Getting ready for the Great Coconut Grove Bike Day

People coming in from out of the area will have to park in the garages and hopefully take it by bike from there or hoof it. (That's Ellen, the clairvoyant's bike at left).
Merchants are being asked to participate in a big way. For one thing, the Merchants Group is asking that every merchant and business in Coconut Grove offer 10% off that day. You can do it on everything or just certain items or foods or drinks.
It's a great way to also market businesses. Water can be sold with ads on them, like a string, holding a flyer or coupon.
Another important thing is for merchants to open early. The event starts at 9 am and many places usually open at 11 am. But it might be a great idea to open earlier on Sunday so as to accommodate the very large crowds which art expected. Details here.
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Where is everyone going to park their bike while walking around, shopping, etc?
Bike valets.
This should be a good day... just wish we could do it more than once a year.
ps. - art on the brain grape? or were you using the archaic verb form as in "to be"?
Serious? Bike Valets? How much do they charge?
The Bike valets are free. You perhaps should click on the links and read the stories associated with this.
I would be concerned if I was a business owner too and all the streets were gonna be closed. I would think that would be a reduction in visitors to the Grove and to then give 10% off on top of that just to make some bikers happy? I could be incorrect. Are there any sort of numbers projected based on this event going on in other areas previously? I guess we will have to see how it goes.
Look at the maps. There will still be access and parking, although maybe people will have to walk a block or two if they're not on a bike. Bike Miami downtown draws thousands of people, a lot of whom are riding in from the Grove. You'll see. The Grove will be packed that day, and if Mary Brickell Village on the other Bike Miami days is a barometer, the restaurants will be packed.
I have to work in the grove sunday. What are my parking options? Will I have any access to the parking lot @ the knife sunday around 1:30 pm?
you want me to turn my mountain bike over to a bike valet that has no insurance!!!
These Bike Valets have insurance and are top notch companies. You guys really don't have a clue. You really don't. They are in the business to watch expensive bikes, that is their whole purpose.
Miami is so far behind in going green it is ridiculous.
Michelle and Grape are exactly right here. Nothing to add, great event! Carlos I.
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