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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Are the BID and Chamber flaking out?

The Village Council discussed the 3 am / 5 am issue last night, they have decided to have a formal vote on their stance at the next meeting.

One interesting concept brought up by Council Member Renita Ross Samuels-Dixon, was to have an outside consulting firm come in and assess the situation. She made sense in saying that we are all too close to the issue of whether 5 am bar closings should return, or whether we should keep the 3 am closings. An impartial outsider may see things differently.

Council Member David Collins brought up the obvious point saying that the Grove cannot support itself. The residents are not enough to sustain the commercial core. We need outsiders to come in and spend money, he called them regionals and tourists, regionals are those from Kendall or Pinecrest or Coral Gables, anyone outside the Grove, but within close range. David felt that while 5 am may have some impact, it may only be a very small fraction and something else needs to be done to draw people.

David is director of the BID (Business Improvement District), so that would be their job -- to get people here. David brought up the one hour parking grace period and many felt that not enough people knew about it. This may have been a good thing to place on the infamous billboard on US1.

Village Council Chairman, Patrick Sessions felt that the Chamber of Commerce and the BID need to step up and say how they feel about 5 am. He said he was "dumbfounded" on how neither group could make a decision and he asked for a decision.

David Collins took offense to this and left the dais. He said that these demands by Patrick were "outrageous" and that Patrick was "overstepping his office."

I do have to side with Patrick on this, if the Business Improvement District and the Chamber of Commerce have to decide whether to take the sides of businesses in the Grove or whether to take the side of a few complaining neighbors, both entities should close their doors for good, because neither is doing any business a service. Their job is to side with businesses and encourage anything that will help business. Not to avoid the subject for months on end.

The BID supposedly did a "straw poll" whatever that means, and the Chamber is currently polling its members by email. Polls are not needed. Action is.

The question to the Chamber and the BID is: "Are you in favor of more business and money coming into the Grove, which the change back to 5 am will bring? Or are you concerned more with the handful of neighbors who would prefer to change the Grove into a retirement village?" The answer is obvious. 5 am may bring five extra people or 5000 extra people, we don't know, but it's the duty of the Chamber and the BID to encourage anything that will bring even five extra people here to spend money.

The Village Council, which is an entity basically for homeowners, is in favor of 5 am coming back. The BID and Chamber, both entities for businesses refuse to make a decision, which is not helping the very businesses they represent.

For linking to this one story, just click on the time it was posted & just this story will open for sharing - only through social media. Not copying and pasting.


Anonymous Ryan Stone Music said...

Thanks for explaining..
Tis the season to be broke!
fa la la la la la...

December 17, 2009 12:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand your point Grape, but saying that the two hours closing difference that affects only ONE bar is responsible for turning the Grove into a retirement village is a pretty outrageous leap.

The BID should be finding diverse businesses to fill the shops of the Grove and something needs to be done about the rental prices.

We don't really need more bars and restaurants except perhaps a good Chinese food restaurant and a real bakery. We need better stores - home furnishings, decorations, kitchen gear and perhaps a garden center. Things that get you here in the daytime and weekend. Sur le Table.

I wish we had an Apple store. I hate going to Dadeland or Lincoln Road.

December 17, 2009 12:17 PM  
Blogger Tom Falco said...

Carlos, maybe you can open a Chinese restaurant since you go on and on like a broken record. And if the 5 am won't make a differnce, then let's bring it back since so many of you think it won't work. It doesn't hurt to try since you are all so negative about it.

December 17, 2009 12:20 PM  
Anonymous TJ said...

You want the apple store and other big businesses to come to the grove? then open it up for all and give an even playing field SAME AM!

December 17, 2009 12:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Parking charges are just are the constant excuse, not the problem. Have you seen the parking rates in South Miami? Brickell? Coral Gables? It doesn't keep people from going to those areas.

Free parking won't change a thing. People want interesting places to shop, dine and play. Period.

December 17, 2009 1:01 PM  
Anonymous the local contrarian said...

David Collins cannot effectively serve the BID. That is a fact. His boss, who hired him and can fire him at will is anti-business. There needs to be something done about the BID chair position, because as long as the Commissioner controls it, and can hire and fire at his leisure, the person holding the seat looks like an ineffectual nothing. And sorry Dave, but that's how your buddy makes you look.

