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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Rowdy crowd shows up for mayoral debate

The Miami Mayoral debate took place last night at the Miami Science Museum. It was standing room only, people were backed up into the lobby. City Commissioners Tomás Regalado (left) and Joe Sanchez, both vying for Mayor in November, sat up at the dais and took questions.

Nothing new came out of the debate and the only shocking thing might have been the rude audience. They cat called, yelled rude remarks, booed and more. They were a bunch of animals. These are the voters? It wasn't just one candidate's supporters, it was both sides that did not know how to control themselves in the situation. I almost left a few times, but felt that would be even ruder, so I sat through it.

One friend had a woman spit on her when she turned around to ask her to stop yelling nasty things at the top of her lungs. The young girl sitting next to me (she was about 19 or 20) used every curse word in the book as she yelled toward the stage. Why would anyone want to be mayor of this crowd?

The debate was moderated by Michael Putney, Channel 10 senior political reporter. Questions came from the audience which were written down ahead of time in the lobby and both candidates took their turns answering, rebutting, and then asking each other questions between the catcalls.

Basically it's the same thing when it comes to the candidates, most people already have their minds set on who to vote for. Regalado is against overdevelopment, Joe Sanchez feels it brings jobs. The Mercy, 300 Bay Residences project came up. Reglado was for "neighbors first" in this instance and he was against the massive, out-of-scale development. Sanchez felt that Mercy Hospital needed the money. Many Grove residents felt it was the developers who needed the money, out of pure greed, not so much the hospital, which is a private enterprise.

Spot zoning is wrong according to Regalado, Sanchez apparently doesn't mind spot zoning. Most people I spoke with in the audience agreed that it was all about money and had nothing to do with helping Mercy. Perhaps if it was not during the greedy non-stop building boom that was happening all over the city, it might be a different story. But this was during one of the biggest, greediest building periods in Miami's history and this parcel of land was just part of that massive land grab greedfest.

The Marlins Stadium issue came up, Sanchez feels it will bring jobs and that the voters didn't need to vote on the issue of handing millions over the the Marlins, Regalado feels it is a case of the Marlins "robbing the city blind," and wasting taxpayers' money. Also, City of Miami residents may not be getting their fair share of the jobs that are created according to Regalado. The building contracts say "we aspire to hire city residents," not "we will hire city residents."

Both candidates agreed that raising taxes to balance the city's budget is not going to happen. Both agreed that the police and fire unions need to come to the table and agree to take cuts or their staffs will be cut.

Regalado felt that the mayor and commissioners should also take a tax cut and most perks like cars and cell phones should be taken away or limited.

Playing to the Grove audience last night, Regalado mocked Joe Sanchez's "neighborhoods first" motto, saying, "I stood for 'neighborhoods first' before it was the popular thing to do."

Sanchez did jump on that bandwagon a little too late with that one. For many Grove residents he voted against them on every issue that was dear to them and he was never once on the side of the neighborhoods, they feel he was always on the developers' and big money guys' sides and he always voted the opposite way of the district Commissioner, Marc Sarnoff, when Regalado has always voted with Sarnoff on issues regarding Coconut Grove.

The debate didn't reveal anything new. Both candidates are nice guys who are both respectable and likeable and they do care about the city. Hopefully the campaign doesn't get dirty because it will just reflect bad on each candidate personally.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds hostile? 1 correction as of late Sarnoff is not always voting with the people of the Grove. Miami 21 for example and not wanting NET offices anymore.

September 17, 2009 9:28 AM  
Anonymous Maria Freed said...

As one of the organizers I can say that my only regret is that the Candidates spent precious time attacking each other on non issues. I really don't care if Regalado only has $5,000 in his checkbook. And so what if Sanchez owns investment property. Who cares!
What I want to know is... is solid waste picking up my garbage weekly or monthly, like Mayor Diaz is proposing? Can you imagine what the Grove will look like with trash sitting out for weeks? If these Commissioners are really into "neighborhoods" then now is the time to start showing it. Because the budget cuts will have a tremendous impact on our community.

