The Gifford Lane Art Stroll t-shirts are now available

This year’s design features a genuine Coconut Grove peacock on the back and on the front is a street sign showing Gifford Lane and Art Stroll.
All proceeds from the shirts will be divided between the St. Alban’s Child Enrichment Center and the St. Stephen’s AIDS Ministry.
Anyone who wishes to purchase a shirt should call Nathan Kurland at 215-776-1038.
The Gifford Lane Art Stroll is this Sunday. Details are here.
And don't forget we have the musical slide show of last year's Stroll here.
That's me showing off the shirt right under the actual Gifford Lane street sign.
For linking to this one story, just click on the time it was posted & just this story will open for sharing - only through social media. Not copying and pasting.
Grape, finally your photo hooray!
My pic is all over this blog. You aren't a daily reader, now are you? :(
Ok just scrolled all over and yes either daily or cloe to it where is there another recent pic of you? :)
Every once in awhile I am there. I find it unprofessional to put my pic in often.
I am stopped almost daily by people who say they know me from my photos in the Grapevine. So they must be often enough for this to happen so often.
The other day a lady said I look just like my Twitter pic, so that was weird.
Wow, I always pictured you with more hair! Still cute!
I think I saw you last night! Did you go out for dinner?
I don't know how I'd feel about everybody in town knowing me. Especially a town full of nuts! ;)
No I was home all night, had dinner at home.
I don't support the peacocks! Originally I thought they were oh so pretty just like everyone else. But I've changed my mind since I've had the misfortune to experience them in the neighborhoods that they have over-run ... particularly Snapper Creek Lakes.
They are horrible! Wait til you hear the noise they make, particularly around breeding time. And, they reproduce like jackrabbits. They poop everywhere, can be quite unfriendly once they establish their territory, and eat all the new plants so forget about trying to grow things in your yard. The noise is relentless.
So, I'm disappointed that I won't be buying a t-shirt with a peacock on it! They hardly represent the Grove, anyway.
Every time I read a comment like Anon @ 11:06am I ask myself, "Is this really happening right now?" Comments like these have to be jokes because they are that absurd.
Hey Grape, I have to agree with you, it is highly unprofessional to always put a picture of yourself, so how about one of me? I'm much cuter!
The Gifford Lane Art Stroll is the kind of event(s) that could save the Grove and we need as many as we can provide and not only on Gifford Lane, but all over the place, namely down town Grove. In fact federal law states the artist and not only visual artist, but performance artist can use public places such as sidewalks and parks to do their thing. Someone should organize such a group to take over the sidewalks downtown Grove and our parks and create an environment of excitement, noise, controlled commotion and other free spirited activity(ies) anywhere and everywhere and make it somewhat spontaneous so the tourist won't know what to expect, but is also entertained by surprise.
Looks like a committee had their hands on this one. One card, another T shirt image. One does not support the other.
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