I think you'd do a better job, if you weren't beholden to a power-hungry, vindictive A-hole, hell-bent on making the grove into Merrick Park.

I'd feel sorry for him if he wasn't being paid 6 figures as an appointee, who went through no hiring process and basically sat on his hands in return for that money.

December 17, 2009 1:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Broken record? Sure. I've commented TWICE about Chinese restaurants in the History of your Blog, Tom, ang lightheartedly. Last time was a few months ago. AND what does that have to do with the 5am closings? I favor ZERO mandated closings. CI

December 17, 2009 1:10 PM  
Anonymous JoJo from 12:17pm said...

Grape, who's Carlos? I think you have me confused with someone else. Especially since I'm female and not Hispanic.

I'd like to see smarter decisions from the BID and landlords. Antique stores, Used anything - clothing, furniture, housewares... Kitchen and home oriented places. I don't shop in the Grove, I eat in the Grove.

I'd like to see affordable shops that sell something other than tie die and jeans for tall people. And yes, I'd like a Chinese Food restaurant.

December 17, 2009 1:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The information regarding the Chamber's opinion is not true - the Chamber Board of Directors voted at their December Meeting to poll the entire membership regarding the 5am vs. 3am issue so that we can present an accurate response from the Ccoonut Grove Chamber of Commerce. We are waiitng for the response to come in, once we reach the deadline, we will make our opinion known.

December 17, 2009 1:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Residents in favor of the 5 AM!!!!!!!!

Chamber of commerce is suppose to support the merchants and needs a poll!!!!!

David Colllins, the Director of the BID against 5 AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please someone help me understand.

December 17, 2009 1:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for your help Grape to explain the situation, but after last night David Collins has lost all it's credibility with the merchants.

December 17, 2009 1:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WELL SAID GRAPE ...."f the Business Improvement District and the Chamber of Commerce have to decide whether to take the sides of businesses in the Grove or whether to take the side of a few complaining neighbors, both entities should close their doors for good. This resonated with me big time.
Small business owner think of closing !

December 17, 2009 2:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like to make a few "corrections" to Grape's article.
First, the Village Council is not "an entity basically for homeowners". The Bylaws specifically state "the Council shall promote and advance the interest of, and represent the PEOPLE of Coconut Grove". "People" includes commercial interests, business owners and the residents. We have diligently reached out to the business community and with a few exceptions, have received very little feedback, hence my frustration last night. Finally, the Council has not yet taken a position on this issue and is open to all input untill we vote on January 21.
Patrick Sessions, Chairman CGVC

December 17, 2009 2:34 PM  
Anonymous Michelle Niemeyer said...

To add to what Pat said, we are also not limited to representing "homeowners." There are lots of people who live in the Grove as tenants and we represent them, too. The rules of some of our homeowner associations do not invite tenants to be members, so the tenants are not represented by the homeowner associations. Our mission on the Village Council is to represent the people in the Grove and make the Grove the best place it can be for all of us.

December 17, 2009 3:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In addition, the new Council will have two strong voices from the Village West on it. There has been a need for ALL of our residents to be listened to for quite some time and I look forward to being one of the individuals on the Council that brings the issues facing the West Grove to the attention of the City and other government entities.

-Stephen Murray

December 17, 2009 3:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I picked up Chicken Kitchen on Red Rd last Sunday around 8pm. South Miami was rocking. I was going to try and grab a drink at Town first but there was no street parking. This wass 8 pm on a Sunday! People everywhere! Restaraunts packed!

As I came back to Center grove via Main Highway the contrast really shocked me. The Grove was just dead.

I lived in So Miami ten years ago and the grove was far cooler in comparison to SMiami back then. I would pay for a cab to and from So Miami to get to the Grove. Now- things have completely changed.

It is time to bring people back to the Grove before it is too late. Anything within reason should be done in order to do so- and that includes going back to 5 am. The fact this has to be argued is absurd.

December 17, 2009 3:58 PM  
Anonymous Jobie Steppe said...

A few of us Grovites just returned from the Florida Keys today at 3:00P.M., and yesterday we drove down numerous streets in the business district of S. Miami Beach, last week into Wynwood & Key Biscayne and several other business districts and reviewed several reports about the U.S. economy, federal and state programs to encourage business----this is far beyond David Collins, Mark, the Village Council and whether or not a few bars close at 3:00 or 5:00 AM. There is an easy solution to this reality, i.e., a bad economy, but it "would" take a minimal minor group of local merchants to make it work and having the BID on Board, and the Village Council is a must----but not an absolute must; the Grape must sign on also.