September 17, 2009 10:00 AM  
Anonymous AnnaMaria Windisch-Hunt said...

Grape nice write up. I'm glad I did not have to sit through this rudeness. It's to discouraging that we have people already brainwashed instead of listening and learning.

September 17, 2009 10:11 AM  
Blogger Tony Scornavacca Jr. said...

Hopefully, whoever the new mayor is, he or she will have a vision for our city.

The mayor's job is a tough one but I haven't seen any real leadership in Miami or anywhere else in South Florida.

These recycled commissioners will conduct business as usual.

September 17, 2009 10:13 AM  
Anonymous Michelle Niemeyer said...

Maria, you are absolutely right about the garbage pickup. Can't wait to see the Grove with a month's worth of rotting coconuts and palm fronds in everyone's swale.

I do not agree about the $5,000 net worth being a non-issue. Personally, I find it at best hard to understand and at worst potentially untrue. How can a responsible person who has worked for years in well paid jobs have accumulated so little, unless he has put his assets in other people's names so he can look poor? My parents didn't make near the salary Regalado has made, but they put two kids through school, own a house with decent equity, have some investments, etc. It just doesn't smell right to me. The tax thing? Well, according to Regalado lots of people don't pay their taxes. Except schmucks like you and me and most of the rest of us law abiding citizens. If you pay withholding while you are employed, how are you unable to pay your taxes after you become unemployed? Again, doesn't smell right.

The mayor is a person who will manage a staff of thousands and a budget of over $500M. Do we want someone who is not fiscally responsible in his own life to be in that position?

September 17, 2009 10:42 AM  
Anonymous Tony Garcia said...

"Why would anyone want to be mayor of this crowd?"

Awesome point. I asked myself the same thing. I think that's the reason why we don't have better candidates - good people don't want to get attacked by people who don't know how to engage in civil discourse. Too bad.

September 17, 2009 11:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, nice summary of the low down on last night's debate. My theory is that the rude hecklers at the debate are occassionally the rude particpants of your coconutgrovegrapevine blog. They need to learn some manners, both in blogging protocol as well as in social settings. Thanks for your report!! Best, TC.

September 17, 2009 11:05 AM  
Anonymous that guy said...

You're surprised that residents of this city don't know how to act? really?

The were just following Rep. Joe Wilson's lead anyway. That's how too many people think we should act today.

It's a sad state.

ps. I felt you were a little biased Grape.

September 17, 2009 11:08 AM  
Anonymous Jobie said...

Thorough report Grape. And people around the world are hostile, more so than normal due to this financial crisis, rude drivers, pink slips, more and more cameras watching their every move resulting in hundreds of thousands of fines coming through the mail, courts backed up with endless trite----the lady was more correct than all others when she noted it was more important than most things that her trash was picked up timely.

September 17, 2009 11:46 AM  
Anonymous Harry Emilio Gottlieb said...

It is almost unprecedented to vote against another Commissioner when the issue pertains to that other Commissioners district.

How would District 3 neighbors feel if our District 2 Commissioner had voted in opposition to improving Calle Ocho and if those improvements had not been made as a result of his vote?

So why did District 3 Commissioner feel it necessary to vote in favor of the illegal spot zoning for Mercy Hospital and permitting Home Depot to enter Coconut Grove against the wishes of our District 2 Commissioner and most of our Grovite residence?

September 17, 2009 1:47 PM  
Anonymous Maria Korge said...

I was there last night and the heckling was started by Regalado supporters. The things they said were disgusting and the way they acted was even worse. I live in Sanchez district and I've benefitted from all the improvements he's made to our neighborhood. Regalado always says to look at his voting record but that's just talk. I want to see what he has done in his district. What are his accomplishments? At the Shanendoah forum on Monday night a man complained that they still don't have a firehouse and he's lived there over 14 years. Regalado has been the commissioner for 15! If it was Sanchez district, it would have been done a long time ago. In the end It's not what you say, It's what you do.

