People get what they deserve
I read Al Crespo's take on the whole thing today, calling TreeWatch a bunch of whiners, etc. and I have to agree with him to a point, but I think that Al is singling out TreeWatch because that is the big issue on the table in the Grove right now, but I think when it comes to all the idiotic ideas that come and go around here, things might have changed if the election results were different. I know for a fact that those involved with TreeWatch (most anyway), did everything in their power to change things at election time. Liliana Dones and Santiago Villegas are always involved and I know for a fact they they voted. They are the ones issuing appeals and trying to do something before it is too late.
But I wonder how many of the others going to the meeting tonight actually voted? They just found out about the tree issue less than a month ago it seems and this tree issue has been in the news (and on the Grapevine) for over a year or so now. So to try and stop the project now is sort of like closing the barn door after the horses already got out, where were all these concerned citizens a year ago, or on election day for that matter?
But it's true what Al says, and that is that fact that you get what you deserve.
I won't be at tonight's TreeWatch meeting because someone from Sarnoff's office is supposed to explain "their side." I have heard their side 100 times, how about the elected officials start listening to the side of the public and taxpayers who actually pay the bills around here? When do the taxpayers and residents get their say?
I would ask, "When do the voters get their say?" but as we saw in the last election, most of the voters don't vote. So they will NEVER get their say at that rate.
For linking to this one story, just click on the time it was posted & just this story will open for sharing - only through social media. Not copying and pasting.
Actually Grape, Tree Watch supporters got together as planned, even though I did get emails from some that having read on the Grapevine that someone from the Commissioner's office was coming, they thought it was going to turn into some sort of formal debate and like you, were weary of that.
Some others turned around and left when they got there and saw District 2 Chief of staff, the BID Director, the BID Capital Improvements coordinator, The BID Capital Improvements Chair, the Consulting Arborist, The Capital City Improvements Program Director, and a handful of the tree removal project supporters, assuming they were not there to drink and mingle.
Indeed at first if felt like this was right out of the school dance scene in West Side Story.
But you know what? we sat ourselves right down with our clipboard, and greeted people as they walked in. And they flowed in all night-- we were there 'til 10:30.
Lots of earnest, caring people. Many were young. Many were new to the Grove. Many were residents from the street itself that had not gotten any kind of warning until they saw the signs. Most of the people who came to sign the petition did just that, had a drink and left (it was a good night for Peacock Garden too!)
Some had gotten some sort of email, like the lady from Abitare and were wondering about when the debate was going to start. Happy to report that the majority of these people signed the petition as well, except for one lady who said she felt uncomfortable because someone from "the other side" had asked her to come.
In the end we made it close to our goal of signatures and plan to keep going.
Oh, and please pass this on to Al: Everyone I spoke to is a voter.
Some, alas, could not vote as they are not citizens, but as legal residents and in most cases, property owners, and green-card holders and tax payers, they too, have a right to have a say about the neighborhood they love.
And on the subject of those who can't vote, you would be surprised how many high school students support TreeWatch. Apparently its their Grove too.
--L Dones TreeWatch
Maybe what your are hinting at here is that there are communication problems within the community. Maybe this is what needs to be addressed...and all these other problems you are touching about are simply the effects of that?
I was very disappointed that you were not there tonight. There was no speech.
Can't speak for anyone else, but that guy Crespo has valid points. I still enjoy remembering that day I voted for Michelle at the Science Museum, then met Sarnoff and one of his puppets, Nelson, and told them face to face a few of my thoughts. Laughed at them, and took off on the bike. Priceless.
Carlos I.
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