December 17, 2009 4:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets be clear. The Chamber of Commerce is polling because it wants to accurately convey the position of its members. As a chamber board member, I can tell you without question, that our first priority is the promotion and solvency of our community. As we have both merchants and residents as chamber members, all voices and opinions must be heard, respected, and conveyed. We are not and must not allow political maneuvering nor machinations to invade this independent organization. And for the most part we don’t. The Chamber as a whole will not provide a position, but instead will act for the benefit of commerce. After all, if our business community does not begin to grow and thrive, any misplaced notions of increased crime due to an additional two hours, will pale in comparison. Centers where we have increased business and foot traffic fair much better than declining areas; this can be attributed to a decrease in public visibility, necessity, etc. Independently we have mixed opinions, clearly one side favoring the other. Further, I have made my position on this matter very clear from the beginning both in print and publicly. I/We will fight for the growth of your business. Willie Vega

December 17, 2009 4:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

by the way Anon 12:17 - we had a chance for a real gardening center, but a few grovites and media hungry politician, made sure Home Depot left that out. Great, give a business half a chance to succeed. Maybe we should make that a huge art expo center.

December 17, 2009 4:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bringing the nightlife back will help retailers ((jewelry store, ice cream parlor, coffee shop, bookstore, clothing store) use to be open late.

But the Nightlife will not come back without lounge, bars, nightclubs.

These businesses need the 5 am to compete with the other districts of Miami.

December 17, 2009 5:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done Grape.

Property owners should stop paying into the BID, with a director that is taking positions against the Businesses and residents.

December 17, 2009 5:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is why I moved out of the grove. The Grove is dead, and not of natural causes. It was a homicide.

Also, Jobie Steppe: I don't know you, but I've read some of your comments here. They are simply incomprehensible and each sentence seems to contradict the previous one. If you returned from the keys today, how did you "drive around south beach yesterday?" your comment makes even less sense from that point forward.

December 17, 2009 5:37 PM  
Anonymous Liliana Dones said...


Please note that after discussion at the last board meeting the majority of Chamber Board members voted to poll the membership on how they feel about 3 am/5 am. It is the right thing to do to poll the membership and not just leave it up to a board of 17 people. Results will be tallied the first week of January by Committee.

For my part, having served both as president of the Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce and as a member of the Village Council, I can tell you that as members of both organizations we are there to represent the membership in the case of the Chamber and the all the residents not just the home owners in the case of the Village Council. As an individual who both lives and works in the center of the SD2 business district, I can tell you that I sought seats on both of those fine organizations in order to further commerce and quality of life in Coconut Grove.

To that end, it makes sense for me to support Same AM because I want my community to have every opportunity to thrive with the same opportunities as those of other communities with which it competes for business.

Liliana Dones
Immediate past president, Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce 07-09,
Village Council member, 07-09

December 17, 2009 5:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a property owner I believe the BID should be dissolve, when you have empty stores, bars , restaurants, the director of the BID should do everything to fill up these empty spaces.

By bringing the 5 am back, 4 or 5 of these spaces would be immediately rented.

Why paying fees into the BID when the director is against bringing the nightlife back to the Grove.

December 17, 2009 6:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a 30 year old Grove resident who believes that Coconut Grove will continue it's decline as long as the 3 am stays in place. For a business, how can you not justify staying open until 5am? Even if it is just for thursday, friday and saturday, you are taking away two hours where people would spend money. Assume a $500 per hour. 500x2hrsx3daysx4week = $12,000 per month of lost business for one business.

December 17, 2009 6:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't mind moving back to 5am, but I don't think that's the Grove's biggest issue. Did anyone notice that SWITCH was open for a whole month? Who starts a business with enough money to last a month? Bad decision on one hand, on the other hand maybe it's time for building owners to reduce rent. It will help fill spaces and give start ups a legit shot at making it for more than a few months. The Grove has too much history AND POTENTIAL to be struggling like this. Shit, imagine if Mayfair was a restaurant row??? Why are trashy antiques (sorry, didn't see much quality in my few swings through) taking up space in the United Colors location? Why is the spot to the left of Improv still empty? How could the Borders location be empty for 4 years??? There should be great restaurants in those spots. We should do what we can to bring in the types of restaurants that are flooding the Design District.

