Neighbors are not happy with the patchwork wall

Maybe some neighbors can do this since the city won't fix it. I know of a guerrilla project coming up next week, regarding another issue. It's a secret, but I'll reveal it after the fact.
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It doesn't look like there is enough space there, but maybe it'd be better just to embrace the graffiti and encourage people to paint on the wall.
There's a wall up in Gainesville (much bigger and more prominent than this one) which is based on that tenet, and it winds up looking pretty dirty a lot of the time, but it gives people a bit of freedom of self expression. Pretty regularly, some artist or other takes it upon themselves to paint large pieces of it and it winds up looking nice. Look better than a beige/brown wall no matter how well painted it is.
I was just going to suggest the same thing but C Payan beat me to it. Get local artists or art schools to submit proposals for an art wall, the let the winners paint the wall. But i love the Guerrilla Gardening idea- there's was an excellent one on Houston right off the Bowery which was a delight to walk by on my way to work in SoHo fro the East Village when I lived there in the 70s and 80s. Don't know if it's still there.
In the case of this wall it all it takes is that fast growing Ivy you see on the metro rail supports along US1. Bougainvilea would be great but it is too shady there for it to flourish. Lili
Around my neighborhood (dont live in the grove) I would do a quick patchwork at night. However if some people are interested maybe we can do do a little thing with all the neighbors on the weekend. we can probably do it all in a few hours.
at the university of virginia, there is a bridge that has been given over to the students to paint how they please, and its mostly used for posting messages (celebratory, etc)
but the idea could be applied here. Let the piece become collective artwork?
How about a nice "Welcome to south Grove" with washable paint.
A south Grover
This EXACTLY what is wrong with the people who live in the Grove NOW. You guys complain about EVERYTHING. I am from the Grove and when this kind of thing happened in the past, we adapted and lived with it. If you want, go out and put a single color on it yourself. Its the Grove.
Please stop trying to make the Grove what you think it should be and let it be what it always was; just the Grove.
And P.S.Stop pushing all of this artwork all the time. If the artist that created the piece is not the person who owns the shop, then you are just like the Arts Festival is now to the Grove, for outsiders.
Hehhe, Irony, thy name is Anonymous. I only see one person complaining, at least without anything constructive ;)
The guerrilla gardening is an outstanding idea...I would totally do it here in the grove! Let us know...
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