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Thursday, February 18, 2010

We do love it when the "circus" comes to town

I wanted to clear a couple of things up regarding the arts festivals this past weekend. When I posted the story "Loved the Arts Festivals, but . . .," it wasn't to bash the festivals, it was a few pet peeves that I had.

In fact, I am surprised at all the negative comments about the arts festivals, I actually thought it would turn into a Tom bashing thing, where I would be called a jerk for trying to take pictures of the art or that I would be called cheap for not wanting to pay $7.00 for a pincho, and then I thought I would be called names for liking the English tea room and clotted cream!

The Coconut Grove Arts Festival and the St. Stephen's Art Show are incredible and something to look forward to each year. If you don't like them, there is no one forcing anyone to attend. There is good art and bad art, that is the pleasure of art, it says something to everyone who sees it, what I love, you may hate and vice versa.

I was one of the sponsors of the St. Stephens show, you can see our logo on the back of the brochure, and I would like to be a sponsor of the Coconut Grove Arts Festival next year, so I am proud to sponsor the events. I find them both to be first class. I enjoyed both events beginning with the poster unveiling parties to the last minute the art left at the end of the weekend. I have it all chronicled here, in a positive way, on a day-to-day basis.

Again, I was praising the festivals all weekend and a couple of things stuck in my craw at the end of the long weekend, three small things. My biggest gripe was the tea room not having the clotted cream, which really is not much of a gripe. But I did miss that, although my arteries thank me for not having it. But if that is my biggest complaint, then there are no complaints.

How about now we list the great things about the festivals: the art, the carnival food, the people watching, the music (wasn't Noni Evans incredible? And Ryan Stone, too?) and all the friends we ran into and the beautiful weather and the proud feeling we have that all these people are coming to Coconut Grove to enjoy a great weekend. How about all that?

And residents only had to pay $5.00 for a whole weekend pass. If you lived in 33133, that is what you paid.

Basically it is what it is and if it didn't come around each year, we would sorely miss the whole circus aspect of it all.

For linking to this one story, just click on the time it was posted & just this story will open for sharing - only through social media. Not copying and pasting.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the arts festival cannot handle a little constructive criticism - which is precisely what was provided - then it will never improve.

Also, Grape, are you the art fests older brother, ie only you can pick on it, but when anyone else does the gloves come off?

Sure, it's your blog, but you are inviting people's comments. Do not complain when you receive what you solicit.

February 18, 2010 10:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I took the negative as flip flopping and back tracking. Why not call attention to the negative when it happens so that they could fix it.
I believe 33133 was $5 per day.

February 18, 2010 10:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had no idea residents only had to pay $5. I live in the heart of the grove and i paid $10. Where was this advertised?? Thats an extra $5 i could have spent on food/drink.

February 18, 2010 10:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The $ 5 dollars was on the website and at the ticket booth..

February 18, 2010 10:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 33133 resident pass was eliminated this year. I think this was a bad idea. With proof of residency in 33133, the fee was $5.00 per day.

February 18, 2010 12:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's right. Last year it was 10$ for the 3 days for residents. This year, it was $5 per day. I didn't like it, because I go all 3 days, but for the 33133 people who only go one day? or 2 days.. No big deal, I suppose.

I agree with Grape that the positives far outnumber the few negatives of our Arts show. Sure the food and drink are a bit expensive, but my family had some of the best burguers I've tasted in a long time for about 8$. I liked all the food I chose the 3 days.

There were more new Artists this year, I thought, than the past few years. You had the usual suspects of every year, but there were a lot of new ones. The show is big enough for you to quickly skip the styles you don't like, and spend more time on the Art you really like. Something for everyone. I also thought the music was great this year. Even better than years past. Just can't understand the people who don't love and feel grateful for our great Arts show. It's been rated by all critics as one of the best in the entire USA, if not the best. We should all be thankful and proud for the privilege of having it here in our backyards. They come from all over the world, the USA and Florida here to enjoy it. Carlos Iglesia

February 18, 2010 1:04 PM  
Anonymous MC1010 said...

I like walking around the fesival. I never buy any art because heck I can't afford it. Even the student art seems overpriced this year. I don't remember it being as expensive in the past. We always buy plants b/c they have such a great selcetion. The food is overpriced to say the least. We paid $11 for a 20oz bottle of coke and 1 bud light bottle. Seems a little much..

February 18, 2010 3:44 PM  
Anonymous E Kutner said...

I thought the wine pavilion was a very nice event, and for only $15 you tasted A LOT of wine! My husband and I also bought our first piece of "mutually agreed upon" art, ever....at a 75% reduction the last hour of the festival on Monday. All in all, a fantastic Grove weekend! :-)

February 18, 2010 8:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't think you were bashing it. :)

February 18, 2010 11:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was disappointed that Grove residents were not able to buy a 3 day pass like last year. I also try to attend all three days. I thought having to buy a $5.00 ticket every day was excessive even at the reduced rate.

February 19, 2010 7:56 AM  

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