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Sunday, March 29, 2009

It was a really nice, well attended party in the park

Yesterday was the unveiling of the brand new bike rack by artist Lebo, at Peacock Park. Like it?

Just kidding, that's just a bunch of bikes on the ground, which is confusing, since there was the new, beautiful bike rack not too far away, and the whole ceremony was about that.

This is David "Lebo" LeBatard (left) with Jim Frevola, a Magnificent Six team member. You can see his work of art below. At each end are brown metal racks that hold two bikes each, and possibly more.

The design was to also be a bench, but that was discarded, so hence the long cement shape.

There were also bicycle valets, which people enjoyed a lot -- leaving your bicycle with someone who actually watches it was a nice touch.
The bike rack installation ceremony turned into All Home Week. It was as if the whole Grove turned out for this. And it was a nice first class catered event. There was shrimp and chicken and conch fritters and wine, beer, soda, cakes, etc.

The weather was great and bicyclists, walkers and skaters all turned out.

So did many politicians. From left, next to the camera man is Dave Collins, head of the BID, then there is Collin Worth (drinking water) director of the Bicycle Action Committee; Village Council member and liaison for the project, Michelle Niemeyer in bright green pants, Commissioner Marc (crazy legs) Sarnoff, Commisioner Joe Sanchez and Mayor Manny Diaz. That is Carlos Iglesias, bicycling advocate and frequent commenter in the Grapevine, in the hat and checkered shirt.

The whole Magnificent Six Bicycle Action Committee was out and proud of the job they did. It was very well attended and lots of fun. I even got to ride Comm. Joe Sanchez's bike around the park.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many bikes can this bike rack accommodate? it doesn't look too functional.

March 29, 2009 10:26 AM  
Anonymous rAS said...

Where's the rack part? Am I missing something, or is it?

March 29, 2009 10:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big or small, where concrete pours, Manny shows.

March 29, 2009 10:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A bike rack? It looks like amoebas or a throw back to last year's Art Festival poster of the mangroves. Why not a great bicycle scene, palm trees, coconuts, a seascape, sailboats, peacocks, or bright flowers!!!!!I know art is in the eye of the beholder, but it ain't beholding to hold bicycles.

March 29, 2009 11:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am pleased that so much time and attention has been invested into this bike rack/political Photo Opportunity.
It is a step or perhaps a pedal in the right direction.
The Lebo Artistic Bike Rack is a lovely horizontal monolith and reminiscent of the one in “2001 A Space Odyssey”, if had been painted by Peter Max.
Perhaps all of this media coverage of bike racks will actually help stimulate interest into making the Grove an Bike Friendly community.
Perhaps this attention will help the government powers that be, retailers and shopping center operators to install utilitarian bike racks to accommodate plenty of bikes, establish valet service for those that require more safety and pampering.
More bike racks and safer bike paths will be a very inexpensive way to generate more pedestrian traffic and sales in the Grove Village and even in downtown Miami.
The real irony of this Artistic Bike Rack Celebration in Peacock Park is the fact that this bike rack could not even accommodate the few bikes that arrived at the event. Harry Emilio Gottlieb

March 29, 2009 12:19 PM  
Blogger Tom Falco said...

the rack looks like it can accommodate 8 or more

March 29, 2009 12:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The picture here doesn't depict where the bikes can be locked.
But I agree, it's for a few bikes only. More like a symbolic gesture from the officials. Better than nothing, and the Art work is really good.

I guess it's a start about raising awareness regarding the lamentable Bike/run issues here in the Grove.
Things seem to be moving forward, hopefully we won't be the third worst city in the entire USA for Bikers for too long. The real deal is building real bike lanes, paint, asphalt, all over the Grove, especially S.Bayshore Dr., Main Hwy, Douglass, Tiger Tail..

But it's a cute little bike rack. the commissioners and the Mayor seem to be committed to effecting real improvements. They talk about "funding" when it comes to real work: BIKE LANES, asphalt and paint. Guess we don't pay enough taxes here in the Grove. Nonetheless, the event yesterday is a positive start. There's Grove Bike day in April..

Carlos Iglesia

March 29, 2009 12:38 PM  
Blogger Daniel M. Perez said...

But, are there pics of the new racks?

March 29, 2009 12:46 PM  
Blogger Tom Falco said...

Maybe if you stopped bitching and actually did something other than that Carlos, things could get done.

You didn't mind eating and drinking everything in site yesterday. So putting down this effort by everyone who volunteered and worked on their own time for FREE seems a bit lame on your part right now.

That goes for the rest of you big talkers who never lift a finger or volunteer for anything.

