Future of Blanche Dog Park to be discussed at meeting
The city wants ideas to improve the park. Feel free to show up and participate in the process.
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Who says it needs improving? Leave it the hell alone.
Is this the one in front of Marc Sarnoffs house??
The City doesn't have money for any type of improvements but they do at the dog park that Marc built? Unbelievable!
I hear they are getting another circle over there as well.
Whatever improvement that needs done can be handled in house by the people that use it. As it has been the case lately. But, I'd say let's show up at the meeting and find out who/what the deal is and go from there.
Paul R.,
Two huge trees were removed because they were dying - one in fact fell over; the park needs more shade. Why is it you all want something done and when you have a chance to give your opinions they are so negative. Are the people who go to the park going to resod it or put in more trash cans - be reasonable? If nothing were going to be done you would complain about that.
Paul I agree with you. As a frequent visitor to the park there are many things that need improving that the visitors themselves cannot possibly provide. This location is used by many local dog owners on a daily basis and does need some attention. The new bags they are supplying at the park are terrible, you can puncture through it while picking up poo thus there has been a lot more poo left on the ground lately. There is not enough shade and the park needs more routine maintenance. Those are my main concerns which seem to me to be relatively inexpensive improvements.
Len Scinto:
Can the dog park people get together to voluntarly plant some trees. I work with a group TREEmendous Miami who has planted many trees around the County and were partially responsible for many of the trees along US - 1. we usually plant small trees so if you are willing to wait maybe we can arrange something. however if you want shade in the immediate future then it is doubtful volunteers can plant such large trees. Some things have to be done by infrastructure and government.
While there are several neighborhoods in Miami that offer similar advantages to those of the Grove, none of them offers a fenced, shaded, well-kept dog park like Blanche Park. Frankly, the dog park is the reason a number of people (especially renters) choose the Grove over those other areas. And the decision to live here means we become patrons here – so Grove businesses (from hair salons, to grocery stores, to restaurants, to shops) in turn benefit.
I do not know the circumstances surrounding the building of the park, but I do know that I have never once seen Marc there so referencing this as “his” park is absurd. The people who frequent the dog park form a wonderful group within the Grove, and are committed not just to the dog park, but to improving the larger Grove community as well. Asking dog owners to pay for the dog park would be like asking those with children to pay for the playground next door, or those who use Peacock park to pay for the upkeep. It seems some folks have lost their sense of community.
The dog park is something unique and special to the Grove. Instead of spewing negativity, perhaps some of you could take a more positive, collaborative approach to come up with low-cost solutions to keep the park well-maintained (for the benefit of your community). You may be surprised that some of these solutions are possibly be more cost-effective than the current efforts underway.
What little parking there is at the dog park should be eliminated. I'm tired of cars parked or half parked in the street. I have never seen anyone given a ticket for this illegal practice. Those using the park should be able to walk their pets to and from their homes or go to another park where parking is available
jack, as i understand it there are 3 off leash dog parks in all of miami dade county, it's not like they are walking distance from everyone's home unfortunately.
and mark did not build the dog park but before he became a politician he volunteered many hours of his time as did a lot of the neighborhood dog owners to make it what it is today and to stop the fraudulent opposition to the park.
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