DoubleTree is out -- Marriott almost in

Word on the street is that most of the staff was let go and Marriott is bringing in their own people.
Reminds me a bit of the Coconut Grove Bank fiasco.
I don't see how replacing people that are already part of the community is helpful to a business.
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Just to hopefully add a little clarity, Marriott will likely bring in a short-term 'bench manager' or three for the newly hired managers to shadow during the business opening period. These bench managers specialize in opening hotels and travel around doing just that. A different type of experience is required for such an activity, and as a hotel management company, Marriott realizes that.
Staff for the new hotel would certainly be hired locally.
I say all this not out of any allegiance to the company, but just for clarity. I worked for them for about 15 years. They do hire locally, and in a few months after they are open, the bench managers will be gone, with local ones in place.
Naturally, some Marriott employees will have the option to 'transfer' to the new hotel (just like any other company that would be opening a new branch) though they would undergo the same interview process as an outsider.
The Grape writes "I don't see how replacing people who are already a part of a business is good for the community" Hyperbole says a few bench managers will follow the newly hired managers to figure out how to operate a business, a business model that has been around since BC. And then these people will be replaced by locals.
Like the Grape noted "how can replacing locals be good business"
They are being replaced because they are obviously not contributing to a winning team. They are status quo employees. Id rather have status quo employees that understand my business rather than those from a losing business any day. Maybe now the people who were let go will be more serious about being a winner at whatever they do.
No more chocolate chip cookies. ahhhhhhhh
"Status quo employees" "not contributing to a winning team".
Okay, so during the last 2 year recession everyone not on a winning team should be let go. Good-by all governments world wide. Good-by all restaurant employees. Good-by clothing industry, good-by auto workers. Hello armed army personnel and weapons makers and terrorist.
7:50 - chill out buddy, takin it a bit far. As someone who's managed several businesses, some going into a location where we were replacing a similar business, I've found that you are much better off to clean house and start anew. People who worked there can apply right along with anyone else. Old employees tend to want to do things the way they always have.
New biz, new rules, new policies, and people will actually follow them. However, if you just change the name and keep the people - you end up with both the bad and good employees and neither of them following the new rules.
That gut, "chill out" Let me see, great depression, 2'd world war, 10-million unemployeed men in bars being talked to by who in Germany? Who even said this change was due to someone conducting bad business---not me?
Throw out the baby with the water would you? In my family business, we take over going out of business businesses and we always keep as many locals as humanly possible and this we've learned over a perood of about 65 years.
That Guy is right. Gut it and start anew. You cant polish a turd.
of course u have to get rid of old group, do you want to have solvent bussines or crap as it is
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