March 29, 2009 1:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did not put down any of the efforts yesterday. Didn't you see the big smile on my face all afternoon?

Have some respect, Grape, you have no idea what I do and will continue to do, in effect, for this and other Grove causes. Let's see if you post this, but behave, big guy. Keep your gloves on and be cool. I have bigger fish to fry.

March 29, 2009 2:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Carlos has made a constructive comment, I cannot find the bitchin. No wonder people post anonymously here, if you say anything with your name signed then you get bitten in the butt, because then you can be targeted a lot easier. Oh well, I guess the Grove has simply become a grumpy conservative place over time. My two cents: the rack is so so OK, but why so far away from where it is needed in the commercial district?

March 30, 2009 12:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice political photo-op. With the money and time spent on this event, I wonder how man actual functional bike racks could have been put in the grove. Sometimes its not about promoting an idea and getting a message out (this one's already out there and being begged for by the masses). Sometimes it's just about getting it done.

March 30, 2009 9:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks, anon@12:37. Things are moving forward regarding the biking and running Grove issues. Hopefully we'll get bike lanes and smooth asphalt this year. It's about time.

March 30, 2009 10:15 AM  
Blogger Alex said...

Carlos Iglesias is absolutely right. This much ballyhooed rack was nothing but a photo op for Joe Sanchez. The design is laughable. If they are serious about bicycling, they'll add more tying points to the wall in the future.

And all the racks in the world don't mean diddlysquat if there are no bike lanes.

March 30, 2009 11:11 AM  
Anonymous A member of Team #6 said...

To Alex and Carlos and everyone putting this project down. I am part of the team who was involved. We spent countless hours on this project and the politicians who showed up didn't have to show up on a Saturday afternoon. The fact that they did made it more special for us.

You are both a couple of rude uncaring people to talk about our project and team like this. If you have a gripe with the city then take that up with them but to put our project down for your own self interests is uncalled for.

March 30, 2009 11:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To A team member #6: thanks for following up on the comments, your comment is making me more curious. Now please someone tell me clearly why Alex and Carlos are making comments for "self interest" when it is related to bike rack, please clear this up, I do not get it. What is the secret? Is it some political double talk that needs a code breaker to comprehend?

March 30, 2009 11:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"To Alex and Carlos and everyone putting this project down"

How exactly have I put this project down?!

I attended it, enjoyed every minute of it and met many of you. My comments have been constructive. If you read them here. I like the back rack very much, the Art work, and good start. I've been talking to Collin, the Major, Michelle, Grape and everyone positively about this. It's a good start, albeit just a cool little artsy bike rack in one of our parks.

We thank you, sincerely for the progress and all of your efforts. We simply need to do more, and I'm just another guy trying to help and raise more awereness about the REAL biking/running street issues. We are moving forward. So please don't get me wrong, I'm being as positive and constructive here as possible. But you have to be realistic. Grove Bike day is coming in April: GREAT! Let's repave South Bayshore Drive, build real bike lanes. Then other Grove streets. That will be serious progress.


March 30, 2009 12:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, what "self interests", we are just trying to show support for any iniciative to make Miami better than the 3rd worst city in the USA for Bikes.

We run and bike. That's our interest. All of the people who hang out is behind these efforst, some of us are just a bit more vocal, all we want is nicer street to run and bike. Simple as that..
And we appreteiate all your efforts. How else can I help?


March 30, 2009 12:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Getting a bike rack for the Grove - why does that have to be an "event?" Just put the bike racks around town and move on to another constructive project. This is nothing but a photo op for the Mayor and anyone else running for office.

March 30, 2009 1:32 PM  
Anonymous Ras T said...

It's a silly bike rack as far as bike racks go.

We missed the target of one of the most important premises of "working art" - form & function.

Sure is purtey though. I can"t wait to try it out. If nothing else it serves as a very nice backdrop for a photo-op.

March 30, 2009 1:58 PM  
Blogger Alex said...

My, my, what thin skin. I do have a "self interest", which is a lot less self serving than the politicians (how naive of "Team#6 member to think they wouldn't show up as long as cameras are around) that congregated to dedicate a lowly bike rack: a real commitment to biking from the city that goes beyond one monthly event and a crappy rack for eight bikes. Bike lanes, bike paths, bike parking, re-paving streets, enforcement of traffic laws, education of motorists, etc. What you see in Paris, Barcelona or Seattle.

On the other hand, if it takes "countless hours" to build a rack I could have built on an afternoon, then maybe I'm expecting way too much from the city and Team #6.

March 30, 2009 5:00 PM  

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