December 17, 2009 7:09 PM  
Anonymous Jesse Steiger said...

If you really want people to come to the Grove, open a strip club. That qualifies as "anything," doesn't it?

December 17, 2009 8:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm with Jesse!

December 17, 2009 8:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Papa Sarnoff is allergic to night fun, and would never allow a delightful Ladies Dancing Club in the Grove. That's why everybody goes elsewhere around here, BGT's, Stir Crazy, Bare Necessity, Downtown, South Beach.. That's where the Dancing Ladies are, and where people go to sleep whenever they feel like it. CI

December 17, 2009 9:48 PM  
Blogger eldesaparecido said...

Yah, you guys need a Chinese restaurant.

But, really-- South Miami was "rockin'"? That place is rife with chains and lukewarm bars. It is so not "rockin'". The only place I go to is Fox's, aside from that I really dislike South Miami for a night out.

Don't get me started on Brickell...

The Grove has always been a place for different things and places to go.

Ya'll shouldn't look at other areas for inspiration but seek to be true to what got you here in the first place in people's lives (those who don't live in the Grove).

You guys do really need a chinese restaurant though.

December 17, 2009 10:59 PM  
Anonymous Jobie said...

Anon 5:37, Fool, we left 7:00 AM yesterday and returned 3:00 PM the same day, we counted the empty store fronts. The day prior to that we counted the closed stores on S. Beach. Several days prior to that we drove about Wynwood, did the same, so fourth and so on, no big deal----sorry, but David and Mark & BID aren't closing the businesses we read about either. And don't worry, there is no boggy man under your bed either!

December 18, 2009 2:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:48 Anon, Sarnoff tells you when you can go to bed? My, my, my, really? Did he put that it writing or call you personally? Now, put your head down, count 500 sheep jumping a fence, and see if that doesn't help!

December 18, 2009 2:55 AM  
Anonymous grapevine gurl1 said...

Grape is right on:

- Carlos is a broken record. Im just surprised he hasnt brought up bikers' rights or demolishing the entire coastline so he can see the water from every angle imaginable.

Grape is somewhat right on:

- The 5am rule needs to be reinstated just because of fairness

Grape is wrong on:

- The Grove seeing a miraculous turnaround because of 2 wee morning hours of drinking at 1 bar.

December 18, 2009 9:23 AM  
Anonymous Jobie said...

I don't remember anyone stating on the Grape that a miraculous turnaround is in the works. There is a fringe element stalking the Grape looking for anyone who uses a name so they can collectively anon/burn a witch at the stake, no matter what the subject matter. Much like a dumb dog drops a terd in your yard camouflaged a-mongst the leaves compares to some dumb terd dropping an anon in the Grape, both stink. But, both add color.

December 18, 2009 9:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And not an expensive, fancy Chinese restaurant with white table cloths. We need fast, cheap take-out Chinese with the free tea to sip while you wait kind of place. Oh, and maybe dim sum for lunch or on weekends.

December 18, 2009 10:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the BID doesn't follow the lead of the businesses then why should anyone pay into it?
In my opinion it was a classic case of a schmay dray (bait and switch). Businesses and property owners were duped into paying more taxes in an already depressed economy just so Commissioner Sarnoff could unilaterally make his vision a reality.
I think dark days are ahead for the BID.

December 18, 2009 11:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it very telling that when Mark Sarnoff was chairing the VC it was being touted as a serious entity that was THE voice of both the Grove residents and business owners. After all, they were elected by "the people".
Now, for obvious reasons, there are those on the BID board who are actively trying to marginalize the importance and significance of the VC. Is it because they don't like the fact that They're contradicting the wishes of the very people that voted on this "tax increase"? They're either completely out of touch with what's going on in our Village or they know and are going to continue fumble and bumble their way to complete collapse of our business center.
I've already contacted my landlord and told her that I'm no longer willing to pay the tax increase that was conveniently passed along to my business.
I hope others follow suit.

December 18, 2009 12:14 PM  
Anonymous that guy said...

I love all these people demanding cheap chinese takeout in the grove - ARE YOU ALL HIGH? A chinese joint in the grove would have to be the single most expensive chinese restaurant in the city in order to make it. When you're paying 7k a month in rent, 2,500k for parking that you don't actually get to offer your customers (who complain they had to park 3 blocks away), fees to the BID, then pay for staff, good ingredients, a kitchen, buildout in general, plus the other normal cost you run into anywhere for permitting, insurance,etc.?