September 17, 2009 2:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michelle being a voiced supporter of Joe, I feel your opinion has less gravitas.
You even went to speak at the Commission how Miami 21 should be put through. When Joe voted no on M21 you echoed his concerns.
As well as when Joe voted for Mercy Towers and for the Home Depot.

I unfortunately believe that you do not see things through objectives eyes.

September 17, 2009 2:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tourism is the largest business in South Florida. Tourism is basically clean and tourism provides jobs to hundreds of thousands of people. Joe Sanchez demanded that the Tax Development Tax, and other tourist specific taxes, be diverted from being used to promote and maintain tourism to being used to bailout a failing private company and to pay debt service on a building that according to the Marlins will not attract tourists.

September 17, 2009 2:14 PM  
Anonymous Michelle Niemeyer said...

Anon 2:12, a little clarification: Joe never voted for Home Depot. There never was a vote regarding Home Depot other than the vote to limit the size of stores in the Grove to keep out big box stores. That item passed unanimously, with Joe voting FOR it.

As for Mercy, I didn't know Joe very well then. I did agree with his vote but for different reasons. Now that I have had the experience of being hauled to the ER at Mercy and spending four days there recently, I appreciate his reasons, too. I, and every other member of the Village Council (except Marc, who made favorable comments but at the time was Chair and only voted to break ties), voted in favor of the Mercy project when it came before us. We did that for a number of good reasons I stand behind to this day. Mercy could have (and still may) built office towers that would have had a terrible traffic impact on South Bayshore and could have been unlimited in height. Miami 21 will help minimize those concerns. With the proposed condos we would have had minimal impact and a continuous baywalk open to the public around the property, as well as drainage and landscaping improvements on South Bayshore funded by the Related Group.

Finally, yes, I did share Joe's concerns about Miami 21, particularly about the 35' height restriction on Biscayne Blvd. I respectfully disagree with Marc's opinion about the Bert Harris Act. I hope Marc is right.

September 17, 2009 2:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

""Why would anyone want to be mayor of this crowd?"

One of them will be mayor of all, not just a minority of loud, politically motivated clowns. Many of those probably have special interests on the line, including potential jobs, even money, to be perfectly blunt, in one form or another. I honestly dislike both politicians anyway. You just can't trust most politicians to begin with. They end up in the same 'ole system.. Carlos Iglesia.

September 17, 2009 2:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was there, and I agree people from both sides were heckling I find it trivial to say who started it because a supporter from Joe (Korge) will say the other side said it. While a supporter from Tom (harry) might say otherwise.

September 17, 2009 2:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that Joe Sanchez has made it his pattern to attack Tomas Regalado- The Man.
Aside from Tomas Regalado's policies

September 17, 2009 3:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ms. Korge, I would not put booing in the same line as the woman who would scream "you lie" everytime Regalado spoke.

I am only hearing what was being screamed from across the room.

September 17, 2009 3:12 PM  
Anonymous Gifted said...

Joe's truck, sign wavers, horns, banner and signs everywhere were very "not Grove"
In my opinion of course.

September 17, 2009 3:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gifted, at least Joe's volunteers were in plan sight for all to see outside of the museum. Regalado's people setup camp inside the museum, stealth style. They setup a campaign table that on the surface looked like the sign in table for the debate. The public completed the sign in sheet thinking it was for the debate. In fact they were providing their contact info for Regalado's campaign database. Once this was discovered, people were going over and removing their names from Regalado's list. TC.

September 17, 2009 4:12 PM  
Blogger Tom Falco said...

Before this gets out of hand and the anonymous take over -- BOTH candidates had tables set up in side. Not just one.

Joe's people obnoxiously started the cat calling and yelling in the auditorium and as you exited, it was Joe's people with signs screaming and yelling. I have photos of them. Regalado had no such thing.

