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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Chamber President responds to Grove's Earth Hour

Village Council member and Chamber President, Liliana Dones sent this in.

If Earth Hour in the Grove was not as big as anticipated, it was not for lack of trying by the usual enthusiasts, who saw this not only as an organized effort to promote solidarity with all major cities throughout our planet to bring attention to the seriousness of global warming (particularly since in its continued course, it is the Grove, Miami, and all of Southern Florida that will go under long before Paris or Las Vegas and other participating cities).

Many of us saw an additional benefit in this event: a way to stimulate the economy for Grove restaurants and merchants, who beyond switching off the lights, could also promote and draw people to their own establishments. To that effort, the Grove Chamber participated in weeks of planning as part of Miami's Earth Hour Committee in order to make the Grove a prime destination for Earth Hour in Miami. Other areas included Key Biscayne, Downtown, Mary Brickell Village and the Design District.

We circulated many calls for participation, provided ideas and promoted this as a Grove event, not just for Chamber members. This was not just about turning out the lights, but about turning people on to the different establishments wishing to participate. We arranged for banners with fees waived by the BID and the City, production donated by Fast Signs Downtown, and art preparation by Creative Tools.

Through the infrastructure provided by the World Wildlife Fund's Miami Earth Hour Committee, the City of Miami, and the many individuals and organizations that donated their time and effort and expertise, the promotion of this event featured ads in magazines, including Miami Monthly.

It included calendars of events and promotion through eblasts by many organizations. It included countless postings in the Grapevine.

It included the Bike rack inauguration in the Grove which drew hundreds of cycling enthusiasts and supporters, that were encouraged to remain here for the evening's switch-off events.

It featured all manner of collateral materials, including posters, pins, and bus stop posters, and eflyers and e-banners. It included television coverage and pre-events.

The PR effort had worldwide reach - as witnessed by this entry forwarded from the World Wildlife Org. Earth hour blog: "I have been planning this with my sister for about a month now…. I have also been told that Coconut Grove, Florida is making an event out of this and is inviting everyone to join in this earthy celebration… so that should be a sight…" -- Paula Lopez

I was sick in bed, unable to be out and about in the Grove, last night, so had my own little candlelight event at home. The rest of the time I responded to emails, including several asking where in the Grove their party should head for dinner and Earth Hour. Greenstreets, Windisch-Hunt, The Bookstore. As I said, the usual enthusiasts.

The Grove businesses are luckier than most. Promotional opportunities and free, or next-to-nothing, marketing opportunities are there for the taking.

They have had the BIC, and now the BID. They have a NET office that facilitates police liaison and Merchant Association meetings. They have an Arts Festival that brings world wide recognition and thousands of people that spill over to benefit our commerce.

They have a Chamber of Commerce, with over half a century in existence, which promotes its member businesses for as little as 75 cents a day, through constant eblasts, promotional ideas, regular events, and signature events such as Taste of the Grove and July 4th in benefit of all Grove businesses.

They can run ads in the Grapevine, which is among the most read community blogs in the nation, for pennies a day, and can count on constant free inclusion in its write ups.

They have people like Sue McConnell shooting out emails promoting Code 33133 participants and all Grove events to her extensive email list.

Around the corner is another event that stands to benefit the merchants and restaurants of the Grove. It is the Pow Wow. Lots of planning involved by the GMCVB, the BID, the Chamber.

Lots of meetings and strategy in an effort to get 1500 tour and travel professionals to experience the Grove one evening during their major conference in Miami in Mid may.

The 4th of July is coming. It is a weekend. And just like last year, the Chamber will once again encourage all Grove businesses to come forward with specials and packages that promote the Grove as a whole to the locals, the near-locals and those looking for economical weekend or summer getaways. Cross-promos are encouraged.

At the end of the summer is the Bed Race on Labor Day, and the hope that we can put the summer to bed with a little prosperity for all.

Look at other successful businesses (you know the ones) and ask, "What would ______do?" Join the Chamber. Volunteer for Pow Wow. Advertise in the Grapevine. Participate in the BID's summer campaign opportunities, support fellow businesses (which incidentally, are more than just restaurants and retail stores, but many excellent service businesses).

Learn the power of cross promotion, joint promotions, and above all, joint effort.

For linking to this one story, just click on the time it was posted & just this story will open for sharing - only through social media. Not copying and pasting.


Blogger Jack said...

I never could figure out the Earth Hour thing; don't we already have an Earth Day to celebrate the planet and the environment? The lights off thing was just too gimmicky.

March 29, 2009 9:37 PM  
Anonymous Jobie Steppe said...

As a Grove resident and merchant since 1965, I tried to bring the Grove merchants, BID, The City of Miami & others together under the banner of art everywhere throughout the Grove. What I got was the entire gallery community of the Grove to unite, call The City of Miami Code Enforcement Department who issued 6 code violations that had nothing to do with art. Of course earth hour in the Grove did not work and neither shall anything else that could bring a community together working as one to benefit all. The Grape does a great job trying to unit the entire Grove, but his repeated message of brothership falls upon many deaf ears pulling in so many different stupid & selfish directions, even as such events come and go without unity and the spirit of cooperation and brotherly love.

March 29, 2009 11:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It definitely got me to spend money... but at the only place that actually seemed to "turn out the lights" in the entire grove, where they still had their 10 flat screen TVs fired up. The gimick worked to get some business I'm sure, but the underlying purpose was summed up well by the Grapevine as a "dud."

March 30, 2009 7:15 AM  
Blogger SILK said...

seems like with all the committee's, groups, organizations, chambers, BIC's, BID's, etc. maybe it's hard to get the message to everyone? seems like the effort was there but if there was not interest by the merchants in the first place why the continued push to make it happen?

March 30, 2009 8:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honestly, it's very confusing trying to keep up with all of the committees, BID, BIC, Police Liason, Chamber, Merchants Group, etc and what is going on and what businesses should do. I say this from experience as a business owner who never knows what meetings to go to, when, where, what to participate in, etc.

While, I did understand the Earth Hour event, had I not read it on this blog I would have never known about it. That pretty much goes for everything that happens here.

March 30, 2009 8:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with both Jack, and anonymous 8:54 AM. I was completely confused with how Earth Hour fit in, when we already have an annual Earth Day of April 22. It would have made a lot more sense to do Earth Hour around Earth Day in my opinion.

Anonymous also makes a good point, with so many "events" in Coconut Grove, the only place I read about them or hear about them is on this website. So if you are not a grove resident and not ready the grapevine, how are you going to know about our events. Even with the grape's coverage, I often don't know about an event until the day of or the day before. I dont know if Earth Hour had previously been posted as an event on the BIC/BID website, but its not there today.

It would be great if we had a local "pennysaver" newspaper for the grove where events, specials, etc., could be posted.

March 30, 2009 9:28 AM  

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