The donors and congregation are not amused
It appears that most of the donors, if not all, who gave money for the school project at St. Stephen's are unhappy about the malicious destruction of the little 1912 church. They were misled by St. Stephen's Pastor Wilifred Allen Faiella, who basically lied by omission.
Faiella and her money grubbing group called the little church so many names in the project plans, everything but what it was -- an old, strongly built piece of Miami history. They called it Soper Hall on the plans, so no one would realize what that was. The little church was named Soper Hall in honor of Father Soper who was St. Stephen's first Rector who served for 26 years, from 1915 until his death in 1941. I am sure Father Soper is spinning in his grave today.

The old wall that surrounds the grounds is still standing in spite of the construction crew. That was only being saved for now to block out the spectators, otherwise, that would be long gone, too. The old Heart of the Grove store has caved in in parts, but the old columns from the early 1900s portico are still standing. Basically the 1912 structure is quite sound despite what was said.
I am told, but this is not confirmed, that church higher-ups are quite furious with the fools at St. Stephen's who allowed this, and they got involved. It's was not only a stupid thing to do, but it is now a public relations nightmare.
Donors want their money back, people are promising a boycott of everything St. Stephen's (including the upcoming Cabaret and next year's Arts Festival) and the other churches, like Plymouth Congregational, up the block, are reaping the rewards by gaining new congregants, who want historical places of worship who appreciate history and don't lie to them in the name of the almighty buck.
More to come.
Part of the on-going St. Stephen's saga
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True that. My Dad is furious and wants a refund. And wants the pastor replaced.
Great story Grape ! if it wasn't such a tragedy. I'll be following avidly for the idea that they can stop the "desecrators" (great word!) mid-wreck. And have that idiot "architect" who claimed the trusses were too old to save give back the money she stole to repair the damage - Now, it's going to have to be maybe like a Greek ruin - poor Miami History, she should be placed on an Endangered Species list.
And I URGE the donors to please keep strong in asking for their donations back. These people should have criminal actions brought against them for fraud and destruction of property. Do we have a Coconut Grove Historical Preservation Society? I'll start one today if not. We obviously need more watchdogs in this formerly quaint artist's village. This blog has been a spectacular way of motivating that sort of grass roots protection of our community.
I'm still in disbelief that they took a wrecking ball to Miami's oldest church building. We have so few of these historical structures in South Florida, how can we let them slip through our fingers like this? Rebuilding it hardly counts. They will not be the same walls laid down by the hands of pioneering parishioners nearly 100 years ago. Historical building are not destroyed with wanton and begrudgingly rebuilt, they are preserved and restored bit by bit. You can't just take a wrecking ball to a structure then seek to recoup the historical loss with composite hardwood floors and Chinese-manufactured drywall. It's just not the same.
I can't believe the Bacardi headquarters on Biscayne just got historic designation, meaning it can't be destroyed...a structure built in the 60s that houses an alcohol conglomerate... meanwhile here in the Grove, we are happy to take a sledgehammer to a structure built 50 years before that, by original area settlers, for the purpose of worship.
I guess this means no Faiella Hall will be going up. Time for a little omphaloskepsis.
Do you suppose "Do not hide your lamp under a bushel" also means "Do not hide your demolition behind walls"?
anon 11:56, Judge not lest yee be judged. Many hold their rum to be pretty sacred as well, but you've certainly got a point with the age of the building issue.
I am (I mean was) a Saint Stephen's
parishoner until today. I gave lots of money to the church thinking that the old chapel was going to be a part of the new project. I will be demanding my money back and this weekend my family and I will be attending Plymouth Congregational.
An utter outrage! Architects don't decide about the "soundness" of a structure--engineers do. Now we all know why. I can only hope that members of the community will not allow this kind of tragedy to happen again in the future.
Donna Shelley
City of South Miami
St Stephens is not the oldest church! Plymouth Congregational Church, founded in 1897, is located in beautiful Coconut Grove, Florida, at the intersection of Main Highway and Devon Road. And it is designated HISTORIC!
Plymouth Church was constructed in 1918. St. Stephens was the oldest church building 1912. Plymouth traces its roots to the Union Church that used to stand on the site of the Sonesta.
what made you think these church people were different than any other organized scamming liars in miami. They are the leaders of deception, lies and corruption. They are sneaky... letting the "demo guys" beat up on the building on the weekend, but then bring in the heavy machinery to just bulldoze it to the ground. Please, Dont bother saving any of the materials for donation or recycling(cieling fans, light fixtures,etc...), just smash everything up and throw it away!And why bother fixing what has been destoyed, it would be nothing but a hodge podge of slap together construction not worth squat compared to the quality and craftsmanship of the early (hard working) pioneer's... The congregation should give back the donations and or pay a serious fine for fraud. Church people lie, steal?? Naaa, not them. Putting retail in the same location as the school? What kind of stores will be able to rent from them? It's all about the dough.
They're hoping for a GAP or other major chain.
The truth of the matter is that no donor has asked for their contribution to be returned and we are unaware of any school parents or parishioners who are unduly upset by recent events. We support the efforts to continue as planned with the new construction.
With all due respect Chancellor, I am one of the donors and a class action lawsuit is being discussed. I hope I am not speaking out of turn here but also a local real estate developer is also being named in the suit. Nothing may come out of it, but there is talk going around and a possible meeting coming up about this. It's a shame all of the church people involved in this are so blind about this.
"we are unaware of any school parents or parishioners who are unduly upset by recent events."
Are you blind? Melissa Meyer has been a member of your church for years, and has made it exceptionally clear that she is "unduly upset by recent events." Or are you not counting the parishioners who will leave your church because of this situation?
Plymouth Congregational should be rock'in this sunday. Hope they have some overflow seating ready!
Michelle Niemeyer, you need to get your facts straight about a whole lot of the stuff you've alleged here. And, Michelle, you know how to do it since you are friends with people closely involved in this situation who can give you a different,and acuarate, side to this story if you would bother to pick up the phone and call.
I know it's a lot more fun to be involved in a kerfluffle than to seek out the boring facts. But you know how to do that and I am confident your higher angels will prevail.
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