September 17, 2009 4:16 PM  
Blogger Miami Politics said...

Ask and you shall receive. Regalado's people were wearing "Regalado for Mayor" bracelets

I asked one of the people at the table. They wanted to be low key not stealthy.

I have respect to people who ask questions, not assume.

September 17, 2009 4:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grapevine, Joe supporters were outside, yes, of course, but Regalado supporters were wearing Regalado tshirts inside the auditorium.

September 17, 2009 5:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last night felt like a football game, not a debate. One lady wearing a green jacket with red/brown hair insisted that she would not shut up (she was sitting in the center section towards the middle row). I believe Ms. Freed had to stand up and monitor her. There was also a group of people that were also sitting in the center section towards the middle to upper rows that didn't speak or understand English; they would just clap when their candidate was done speaking (I found that comical).

As for my vote, I support Joe because he at least he trying to come up with solutions; Regalado criticizes everything but proposes nothing.

September 17, 2009 5:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Maria Freed for Mayor after all this. What do you think?

September 17, 2009 6:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honestly, it was horrible. The mockery began when a man against the wall, in the middle section started shouting, you lie to Sanchez. I had two seniors next to me who asked me"What did Regalado say?" in spanish, and then started clapping. This was incredible, Regalado brought a bus of seniors that are NOT grove residents, that don't even care about any of those issues, and that did not understand a word that was said. I am ashamed that I ever considered voting for him.

September 17, 2009 6:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, Grape. In line with your new policy, I am signing my name.

I do think Ms. Niemeyer has gone round the bend-- Michelle, I am sorry to say that. I think you do good work. Do you really not know how somebody who is laid off from a job can't pay withholding taxes? (Not that there are any when a paycheck stops.) Ms. Neimeyer, people don't have money!

I would love to meet you, and it would be my treat if you would let me. However, that was singularly the least thought out comment that I have ever seen on this blog.
Respectfully (seriously),
Bob Coultas

September 17, 2009 6:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not think Regalado bused anyone in. The flyers were everywhere I found one in a bakery OUTSIDE of the Grove.
Regalado did not have people sign waving on US-1 nor signs and plastered everywhere.

Those types of things are a bit more conducive to someone busing people in.

September 17, 2009 7:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did Joe Sanchez demand the taxpayers bailout the money losing privately owned Marlins? If yes, doesn't that divert over $3 bil from Miamians?

September 17, 2009 8:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michelle I was there and Regalado mentioned he did not include his house in his equity.

And as far as 5,000 dollars....maybe the guy pays off his debts at the end of the year or something.

If I would have gotten my wages garnished I would make sure I dont own a cent to anyone. Ever.

September 17, 2009 9:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't we get somone a little normal to run for Mayor? These 2 for sure make us look like Banana Republic.

September 18, 2009 9:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course it Bias, If I came into your neighborhood, demanded a high rise to overshadow your house. Demanded giant big box stores and then told you all that you dont know what your talking about and I am doing something good for you.


September 18, 2009 10:19 AM  
Anonymous Michelle Niemeyer said...

Bob Coultas, since you are being sincerely respectful in commenting on my "singularly the least thought out comment that I have ever seen on this blog," please read this and think about it:

While you are employed, if there is withholding from your paychecks as required by law, your taxes for each pay period are deposited with the IRS by your employer. If you lose your job, you won't owe any taxes for the time you are unemployed because you don't have income. No income, no taxes. At the end of the year you file your tax return, credit is given for the amount withheld from your paychecks, and since your income is lower than expected for the year, you may even get a refund.

If you owe taxes at the end of the year after you have been unemployed for part of the year, it is either because you under-withheld or because you had other income you didn't pay tax deposits on at the time it was earned.

September 18, 2009 10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Michelle here is a situation for you.
Not making enough money as is. Then the significant other gets fired.
You have to make due.

