Resolution to keep Burn Notice filming here?

Our district commissioner, Marc Sarnoff would like the tv show out asap, so the city can knock down the old Expo Center and make it a park.
Many feel that the show, staring Jeffrey Donovan, right, should remain until they are off the air, which could be well beyond the 2010 season, according to the tv ratings. It is the most popular show on the USA tv network.
The random people I have asked, believe that it makes no sense to throw out the successful production company. They are said to spend upwards of $6 million per season on expenses from local crew salaries to food, lodging, car and truck rentals, lighting, construction materials and all the money that trickles down from that. With tax rolls down and money tight, why not keep Burn Notice's money coming in as well as keeping the good publicity the show gives Coconut Grove throughout the world?
I am constantly receiving emails from tourists asking about the show -- they want to know where they can see the filming, how they can be extras, etc. The tourists are well aware that the show is based in Coconut Grove, I find that to be pretty astute on their part. Fans actually come to Coconut Grove because of Burn Notice.
I was on one of the tour buses coming in during Pow Wow and when we pointed out the Expo Center as the Burn Notice studios, practically everyone on the bus ran to the right side of the bus to gaze out at the building. They were quite excited. Many of the tourists were from foreign countries.
Why throw out a top tv show that is bringing lots of money and publicity to the area? TV shows don't last forever, their days are numbered, why not let it happen naturally? The park can happen in due time. This is one instance where I am behind Comm. Joe Sanchez 100%.
For linking to this one story, just click on the time it was posted & just this story will open for sharing - only through social media. Not copying and pasting.
We all know the cast and crew stay at local hotels, rent homes here, rent cars, eat at our restaurants, shop here, use our local businesses like Shell Lumber, Fresh Market, prop companies, industrial businesses, pay for on-site filming, etc. The publicity we get worldwide is "priceless." It is a lot more publicity than we would get for one story for another unused underfuneded park.
I am sorry, the coconut grove convention center is an eye sore that is useless. Just because someone is occupying it now does not deter the fact that it has been standing there unoccupied for a decade
If it is being used, it is not unoccupied, now is it?
It is beyond my comprehension that EVERY business (store-hotel-eating establishment) in the grove (in addition to C of C reps, BID reps, etc) would not send a representative to that meeting. Of course some org or group could have gone to eevry business in the grove and let them know about the meeting and the importance of it. It could have been done in 1 day by car and foot. It's called being in business !
It is an economic engine NOW; it is bringing in revenue $20,000 mo and unlimited publicity and revenue for our City. We have had Burn Notice for these years and not to mention the publicity from Marley & Me. What revenue is the park going to bring in? Zilch!
Definitely keep Burn Notice as long as possible. Do we need a rocket scietist to prove the benefits? Sarnoff is making a mistake again, just like his 3am liquor rule, all the other commissioners are going to do what is best for their districts and not particularly good for Coconut Grove. Look, when 3am bar closing was started, Mary Brickell Village and other areas benefited. Not Grove. He also ripped himself into pieces campaigning against Home Depot, why did they open anyway? Where is the guy putting his head?
Most people don't even notice the structure -- so what's the problem in saying it's the home of the TV show Burn Notice if asked. That's very cool!
Why tear it down while it is being used? Sarnoff doesn't even have the money to build a park or even the promise of money to build a park. If you ask cynical me, who has been in Miami for a while, the only thing they are making room for is another Cocowalk, and that would be a crying shame. If you really want to build a park, why don't you do it in Shanandoah? We don't have any! The Grove has plenty! Why such a rush to tear it down, Marc? Makes you wonder.
In this economy, 6 million dollars concentrated in one area is a VERY good thing and it is a clean industry that is not costing the city a dime. The tourism board is quite happy for the free publicity too!
The film and entertainment business only recently realized the Expo Center makes a fantastic film studio/sound stage.
Burn Notice is a huge hit. It is now shown in over 25 countries. Miami is getting priceless free publicity.
$6M? Try closer to $18 each year. Plus, no one's saying keep the place as a studio forever, but it is clear the City doesn't have the money for the park. They didn't have it before the economy collapsed, so they are that much farther away now. So they'd rather kick out an economic engine and job creator to create a rubble field with no irrigation for grass that will become a source of blight and crime until they have money for a park in 10 years? Just irresponsible.
So if I get this right Mr. Sarnoff wants and empty lot full of homeless individuals instead of a possible film studio that can actually become another tourist destination in the Grove.
What is going on with these people's head?
I wonder what is in it for him if they tear down the buiding....
Reminds me of the same lack of foresight that happened when Miami Vice wanted to film in Miami and the Beach. The city, etc were all against this horrible show coming to Miami. Guess what - we got South Beach DIRECTLY because of it.And this show puts the area in a good light. Learn from history!
Why kill the goose while it's still producing golden eggs?
