We need a slogan for our new baseball caps

These are some mock-ups, but not the actual colors, although we will have neon colors and all black.
Businesses will also be able to have their own imprint on the other side. So it can promote an art opening, restaurant, store, whatever. They are mostly for tourists, but of course will work for any other special event.
Now we are designing baseball caps. They may be this style shown. These are stonewashed chino style caps, but we may have more colorful ones, too.
The caps will say Coconut Grove, FL with a palm tree on them and we need a tag line.
Which do you like?
1) A funky little sailing village
2) An artistic sailing village
3) We put the NUT in Coconut
4) An art colony among the madness
Or something else? Or nothing else?
What saying would tourists buy? What would you buy? We will of course hand out the items at various locations around the Grove, too.
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A quaint drinking village with a slight fishing problem
I was actually trying to think of that old bumper sticker but couldn't remember it. Thank you. :)
I really liked it a few years ago when some group came up with the slogan "Get Laid Back" for the Grove. I remember seeing it on a coaster at Berries restaurant and thought it exemplified all that is the Grove.
As I recall, Turkel advertising came up with "Get Laid Back". For better or worse, the line provoked surprisingly bitter controversy, with some factions finding it perfectly fine and others taking (or feigning) considerable offense at what they felt was a thinly disguised sexual reference (well, duh!)
With that in mind, perhaps something along the lines of "Welcome to Coconut Grove. Now go away."
It's okay to be different.
How about "Coconut Grove: Can I have 80 cents?"
anon 6:15 just made my afternoon. I'm still laughing as I type this.
I've got an electric neon green tee shirt from 1987 that will be perfect with those glasses, if only I could remember where I parked my time machine.
What's old is new again. Millions of these are sold a year to frat houses, where the college students put their frat logos on the arms.
They love the neon colors and so do tourists. But they do come in black and are look-alikes of Ray Ban Wayfarers.
PS. I'll remember to pass you by on the street when we are handing out free ones. Don't wanna date you or set your fashion sense on edge.
"Coconut Grove, joints not included"
What about 33133?
I LOVE option 3. We put the "NUT" in Coconut.
How about
"Coconut Grove, shhh, the crotchety old people are sleeping."
"Cocount grove - now with more roundabouts!"
"Coconut grove - come see our information booths?"
"Coconut Grove: Don't hit your head on the scaffolding!"
"The Grove:We close earlier than SOBE."
"Would you like to buy a magazine subscription?"
"Come see our smallish Home Depot"
"Please support our youth football program"
if none of those, then yeah I always liked the "we put the NUT in Coconut" tagline. Go with it Grape - I'll buy several (non-neon colors) as gifts for family living elsewhere.
The Banana in Miami's Republic...
I like the good old "NUT in Coconut" thing. That is, if we can't resurrect the "Get laid back" without local geezers having a simultaneous heart attack.
I think some with white arms and black writing would be pretty chic. I'm gonna Bedazzle mine.
I think anyone who is going to wear neon armed Wayfarer look-alikes damn well deserves to have "Get Laid Back" on there.
"where's the beach?"
LMAO, excellent: "The Banana in Miami's Republic..."
"The Laid Back Latitude"
or "No Attitude Latitude"
or "80 cents from adventure"
NO NEON PLEASE. let's get fashion forward! We want quality.
Coconut Grove No Chance for a Pastrami Sandwich Here!
"Shaken, Not Stirred"
How about "established 1873"
How about DUI free since we cut the booze off at 3.
It rhymes and everything.
Can we check the statistics on that, just to make sure I'm right. Oh, what's that, no one has looked for any such data, and none actually exists to support Sarnoff's baseless hypothesis that has cost grove businesses millions of dollars and plenty of jobs already? Awesome.
Maybe "Grove with me" playing of "Groove with me". We are groovy little village.
i liked the established 18w/e or the nut one. anyone of those will sell.
Grape, what a great idea you developed! Look at all these great suggestions. Take one two or three and run with it. I'll finance one for ya.
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