Who has $850k to risk on it? that'll get you up and running and maybe keep your doors open for 3 or 4 months. And if you don't sell 2500 general tso's a week, you're out of business before the end of next summer and out of the better part of a cool mil. You know what kind of volume you'd have to sell to actually recoup and even turn a profit??!?!?!

Great idea, where do I sign up?

Oh, and god forbid, I want to be able to sell my customers a beer, because now I'll have to go in front of Sarnoff and prove to him that I'll obediently try to be part of his vision for the grove.

I'd rather get a thousand papercuts, then bath in lemon juice.

December 18, 2009 12:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grapevine gurl1:

"Carlos is a broken record. Im just surprised he hasn't brought up bikers' rights or demolishing the entire coastline so he can see the water from every angle imaginable."

Dear anonymous, I speak about bikers AND cars rights WHEN this Blog has a specific post about it. It's one of the numerous issues we deal with, besides sidewalks, peacocks, 5am closings, parking, 5Waterfront or lack thereof, crime, parks maintenance, Spoil Islands, Road maintenance, City budgets, Police issues, etc. etc. I sporadically comment on all of those topics alike on this Blog, as constructively as possible. However I do most of my actual work talking directly to City Officials. Who are YOU and what do you DO?

Your hyperbole about "demolishing the entire coastline" so I can see the water" is just laughable, infantile, grossly innacurate and not too bright, so I'll leave it at that. Next time put your name next such outlandish personal attacks, and we can talk it over.

Carlos Iglesia

December 18, 2009 1:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I love all these people demanding cheap chinese takeout in the grove - ARE YOU ALL HIGH?"

Hey lets chill out, That Guy. Various comments about that Chinese Restaurant topic here are far from being "demands". In my case, I've just often wondered why there aren't any in the Grove. I supected the high rents, and costs of running a business here were part of the reason. However, can you explain how you have numerous modest Pizza joints, of Grab&go's and every other type of restaurants, from the Fancy to the more economical, but no Chinese? People love Chinese food, and they are all over the most expensive cities Throughout Miami and the USA. How do the small Italian, Indian, French, Thai, American modest places survive, or at least attempt to, the pizzerias, they pay high rents too, yet, mysteriously, zero chinese food? Please elaborate on that. CI

December 18, 2009 1:55 PM  
Anonymous GroveBat said...

I believe we should follow these wise people and start the Florida initiative here and fill in our empty space with an eclectic array of cafes. If Coconut Grove Is going to remain relevant as being on the edge perhaps we should stop bitching and start pushing some alternative, yet populist agendae....


December 18, 2009 2:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I hear where you're coming from my friend and it's actually not a bad idea.... problem is, if our own commissioner is all but prohibiting the sale of alcoholic beverages then how could you possibly expect that he would allow the sale of canibus?

Now Gucci, Prada, D&G, Laura Piana, Channel.. that might fly.

December 18, 2009 2:34 PM  
Anonymous Orchid crazy said...

I've been on this blog for over a year now and fom my perspective Carlos Iglesia is usually spot on.
And I'm not just refering to the 3am-5am issue. He is an articulate, informed local that always brings common sense into the conversation.
Please continue to put your 2 cents in Carlos. I for one appreciate it.

And no, I've never met Mr. Iglesia.

December 18, 2009 2:53 PM  
Anonymous GroveBat said...

More stores with the is new 3 button space design are needed, and empty shuttered spaces too; maybe we can come up with some kind of funky sticker we put in vacant space windows like miracle mile. Thats what keeps their BID busiest it would appear..
WE need some radical change in the Grove attitude and all power doesn't end at the water on Pan American Drive. Our city leaders have bigger problems than running the city to deal with as the SEC is all over them once again. WE need to give people a reason to stop here and hang out awhile. An effort for radical change in policy starting from an eclectic little village might draw tourists who want to have a look. We have enough local characters that could get behind and be the face of this effort. Even if it doesn't work people might start to notice the rebelious little whistle stop this village is.

December 18, 2009 2:56 PM  
Anonymous that guy said...

Carlos - are they really surviving? by my count we've got a cuban, a french, a mediteranian, 2 pizza places, 2 mexican places, several italian and a pan-asian place go out of business right here in center grove in the last year.