How can one production community work so hard, to force producers out of town, every year, over decades?
I applaud all of you for the posting and comments
until you meet the parties concerning this or make it a public issue
You are spinning your wheels
Go public and tell the citizens how much money is coming in
How many jobs have been created, how many businesses have earn
money from this TV show and on and on by the way
Why have the producers and UPM’s all of these big shots from Miami
Said or done anything you would think with there money and connections
They would help, Hummmmm
Hmmm... let's see...have a park that COSTS money or have a hit show that generates revenue and MAKES money....Does Mr. Sarnoff know anything about running a city - or does he know how to run a city into the ground?? Does he enjoy watching people all over the city make less money, knowing he was a direct influence on that? All the waiters, bellmen, valet, hotels, restaurants, small business owners, etc.. that benefit from such a lucrative set of circumstances?
Unfortunately, MIami is a cyclical city when it comes to TV & film production. We are not constant like LA or NY and when these waves come and present opportunities, we MUST take them. Miami has once again become fashionable, and being someone who has lived here almost 20 years, it is our time again to ride this wave and enjoy all the benefits that go along with it. Believe me, it will not last forever.
Why not let the production pay for the park? What is with the Grove these days anyway? Since when did all the fun get sucked out?
Mr Sarnoff obviously has a very limited understanding of this issue; Miami has one of the best production crews and support in the country, our standards are second to none. This entire issue should be a no-brainer, anyone who has travelled knows that Miami is percieved a "hot" destination largely due to images from movies and print. Burn Notice is a runaway sucess and will continue to be such for several more seasons, keep them (and their cash) here rather than hve them shoot "Miami" in LA like CSI Miami were forced to do.
I don't find the building offensive in the least. And in this economy - revenue is what we need. Don't we already have Peacock Park, and Kennedy Park? And abolsutley remember what Miami Vice did for putting Miami on the map. Let's get smart and not tear down something until we not only have a plan for the location, but also the financing to finish the proposed project. Otherwise this will become a large and ugly empty lot.
Isn't this the same commissioner that built a "street circle" in front of his house with tax payer money and is known to be trying to strong arm legitimate businesses that he doesn't personally like out of the Grove? He's obviously got some personal financial interest in all this "construction and development." Why doesn't some reporter or media professional look into this guy?
keep Burn Notice in the Expo Center for as long as possible. Dedicate the income to the City for demolition of the Center and construction of the expanded park when Burn Notice vacates. move City Hall downtown and use that building for restaurants.
Why do we need another Park? The parks dept. does not maintain the current parks well enough to add another park nor do they have the funding. That location needs to be made the City of Miami Youth Center, which provides activities for all residents young, middle and senior aged. As well has play areas for fields, Gym, and revenue generating activities to make it a Profit Center. This has also been discussed many times and loved by many including higher ups at the Parks Dept. not loved by the Mayor and Commissioners though? Not sure how Joe or Tomas feel about it but this is what the CITY and Grove needs! Kepp Burn Notice filimg until this can be worked out and then maybe we can have our cake and eat it too. The new facility could be rented out to Burn Notice and other events as well. (such as Goral Gables Youth Center whihc is a huge profit center for the Gables!) I have lots of documentation regarding this effort if anyone needs to see or Grape could contact me and publish!
Anyone who has an opinion can E-mail the Commissioners and/or they can show up on Thursday to hear the item. City Hall. Grove.
I agree to keep Burn Notice at the Expo Center as long as the show is going on . This is very important for the film industry here in Miami. I am in the Production business here and been in it for many years.
It is Priceless to have a great show like Burn Notice shooting here in Miami. We should promote more productions to come here, not scare them away .
Show up Thursday at City Hall.
Wear a shirt or hat that states,
"I love film..." or
"Films pay my bills..."
Lately I have been noticing many news stories about impoverished communities that have turned to ghost towns because of the failure of their local industries in this economy. It's sad that we would even consider looking the gift horse in the mouth when it comes to having Burn Notice filmed here. We should be grateful to have a viable site where a hit show wishes to continue filming and bringing money and publicity to our community. So many other small American towns are desperate for such opportunities right now.
To run off Burn Notice would be a travesty. We all enjoy the parks currently in Coconut Grove, but don't need yet another one. What we need are jobs for our residents and money coming into Miami! The publicity Miami is getting from this show is absolutely priceless!!
I vote for the city to pay Burn Notice to stay!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is so precious little of waterfront land in Miami that is not private or commercial. Why take the little we have and dedicate it into a movie studio that could just as easily be in Doral? That property, currently a decrepit expo center and acres of nasty parking lots, could be a recreation area for the local residents and a signature park for the city of Miami.
It's been cool having Burn Notice in the Grove for a couple years, but now it is time for them to move on... preferably to another location in Miami but not on our scarce waterfront.
