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Monday, August 31, 2009

Village Council seats up for grabs

Elections are coming up for the Village Council on November 3 and all nine seats are
up for election.

If you would like to run, the qualifying period starts tomorrow, September 1 to Friday, September 11. The NET offices both have applications (2820 McFarlane and 3692B Grand Avenue) or you may download it at the Village Council website

There is a $50.00 application fee and applicants must have lived in the Grove for a year.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Given the identity of the Village Council member who knew of the Peacock Scandal, thank you for reminding us that all Village Council Member positions are up for grabs.

August 31, 2009 3:37 PM  
Anonymous Ana Miranda said...

Especially since that specific council member is a very frequent reader/commentator on this site.. I'm surprised she didn't shed light on the situation, nor has spoken up since.

August 31, 2009 4:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what's the main duties Grape?

August 31, 2009 5:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll take a stab at that.

I think it requires not noticing when peacocks are removed and documentary shows are recording it. How could one possibly know?

(Actually, I didn't, but nobody has elected me for anything around here.) I just want my peacocks back and laws observed.

I think the other requirement is to write a lot of posts on this site and demonstrate that one has gone "round the bend" on a not infrequent basis.

August 31, 2009 6:23 PM  
Anonymous Michelle Niemeyer said...

Wow, you people are amazing! No offense, but every member of the Village Council knew about the peacock situation, every member of Commissioner Sarnoff's staff knew, everyone who attended our meetings or watched them on television knew, and lots of people who lived here and all over the country and watched CBS Sunday morning or other shows knew. I had friends from NY get in touch when they saw the article in the New York Times about our peacocks. I wasn't keeping any secrets from anyone. I knew what the City decided, which was that the City wouldn't pay to do anything but if people wanted to remove birds from their own yards they could. That decision was announced by Marc Sarnoff to the Village Council at one of our meetings. The Village Council doesn't have any power over what individual residents do in their yards, or over what the City does. Sorry, we just don't. I like the peacocks, personally. I met the lady who was feeding them and liked her, too.

I hope that every one of you who feels you have the right to criticize and attack those of us who give our time to this community will run for the Village Council. Use your energy in a productive way. We'd love to have you join us. Just come prepared and with an open mind and a thick skin.

August 31, 2009 6:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you know why so many folks flock to the Peabody Hotels? It’s because the hotel offers quality. But the icing on the cake is the daily parade of ducks that march to the lobby fountain in the morning and then march away in the early evening. It is comparable to the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace. Imagine if the Glasshouse does become a restaurant, with alfresco seating facing the baseball field and bay. Now imagine if there where Peacocks strolling near by in Peacock Park (serendipity)! They would be encouraged to stay nearby, because they would feel safe and be fed. It would be the most popular spot in the Grove. They would increase commerce by residence and visitors alike. They would even slow down traffic. They would help to brand the Grove in a most positive way. Everyone wins, even the birds.
Harry Emilio Gottlieb

August 31, 2009 7:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good idea at Peacock park, Mr. Gottlieb.

August 31, 2009 10:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All 9 Village Council seats are up for grabs? Oh dear, can current members reapply? Well, if Michelle is reapplying, then I will pass on this round.

August 31, 2009 11:41 PM  
Anonymous The Guy with the Beagles said...

funny. michelle's comment about "you people are amazing." especially since she once wrote, and it's posted here on this blog (Nov 21, 2008):

"The Grove has always been a place of activism and heated civic debate. As a Grove resident, I have seen powerful and emotional arguments on both sides of every controversial issue, and for everyone who participates in that debate there are another hundred people who do not and whose views are often not reflected by our most adamant activists."

Yet now, the Grove's propensity for "heated civic debate", which was a point of pride back in November, is dismissed with a derisive "you people are amazing."

Oh wait - she said "no offense".

Never mind.

September 01, 2009 11:14 AM  
Anonymous Michelle Niemeyer said...