You're aware of them, and I don't think I need to re-name them once again specifically, particularly to you CI, who seems pretty well abreast of the issues.

My point is, if one were to open it would be very, very expensive. Then people would order from cheaper chinese joints outside of the grove, and it would tank.

Let's just say that it's been looked into, and is an unfeasible model. There's not a lack of will, business people or investors in CG. There is a higher cost of doing business - as compared to everywhere else.

The landlords will eventually have to cave to the market, but the overlords taxing us in one form or another (parking, BID, additional hearings and atty fees), will not.

December 18, 2009 3:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

..that guy, and all the Chinese food aficionados, I'm still puzzled: Granted, restaurants of all types come and go in the Grove every year, every month, especially as of late, during these tough economic times PLUS the unfair and detrimental 3am closings. Very few last. (The Pizzeria there on McFairlane seems to somehow survive as the one on 27av., for instance, though).

But when was the last time a Chinese Restaurant, cheap, moderate or expensive, even Attempted to open up here? Just about every other type of restaurant has tried it. All sorts of food, all price levels. Same costs, depending on the size, street, etc.

Are they better accountants and wiser business men when it comes to Chow Mein and Cop Suey? Chicken noodles and egg rolls? Perhaps. I still don't get it. Chinese food is almost as popular as Pizzas or Johnny Rockets burguers. Anyway, I'd bet a lot of people would be willing to pay an extra dollar to get their Shrimp Fried rice right here in the Grove instead of Gables or Brickel. I sure would. If I had the Restaurant expertise, pertinent contacts, time and money I'd sure look into that perplexing new venture. Whomever does, if they do it right, should be successful. (please feel free to express your gratitude via check or money order to...)

Btw, is there a good Vietnamese restaurant in the Grove? They can come up with killer soups.. Gotta love the Circo Barcelona new Spanish place, great tapas. CI

December 18, 2009 4:13 PM  
Anonymous Liliana Dones said...

Hy Vong on Calle Ocho is a Vietnamese restaurant worth the drive and the wait. Open Wed - Sunday. Dinner Only.

December 18, 2009 5:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coral Gables has a BID and they have empty storefronts and restaurants. Hiring a consultant as Ms. Samuels suggests is just another study that will cost megabucks and sit on a shelf somewhere for yrs. No more studies please. The Parking Authority did a study that said we don't need any more parking - yeah right! Maybe we just need safer garages. Now they have increased metered rates. Michele Nemeyer said she wants a place to dance so you might get her vote for a gentleman's club.

December 19, 2009 11:14 AM  
Anonymous Michelle Niemeyer said...

Anon 11:14, didn't the BID consult with Biederman, one of the leading consultants on these issues, and weren't they supposed to look into the best mix of businesses for the Grove, etc.? What Renita suggested wasn't that, it was to ask a consultant to look at the 3 am/5 am closing issue and consider it from an outsider's perspective.

As for a place to dance, a "Gentleman's Club" was not exactly what I had in mind. Isn't that greatest oxymoron ever?

December 19, 2009 12:21 PM  
Anonymous sailfast said...

Just returned from Manhattan. Did the whole Christmas thing with seeing the tree and walking down fifth Ave checking out all the wonderful windows. But to my shock, I could not believe all the empty store fronts. Then we walked over to Madison Ave, and once again empty store fronts in Midtown. So lets not be so sensitive about what is going on here in the Grove. I feel we are doing fine in this changing economy. We all just have to relax and stay CALM.

December 19, 2009 10:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This whole consulting thing is just ridiculous. We need to pay someone to come in and tell us something we already know? What the hell for? The Grove has had 5am for decades and untill Czarnoff decided he wanted the Grove to be run his way, instead of the peoples way...this was a non issue. Its about fairness and honesty. Is it fair that he repealed something that was law for decades ? of course not.. Is it honest that only a small portion of his district has drunk drivers etc...of course not... Is it ethical that he closed 3 places and cost the only one who stayed open thousands of dollars due to his law? of course not..people lost jobs, people lost money and investments predicated upon the fact that you could serve untill 5am...just like everwhere else in Marc's district. Now you want to take a vote to absolve him of his sins? To justify something that will never be justifiable as long as he doesn't pursue 3am closings districtwide? And hey, do the people Marc put out of a job and cost thousands get a vote in your "poll"...of course not...you are all a joke and are obviously not reliant on the service industry to make your living. People lost jobs and money and investments guys for no other reason than Marc Sarnoff.
Jeff Korvicicum

December 20, 2009 1:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be interesting to know why David Collins walked out of the Village Council meeting last Wednesday when asked to commit on the 5am issue. Is he truly controlled by Marc Sarnoff or is that a groundless rumor?

