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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Should there be a dress code for the Pajama Pub Crawl?

At first it had been thought that a red light district might be interesting as a concept to promote the Great Grove Bed Race. The black booths are just standing there and it came up that maybe thy could be decked out in red lace and light and a scantily clad man or woman could hand out info and Bed Race info for a week leading up to the Pajama Pub Crawl and then Bed Race, but now that idea has been scrapped.

Now the Pajama Pub Crawl has been curtailed in a way because of a dress code.

It didn't seem so bad to have a dress code when I was sitting there at the committee meeting, mostly it was a concern of the Alonzo Mourning Charities, who thought this is not the image they want to portray for their charities,

But then again, the Pub Crawl is on a Saturday night, involves liquor, bars and the whole scene that that conjures up. Is a flimsy nighty or two going to make the event any less child-proof or less dignified? It's a wild Pub Crawl. It's the Grove. Children should be home and in bed, not hanging out in the Grove on a Saturday night.

The next day, the day of the actual Bed Race, there are many events for children incorporated into the day. So maybe the rules on the Pajama Pub Crawl dress should be to have no rules. This could be a great thing for the Grove.

In the Grove, we take two steps forward and three steps back.

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Anonymous swlip said...

Being as delicate as I can:

If I know the Grove like I think I do, the women who show up in their nighties will not be the women whom we would like to see in their nighties.

May 23, 2009 3:36 PM  
Anonymous sailfast said...

Come on Gang, this is the Grove, wear your best PJ's and lets have some Fun. R rated is OK after hours. You should see what takes place in Manahattan in Greenwich Village during some of their Parades! Everyone should just chill out, and have a Blast. That is what the Grove is really about..

May 23, 2009 5:32 PM  
Blogger Andres Olarte said...

Yesterday I saw a girl in bikini top around the Grove's center. She was showing more than any nightie I've ever seen. I think anything that won't get you arrested is fine. But that's just me, an ignorant liberal living in a liberal town.

May 23, 2009 5:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello people rememebr Biscyane Babies Pajama Party. NO DRESS Code. You get what you get. It is what it is. STop trying to monitor and control everything, where do we live North Cuba? Come on

May 23, 2009 6:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No sensoring. The Pajama Parties of the past were great. You get what you get.

May 23, 2009 7:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@swlip - HA!! So true!


Team No dress code!

May 23, 2009 8:42 PM  
Anonymous nichian said...

I'm for a little guidance. We're always talking about about trying to attract a "higher-quality" group of people. But, maybe try no dress code this year and see what happens. We'll either be pleasantly surprised and amused, or will be thankful we don't often see most people in their bedroom attire, especially when they've been drinking.

May 23, 2009 9:31 PM  
Anonymous foul shot said...

Maybe I'm missing something here, but I find it a little odd that the beneficiary of this charitable event is calling the shots on how it's conducted. My suggestion would be to wear what you damn well please and find another, more appreciative recipient for the funds.

May 23, 2009 9:31 PM  
Blogger SteveBM said...

Setting up dress codes just gives people a reason not to go. I can also understand a charity not wanting to associate with that image. Bad idea.

May 24, 2009 8:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I propose to change the name of Coconut Grove to "Comunist Grove" Anyone who likes lack of freedom, prohibitions and dress codes..........Please come over!
This is the reason why the Grove has died.
When the Grove was at is best it was not a family oriented little town, it was a funky cool village where people were free to dress and do as they wish.
If they want a family oriented little village go to Disney.
Please give freedom back to the funky village of the Grove!

May 24, 2009 9:15 AM  
Anonymous swlip said...

Funny. As far as I can tell, it's not the residents with families who are more or less working full time to impose their views on others. We're way too busy for that.

May 24, 2009 11:17 AM  
Anonymous Jackson9 said...

This whole family-oriented bashing has to stop if we want to open ourselves up to the people of Miami and the tourist base. Families aren't all made up the cartoonish sunburned, poorly dressed, out-of-shape parents dragging bratty children behind them. The families who want the Disney experience will go to Disney. I hope families who want to experience the beauty and diversity of South Florida and Miami would feel comfortable with, and drawn to, the activities, shops and restaurants in the Grove.

May 24, 2009 2:09 PM  
Blogger Pogonip said...

No rules? So anything someone calls a "bed" is a bed? C'mon. You've already got some rules, so if you can't rely on the common sense of the teams, consider that you might have to put some limits there, too. It won't be much of an event if there's a Black Maria being loaded with people arrested for Indecent Exposure, will it?

May 24, 2009 3:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The law already prohibits indecent exposure. Wouldn't making a rule against it be redundant?

May 24, 2009 6:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This whole thing seems ridiculous...do any of you go out to the grove on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and saturday nights? People wear skimpy clothes every night, they don't need an event to motivate them! Not to mention halloween which is just a lingerie party. Bottomline, we need people in the grove, this event will do it! Who cares what they where if they don't break indecent exposure laws - which the cops will handle anyway?

May 25, 2009 4:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell the charity that the grove is offering a pile of money to, to go away if they have a problem with it. We can certainly find another charity that will accept the funds!!!!! I cannot believe that we would let this charity make the calls. And for the record, I don't think our old friend 'Zo, really should have much to say in this regard. While I like him and think he's a good guy, he's far from a uptight, goodie -goodie, and has a history far more colorful than this little event.

So, Alonzo Mourning Charities, if you have a problem with our event, take a hike, and don't ever ask to be part of our events again!!!

May 26, 2009 10:20 AM  

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