I just have to laugh, beagle guy. I guess it's ok for me to be personally attacked by the army of nameless anonymi, but if I call them "you people" it's somehow insulting or wrong. What should I call them? I absolutely stand behind what I said about heated civic debate, but to debate it helps to stick to the issues and not attack people on a personal level. It also helps to be informed. I don't see a lot of talk about the issues here, or a lot of information. I do see a lot of ignorant attacks by people who don't have the most basic knowledge of the facts. That's not civic debate.

September 01, 2009 12:27 PM  
Blogger Tom Falco said...

I allowed Beagle Guy's comment because I know who he is, but from now on, all personal attacks will have to actually have a name and email attached. Michelle could easily post anonymously, but she doesn't. I have asked her to do that in person, and she declines. I think that says a lot.

So again, no more personal attacks unless you are willing to stand behind your comments by posting your name and contact info.

September 01, 2009 12:43 PM  
Anonymous Tim Grand said...

I am the Guy with the Beagles. My name is Tim Grand. I live downtown here in the Grove.
I apologize if what i said came off as catty, wiseacre or as a personal attack. For the record, it wasn't the "you people" part I was commenting on, it was the "are amazing" part.
That said, again, my apologies.
Won't happen again.


September 01, 2009 1:06 PM  
Anonymous Michelle Niemeyer said...

Thanks for the introduction, Tim. The "are amazing" part, by way of explanation, came from my amazement at the way I was being singled out as some sort of co-conspirator in disappearing the peacocks, and the attacks on me that continued into a blog entry on a totally different topic (applications for the Village Council). I received some emails as a cc, in my capacity as Village Council chair, almost a year ago about the conclusion Marc's office came to. A conclusion that was announced publicly and on television at a Village Council meeting. No secret conspiracy there. Sorry to disappoint. I didn't know the peacocks were trapped recently for some tv show until I read about it on this blog.

I've lived in the Center Grove for 12 years. I love this place and most of the people I know who live here. It seems that people think they have the right to be really personally nasty and to outright lie about things when they can hide behind anonymity. It's like a lynch mob mentality ... people act differently if they are part of the crowd than if they have to stand up and take responsibility for what they say and do. I think that's wrong, and it's bullying. As a matter of principle, I refuse to participate in that. That's why I'm so hard on the anonymi. I know there are some who feel vulnerable to attack by some powerful officials if they were to reveal their identity. Although I can sympathize with that, I also believe that by hiding their identities they add to the power of those they are hiding from.

I'm done ranting. Thank you, Tim, for coming out of the shadows. I hope to meet you in person sometime.

September 01, 2009 1:35 PM  
Anonymous Lili Dones said...

Actually, Michelle and the Guy with the Beagles are Mad Men Monday fans, so if you like, next Monday I will do the intro, and we can expand the conversation from advertising gossip to Peacocks. All Anonymi and Non-Anons are hereby invited, but you have to pay for your own drinks.

ok enough goofing off back to work.

September 02, 2009 9:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel bad for Michelle. Constantly attacked by the Grove lynch mob. Honestly, if I were her I wouldnt want anything to do with Grove government. You just cant win no matter what you do.

September 02, 2009 10:16 AM  
Anonymous The Guy with the Beagles said...

I called Michelle yesterday afternoon to apologize, and introduce myself. Left her a voice message. I would have invited her to join me for tacos at the sailing club last night, but, sadly, the sailing club won't let me bring my Beagles.


September 03, 2009 5:58 AM  
Anonymous Michelle Niemeyer said...

Thank you, Beagle guy! I would have loved to have been having tacos at the sailing club, but I would have had to say no ... I was at UM listening to the reasons why we should want high voltage power lines running through our neighborhood. If you listen to FPL, not only is there no "proven" health risk, but the addition of two nuclear reactors at Turkey Point is economical and good for the environment! We should be thanking them for the opportunity.

September 03, 2009 12:55 PM  

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