We were the subject of discontent

After reading the quotes, he yelled out my name and the words "Coconut Grove Grapevine," and all heads turned to look at me. It reminded me of that Village Council meeting in November, when Ron Nelson did the same thing, only in a little nicer way.
Nathan went on to berate me, but I didn't hear it all because a reporter from a local tv station started talking to me and asking questions. But that's ok, the only difference is that I usually don't name names when I speak of people that are not politicians or in the public spotlight, if others see themselves in the description, that's their issue. To be honest, I don't think I have ever had Nathan in mind when I wrote a story, except for the day I mentioned him as being one of the emcees of the King Mango Strut, but other than that, I have never had him in mind when writing politics or anything for that matter.
Later on, the Grapevine was brought up again and again by various people. It was described as being rhetoric and "not their thing," yet they all seemed to know every word typed here, especially the comments. Oh yes, they didn't like "This guy" and "That Guy" and all the anonymous comments, yet they seem to come back day after day and read them. Since Thanksgiving, I thought I was being kinder and gentler, I told someone I would be. Guess some don't think so.
In the end, Nathan and I laughed it off in the lobby (Antoinette Baldwin took the photo of us here) and Ron Nelson even joined us, so it's good to know we can disagree and still be friends. That's the best thing about the Grove. These people like me even in spite of things said here. And I like them.
In fact, a few days before the meeting, I ran into Nathan at the store. I was telling him how sick and congested I was and he suggested a remedy. So it was so ironic that a few days later it came to that awkward moment at the Commission meeting without any forewarning. I still have the cold, the remedy didn't work and neither did Nathan's verbal attack.
For linking to this one story, just click on the time it was posted & just this story will open for sharing - only through social media. Not copying and pasting.
What is Nelson's new job with the City?
Len Scinto
Hi Grape (Tom) and readers. This is politics...I am on the VOCG Board with Nathan and am a friend as I am also to you. The VOCG voted 3 vs. 5 am and the majority voted for 3 am. I have never agreed with the 3 am...But we disagreed with respect. We all have different ideas and opinions but what happened to the respect of one neighbor to another. I think this partisanship and divisiveness is what Pres. Obama was talking about that has led to an ineffectual government and a cynicism in the population. The Bar closing time is a decisive issue but there are many other issues that involve respectful discourse. I know people are going to jump all over me for this ...and ultimately it will all be blamed on Marc Sarnoff...but I ask that everyone ust remeber that disagree or not these people are your neighbors.
Why can't we just state the facts. Sarnoff is doing this against John El-Masry. All he cares about is that John did NOT support him for Commissioner. All this is is pay-back! Nothing more, nothing less. Tom Falco also disagreed with Sarnoff so now Tom is being sued. You don't agree with Sarnoff then expect this to happen. Sarnoff cares about only one thing and that is Marc Sarnoff. So this let's agree to disagree is bullshit. Sarnoff will not allow disagreement. Watch how he pouts on the Commission Dais when he doesn't get his way. Sarnoff doesn't get it, but he will certainly try to get you. Be careful all and don't disagree with him. Tom Nelson knows, he plays the game and now Sarnoff got him a job paying over $100,000.00 a year. If you don't go along and AGREE with Sarnoff then expect a letter from the firm of Solowysyie and Co., LLC. 1St. amendment my butt!
I agree. We all need to stop and realize we all love the Grove. The 3am - 5am issue has pitted neighbor against neighbor. We need to become united and figure out how we can have a vibrant Coconut Grove Village and still protect the lifestyle we love.
And if we can't do that - my daughter Camille had a great idea!
Let's have a 3am - 5 am Dodgeball tournament. 3 am on one side - 5 am on the other and let's dodge ball it out. Rent out a gym here in Coconut Grove and sell tickets for charity.
It would be the funniest sold out event in Coconut Grove that we would not forget for some time.
See - your smiling already!
Now you have some idea of what it's like to be a litigation attorney.
I'm not a Gator but if I was I'd find these comments offensive.
"if you live in a glass house ,don't throw verbal insults" . you may have to wash your own windows.
can you argue your points with intelligent conversation or is that asking too much?
Go Gators!
Ben Sheffner said...
Thought you'd be interested in my take on Sarnoff's legal threats. Simply put, a blogger is not liable for comments posted by others:
This is the Lawyer that says Sarnoff is so WRONGWRONGWRONG! If fact Ben works for the company that Sarnoff's grandpappy used to own. RCA/NBC! This man has some history------------------->
Ben Sheffner is a copyright/First Amendment/media/entertainment attorney and former journalist. Ben is currently working as a production attorney in the NBC Universal Television Group. Previously, he worked as an associate at O'Melveny & Myers LLP, as Senior Counsel, Content Protection Litigation at Fox, and as Litigation Counsel at NBC Universal. From July-November 2008, Ben served as Special Counsel on Senator John McCain's presidential campaign where, among other responsibilities, he handled the campaign's copyright, trademark, and other IP issues. A former Co-Chair of the Media Law Resource Center's California Chapter, Ben served as a law clerk to Judge M. Margaret McKeown of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit from 2000-2001.
Commissioner Sarnoff's letter to Tom Falco is on Twitter and is called a silly letter!
@techlawyers I blogged about it: http://bit.ly/9uB6K9 about an hour ago
Blogged: Miami official threatens blogger over comment; what about Section 230?: It's amazing to me that some lawy... http://bit.ly/9uB6K9 about an hour ago
Letter is silly; ignores CDA sec. 230. RT @techlawyers The risks of blogging. Comment to post gets blogger in trouble. http://bit.ly/dAOYID about 6 hours ago
Go ask the man that Tom has his hands around what he would do if on some deserted island during a war.
Tom's take is radically different that reality. Tom is extremely greatful for law, order and civility, for if not he would immediately be dispatched elsewhere, one way or the other. Folks hate Judus Goats!
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