September 18, 2009 11:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw them getting off the bus, for goodness sakes, these people could not even walk, let alone, know about any of the issues. One was arguing with another about Regalado's issues on Cuba.They don't even know where Coconutgrove is. Please be serious, this was ridiculous, and they did have signs inside the building and many of the seniors were wearing Regalado shirts.
Sanchez signs were outside the building.

September 18, 2009 1:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WTF? Catagory 5 BS Alert.

There was no bus! I was there I WORK there

September 18, 2009 1:22 PM  
Anonymous Michelle Niemeyer said...

Anon 11:16, if you are fiscally responsible, don't you budget your money? Regalado and his wife both had good jobs, and he said he's lived in the same house for 40 years. Do you want a guy who can't manage his personal finances as your Mayor?

September 18, 2009 2:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michelle, you can ask Harry this. Journalists especially local, do not get paid a lot of money.
And they have a history of firing people the same day. No two weeks notice. So yeah maybe he didnt have a savings account. But maybe also he did and it didnt cover it.

I do not have the answers. And this hits the family on a personal level I believe.

I think if you are very so concerned, you could ask him.

Ask his family how much each of them spent, or his wife or hell even his grandparents etc. But the fact of the matter is any answer you receive even a good one like lets say....a medical illness. Would not be sufficient. So give it a rest.

September 18, 2009 3:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michelle, your tasteful and discrete put down of me was singularly the best wordsmithing I have ever seen on this blog. Brilliant!

Ouch. Although I am right.
Bob Coultas

September 18, 2009 5:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Anon 1:22:

There was a bus, I know the driver, they stopped at the entrance of the parking lot, then the people were transported in by others driving in. I was there, too, I saw it all, I know who the driver is.

September 18, 2009 6:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sanchez still doesn't get Mercy issue, it is ok to overlook illegal zoning if the money is going to improve a hospital. What???? Is it okay to steal a car if your grandmother needs a ride to the dr.? It took higher courts to decide the issue but the right decision was finally rendered.

September 18, 2009 6:25 PM  
Blogger Angelica Artiles said...

I was there and was a witness to all this. Regalado brought a bus full of old cubans as he does to all his events. About 90% of them did not even understand the questions, they were just booing when Sanchez would talk and call out names to his supporters. It is really shameful. That is why the call us the Banana Republic. As a cuban-american. I was ashamed. I actually left the room.

September 18, 2009 8:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but technically speaking the Related Group could, right now, build a huge office building with little restriction and bring much for traffic than the condo towers right? Didn't the Village Council vote in favor of the Condos?

September 18, 2009 9:22 PM  
Anonymous Michelle Niemeyer said...

Anon 9:22, Mercy Hospital, as the owner of the GI zoned property, can build anything it wants that is consistent with its medical use. That could be a high rise office building, it could be dorms for nurses and residents, it could be a nursing home, anything. The Related Group, or any other developer, could build it for them. Yes, the Village Council voted in favor of the Mercy project for exactly that reason. We were very concerned about the traffic impact of other kinds of uses on South Bayshore as opposed to the impact of 300 condo units.

September 19, 2009 1:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunetly you have opinion based on heresay is unreliable seeing as you accused Regalado of things that were untrue.

If Michelle (although she made fun of Tom's accent) said something she is at least credible.

September 19, 2009 3:59 PM  
Blogger Miami Politics said...

let me get this straight. Your saying Regalado bused in a bunch of old people. That could barely walk, with canes and such. Then the bus parked just outside the parking lot. Which then they got individual cars to drive them the way in. And then the process was repeated on the way out. Which probably everyone would have seen them because they are leaving.

This sounds kind of elaborate dont you think? Especially since Regalado did not bring a ton of signs etc. Seeing as Regalado has an event with over 2000 people not too long ago I am sure if he wanted to he could have overflowed that place.

Some things just dont add up.

September 20, 2009 10:56 AM  

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