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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Best of . . .

The New Times came out with it's Best of Miami issue and quite a few Coconut Grove places are mentioned:

Reader's Choice for Best Restaurant in Coconut Grove: Greenstreets
Best Conch Fritters: Monty's
Best Restaurant to Celebrate a Birthday: George's
Best Cheap Thrill: The Lobster Zone game at Mr. Moe's
Best Grove Restaurant: Jaguar
Best TV show shot in Miami: Burn Notice

Best Chicken Wings: Casola's
Best Place to Get Free Wifi: The Bookstore in the Grove.

They voted the Bookstore not just the best place in the Grove, but the best place in Miami to get free wifi. To quote the New Times: "The Bookstore in the Grove is famous for being just about the only decent bookstore in the City of Miami limits, but it's also a bastion of free wi-fi. Comfortable seats, cool air, available outlets, and café cuisine that's better than the food at most of those places that end up charging you for wi-fi anyway."

We knew this. The Bookstore is the center of the Village. It's the best place to see everyone because at any given time, everyone passes through. We have so many meetings there, too, right in the center of everything. It's the place where everyone knows your name.

The Best blog was The South Florida Watershed Journal. Never heard of it, but congratulations and I'll start reading it now!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

i sense the jealousy, talking about that blog hmmmmmm

June 16, 2009 8:37 AM  
Blogger Tom Falco said...

What an evil and selfish thing to say. I honestly congratulate them, I had never heard of them before. Have you?

If I was jealous, I would never have mentioned them or linked to them.

June 16, 2009 8:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Casola's chicken wings??? Yuck. And I've never heard of the South Florida Watershed Journal either.

June 16, 2009 9:17 AM  
Blogger Paige said...

It is an interesting blog with fantastic pictures, but I'm not certain of the decision process. The Grape is great to go to every day!

June 16, 2009 9:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

New times best of is a bought and paid for advertising. The only thing that has any validity is the people's choice awards, which are barely mentioned.

It's not really a well guarded secret.

June 16, 2009 6:11 PM  
Blogger Tom Falco said...

As far as I know, the Bookstore has never run an ad in the New Times and didn't even know they carried The New Times until I made it known to Felice today when I congratulated her. She didn't even know they won anything, let alone carry the New Times in the Bookstore.

June 16, 2009 6:16 PM  
Blogger Ras T said...

Checked out the "Best blog in Miami" and, call me crazy, but you really have to be into fun facts about our watershed to appreciate this blog.

Painted coconuts, gemini parties and rants about rude taxis are so much more entertaining!

June 16, 2009 7:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

by the way Casolas wings are great, and so is the Grove bookstore

June 16, 2009 9:45 PM  
Anonymous Michelle Niemeyer said...

Congratulations to The Bookstore in the Grove! This is such well deserved recognition for all your efforts to provide the Grove with a great place to hang out, eat and drink, buy very cool gifts and cards, and even get a book once in a while! Thank you.

June 17, 2009 11:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't mean that as a dig on the bookstore. Great for them on the recognition, but if you advertise with them, they create a category for you to win. If you call them and say, hey, I want a best of, then you will be advised to place some adds, then be given the one of your choice, unless its already taken by someone spending more money with them.

Just passing on information.

June 17, 2009 1:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love this blog and I don't see eye to eye with Grape but If I see another fucking coconut painting story on here I will die. I mean how much more we can take of this, for real man

June 17, 2009 5:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


June 18, 2009 12:13 PM  

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