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Friday, March 27, 2009

Lebo created a beautiful bike rack -- a real work of art

Yesterday afternoon, I walked over to Peacock Park with Dave Collins, where we checked out artist Lebo, painting the new bike rack that will be unveiled tomorrow during a ceremony (info here).

Also at the park were a film crew, who interviewed Dave about the project. Dave was in fact, very nice to mention the Coconut Grove Grapevine, on camera.

When we got to the park, my friend, Village Council member, Michelle Niemeyer, was there with Margie Carmenates, from the City's Leadership Team #6, in charge of the project. Michelle was very instrumental in getting the new installation, working along with Margie's team.

They all went out of their way to plan the correct position for the rack, keeping the skaters in mind, who use the skate park. They actually found out which routes they take on their bikes and they positioned the rack along the path and within eyesight of the skate park, so that the kids could always see their bikes as they used the park.

It's a beautiful piece of art. I was asked not to show it here, so as not to ruin the unveiling. But I think everyone will be pleased and this is just one of many bike racks to come. Dave Collins, the BID, the Village Council and many others are making it their business to show bike riders that they are welcome.

Many complain about lack of bike lanes and accessibility. But the projects have started with the bike racks. They won't stop now. They can't be stopped, they have been "let out of the bottle." I heard Dave say something like that on camera. I know he meant it. He was ebulent as he was talking to the camera. He is totally excited about the prospects to come. So am I.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to hear. A start is a start. I'll be there tomorrow. A real great step forward would be repaving and painting S.Bayshore Drive, the space on the right, for bikers, runners, skaters, walkers.

That would be AWESOME.. try a speed, road bike around there during rush-hour traffic, from Peacock park to the rickembacker Causeway.. be very careful.

Sincere thanks & Congrats to the rack people, though. Lets do a lot more: REAL BIKE LANES, to be enjoyed everyday by the thousands of runners here too.


March 27, 2009 12:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With all due respect, the "rack" seems to be the result of a lot of hard work by very dedicated people.
Thank you all.

That being said, is this not something that should be a matter of routine for a civilized community?

WOW! Bring out the newspapers, politicians, radio and TV. For a Bike Rack? Now try some reporting on other more pressing issues. Similar results would be nice. Actually, ANY results would be nice.

March 27, 2009 1:51 PM  
Anonymous Michelle Niemeyer said...

Thanks, Grape, for your great writeup on the Lebo bike rack. One correction, though. Margie's team has no relation to the City of Miami. They are part of the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce's Leadership Miami program. There are 6 teams competing with various projects addressing all sorts of different topics.

The goal of the Bike the Grove project is to raise awareness of cycling and the need for cycling facilities by installing artistic bike racks. Since they are a Greater Miami Chamber group, the Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce has partnered with them and is co-hosting the unveiling of the Lebo bike rack on the terrace at the Chamber offices tomorrow. I am the Chamber Board's liason to the Leadership Miami team. They deserve all the credit for this great piece of public art. They raised the money to pay for it, got the artist involved, etc. In addition to this piece, they will be involved in the installation of two additional artistic bike racks in the Center Grove which should be unveiled on April 26, when Bike Miami is in the Grove.

March 27, 2009 5:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 1:51 Well said. Good God, are there not more pressing issues? But, they say a culture/society is judged by the way they treat their weakest.

March 27, 2009 6:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ms. Niemeyer and all,

We really apprteiate your efforts regarding this " Bike the Grove - project"

Bike racks are nice, especially if the add some piblic Art to our Cocoanut Grove Village.

But, Michelle, the real issues about bikes, runners and all, far transcend pretty little bike racks.
For the thousands of us Bikers, with expensive road bikes, or even mountain bikes, we just don't lock these anywhere all day, leave and go shopping. Racks are nice, but for those who need to secure their leisure bikes while visiting the Grove, any tree or public lamp will do.

The REAL issue, is that the City of Miami has been rated THE 3rd Worst city in the entire USA for Bikers. That's official. Many factors were taking into consideration in those studies. And that's just in the USA. Not to mention Europe, where they are light-years ahead on this.

BIKE LANES, Pavement, signs, education/awareness for both acr driver and bikers, BIKE LANES.

Repave South Bayshore Drive, to the right. Paint it. Build a half-decent bike lane. Runners will also appretiate it. Tiger Tail is another veritable mine-field, as Main Highway or Douglass.

Now that would be serious progress.

Bike racks are cute though. Can't wait to see this today at 4pm. A start is a start. better than nothing. But what a joke!


March 28, 2009 11:38 AM  

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