This show has been bringing in money to this town for years, and now some corrupt douche city official is going to look the gift horse in the mouth and rip his tongue out. Over my dead body.
An art form is flourishing in Miami, and it's called filmmaking. The only way a real filmmaker can make his living is by making a living on films. One of the only ways of making a decent pay check in this field in this town is by getting a job on this show.
Somebody take a piece of celluloid, tape it to his mouth, tie him to a chair, and play Seasons 1 and 2 of Burn Notice for Mr. Sarnoff so he can see what a great show they've made, how much of Miami is seen around the globe, and what an idiot he would be for kicking the one piece of professional filmmaking we have out of this town.
I have the Perfect Plan, Burn notice is really only here for six months. Out by 1 Sept. But if there were a empty hotel they could use for all their filming, then lets get the eye sore Expo Ctr. out and Wow we have beautiful water views & park grounds.Now does anyone know of such a hotel on South Bayshore Drive that is empty hummmmmmm.
I'm thankful for the "economic stimulus" that Burn Notice has provided me and my family - for the use of our property for filming. They are courteous, trustworthy, and respectful. So what's the problem? We are lucky to have them around in these tough times.
Sarnoff wants to make it another poop park like Kennedy Park. Kennedy park smells like dog poop and why do the dogs have the water view? Are they paying taxes? That area of Kennedy is disgusting a pool of disease, is that what everyone wants another POOP PARK? People avoid that area you cannot have a picnic there the smell is too bad and the up keep is not happening. Miami Beach does not allow dogs on the Beach and Coral Gables does not allow dogs in parks except where designated. But oh no not City of Miami dogs and poop allowed everywhere.
Sarnoff needs to listen to the residents of the Grove and vote to keep Burn Notice. He needs to remember who pulled the levers at the polls and gave him that seat. Could be the same people going back in 2 years.
Film has been "flourishing" You think all of a sudden because one cable show films in Miami that we are flourishing.
And for the record the only reason Marley and me was filmed here was because the book took place here and for anyone who read the book Coconut Grove was supposed to be a central point (it wasnt)
The design district has a ton of warehouses, hell make it two straight blocks of film industry gold.
The master plan has been in the works for years with several meetings (just one a week and a half ago; that was advertised HERE!)
So why is it so many people are just hearing its a "park"
Its a bit more of a park, with a boardwalk a sailing station a ferry to the islands.
Marlins stadium all over again
Yes, Burn Notice could be filming in any warehouse anywhere.
But aren't we LUCKY that it's in OUR community!!!!!!!!!!!
Be thankful.
What do dogs have to do with this?
If you don't like dogs MOVE to Coral Pristine Gables!
The Grove if fine with dogs, cats peacocks etc ;-)
I counted 33 comments for burn notice to stay. Guess I will see the other 32 of you there.I will be there!Or is the only thing that functions is your fingers not your feet and voices.
Anonymous at 7:51 - dream on - there is no money for all the amenities you mention. Don't you get it? They would barely have enough money to remove the rubble from the demolition.
Its a master plan, the thing is already designed and ready to go. The money has been set aside.
The Master Plan is a 20 year project, Burn Notice can be there 20 years before it is in the way and money set aside? Good one. They don't even have the money to take down the Expo Center. They want Burn Notice to blow it up for them in an episode.
I think there should be a town hall meeting for this type of thing. Its a win-win. Burn Notice stays longer. The Coconut Grove master plan can be explained to the many people who dont know about it.
What does everybody think?
The Commission has stated they don't have money for anything except demo. Even if they wanted just a flat open field of grass and irrigation, they don't have the money for that nor to maintain it. They stated it would cost over $140M last summer. Now there is less revenue from taxes and more belt tightening ahead. This park is 20 years away if ever. I would guess there is a development plan B (aka, Better Cocowalk) that would satisfy the residents to change zoning once someone is raped in that open gravel patch of blight.
Anonymous at 10:14. Are you kidding,'the money has already been set aside'. What bridges have you been buying lately? The City of Miami's financial situation is bleak at best; regardless of what you have been hearing from her CFO. Tear down this stucture and I can guarantee you it will remain a gravel pit for many years! Come on, let Burn-Notice stay and the next production company after them!
Maybe you have a better idea for bringing more money into the City and especially the Grove. Oh I know...raise taxes. The building must remain for the near future. It just makes sense.
Why not take advantage of the situation and create a real film/studio in this building. It could be a great tourist magnet in the future for the Grove.
Keeping Burn Notice at the Expo center is the best idea Joe Sanchez has had in 10 years.
Burn Notice.
Keeping Burn Notice in the expo center is the only idea Joe Sanchez has had in 10 years
I think the whole thing is just a shake-down. No sane person would demolish such a lucrative building just so they could have a pile of rubble. If you threaten to demolish it, however, you could quadruple the rent like they did this year.
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