December 20, 2009 4:23 PM  
Anonymous Jobie Steppe said...

Mr. David Collins is a friend/neighbor/associate/whatever of mine and I've known him since his families first day in the Grove. David is a complicated character----direct, to the point, no game playing, talented and intelligent, sometimes, in my opinion, to a fault. The very, very last thing David would do is be someone's underling/patsy

December 21, 2009 8:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jobie - everyone is an underling to the person who controls their salary. It's kind of the defining feature.

December 21, 2009 10:50 AM  
Anonymous Not so fast Sailfast said...

Sailfast said...

"I feel we are doing fine in this changing economy"

Well, I feel so much better now that sailfast told everyone she feels we're "doing Fine".

Instead of gut feelings and asrological readings, I have some actual numbers in regards to our village. The information was taken from the Coral Gables official BID websight.

Coral Gables retail vacancy rate: %3.6. /Price per sqft $32.o4

Brickell is %4.1 Vacancy. Price per Sqft $38.77

Downtown is %7.9 Vacancy. Price per sqft. $26.54

Miami beach is %3.6 Vacancy. Price per sqft. $61.30

Coconut Grove is %10.4 vacancy. Price per sqft. $30.44

Hmmmmm, let's see;

Coconut Grove's retail vacancy is %300 more than the Gables at roughly the same price per sqft.

Coconut Grove's retail vacancy is %250 more than Brickell at roughly %23 MORE for price per sqft.

Coconut Groves's retail vacancy is %25 MORE than Downtown at roughly %18 Less price per sqft.

Coconut Grove's vacancy nearly %300 MORE than Miami Beach at HALF the price per sqft.

When we have 2-3 times more empty stores than anyone else around and someone says "we all just have to relax and stay calm", It makes me realize that we're really up shit's creek.

By all means Sailfast, continue to prognosticate on subject matter that you clearly know nothing about. I for one wil not subscribe to your "relax and stay calm" approach while our business center goes down the toilet. You say one thing while the facts say another.

Why don't you get on your sailboat and circumnavigate the globe for the next few years. We'll hold down the fort while you're gone.

December 21, 2009 12:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice phrase "defining feature" whatever that means, but Davids salary is controlled by David, so say something appropriate to reality, which most Anons apparantly lack.

December 21, 2009 12:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

David's salary is controlled by David?

Anon 12:58.. Is your anonymous comment appropriate?

As much as I like David, I can assure you that it is Marc Sarnoff who controlls his salary, no one else.

December 21, 2009 1:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wrong again, David's salary is controlled by David.

December 21, 2009 2:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 12:36..

Is that right?
So David Collins controlls his own salary. Is that a new Obama administration policy, everyone gets to set their own pay rate?
Shit, if I were David I'd give myself a nice pay raise for the holidays, and then another one by Groundhog's day.
Some people are just stupid. They say anything that comes to mind.
Don't ever let little ole things like facts stand in your way.

So just to recap, David pays himself whatever he wants out of the revenue that the BID collects from property owners being assessed an additional tax above and beyond the usual taxes that are being paid to the city.

David Collins was hand picked by Marc Sarnoff. It is Sarnoff who hires and fires the director of the BID, no one else.

Name me a single City employee who controls their own salary.
I didn't think so.

December 21, 2009 4:02 PM  
Anonymous Jobie said...

You fool, almost all of them. Not only that, but about 1/5 of all tax dollars paid in Miami goes to pay for retirement plans. It's a collective cash cow/mindset, not an individual effort. Remember the fire fund? Remember the art fund? Remember the Rusty Pelican, Watson Island, Parrot Jungle. Just one fireman, just one has retired on $13,000.00, monthly. Some of you folks sit at your keypads and strike out the names of BID, David and Mark simply because you're ignorant and stupid and form dog like packs looking for some witch to burn----do you really believe they actually burned witches? Or did some punk or mean spirited female just get pissed at some hapless pretty face because it turned her husbands head?

December 22, 2009 8:42 AM  

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