleaner with 4 different signs in his window!!
Hitler, Stalin, Castro, Chavez and Idi Amin, to name just a few despots, trampled human rights; no talking, no public meetings, riot & secret police ready to uncoil upon a public wanting freedom causing you "to laugh to see the dry cleaner with 4 different signs in his window!" What would like to do, crack his skull, break his windows, shot his dog or burn his home & business? What's funny about 4 signs? Better yet down with people who think like you do. Up with freedoms and the American flag.
Dear 8:41,
Okay Trump. We get the idea.
The very concept of America, the grass roots personification of our great nation and of our state, our county, the City of Miami and more importantly our beloved Coconut Grove are common folk like Donald Trump, M. Sarnoff and even the guy who owns our local cleaner where 3 signs represent our diversity - - - - where else and what country could one experience such freedom, I ask again, where else? Plus, Coconut Grove and Miami were brought alive by immigrants and fellow Americans GOD BLESS AMERICA, I say. Elmer P. Suggins
They should hold their next meeting on neutral territory: Our new Regatta Concrete Bench Park!
Question for all candidates:
“What qualifies you for seeking the confidence of our community to elect you to serve as our representative? What precisely have you contributed in the past 5-10 years in an effort to preserve and protect our quality of life?”
Anon 5:30, each candidate has provided answers to all these questions. Take a minute or two, search out their names individually and you'll read what each has to say and then you can assess each one because they are all saying good things about themselves. In my opinion the most qualified candidate would be Teresa because she most definitely will have her husband qualified support and personal direction. The Grove has benefited from Mr. Sarnoff and we'll all be financially better off once all of his efforts settle in. E. Suggins.
I enjoy the comments from "Elmer Suggins"
I miss seeing him on TV
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