Gangs are taking over the Grove; does anybody care?

And we go from kids doing something great and constructive to this.
Gangs of kids have been harassing people all over the Grove, but nothing seems to be done about it.
My neighbor told me that the police are aware of it because they called her to return mail. The police told her that gangs have hit the neighborhoods in the North Grove and are stealing the mail.
Saturday I was coming from the gym and saw them banging on the door at Kinkos next door, trying to get in. They had the girls inside scared stiff. They were trying to break the glass. They were kicking and banging and trying to cause damage. When I asked what they were doing, they attacked me with rocks and cans and called me a few choice words. They literally threatened to kill me if I didn't leave them alone.
They also called out two older guys, who seemed to be running the show. These kids are young, but someone older is behind it all. When the older guys looked me in the eye, it was pure hate looking at me. These kids look innocent, but they are violent.
They were also doing their scam, trying to get people to give them money for non-existent school projects. They hit up the tourists exiting the buses. I blocked this one guy's face.
When I took the camera out and starting taking photos, they ran off. If they were innocent kids collecting for school, they would not have run.
I ran into them later down near Focaccia, they threw rocks at me on the street when they saw me. I told them I was calling the police and they ran off. If they were innocent kids, they would not be throwing rocks and running off when the police are mentioned. I counted up to 15 at one point. A large group that can cause major damage.
Stealing mail, throwing rocks, trying to break into businesses and scaring the tourists. Is someone going to step in and do something? I tried and I was attacked. Where are the police? One of the security guards from the black booths just watched. We finally have a guard in the booth and he stood there shaking in his boots.
The Grove is finally making a come back. Are we going to let these hoodlums spoil it and scare off the visitors?
For linking to this one story, just click on the time it was posted & just this story will open for sharing - only through social media. Not copying and pasting.
Our so called "representatives" from the City of Miami have no clue of these Grove realities, and they couldn't care less, as long as our juicy Tax dollars keep pouring in.
Makes you wonder what are all those cops doing sitting idle for hours, hiding behind Stop signs to nail someone for a fine (Miami City's beloved Revenue) or dishing out parking tickets, instead of Patrolling the Streets, erradicating this kind of Organized Nuisances, as Real Cops Should, Policemen Walking the Streets, remember?
BTW, great job, Grape. I guess Grove residents might have to Volunteer as Vigilantes to keep the neighborhood safe, since our employees from the City have no clue.
this is the same group who tried to steal a ladies purse at one of the outdoor seating restaurants and harassing people by the kwik stop. speak with officer Carrillo 305 389 7996 he is at the net office and around the Grove
You know I understand why we have moved from corporal punishment and the like, but I would be lying if didn't think what these kids need as a good whooping.
When I first moved to West Africa I was horrified at the thought of the community beatings which are the standard punishment for theft, etc. However, then again there is a heck of a lot less crime there. It is not merely punishment, but a DETERRENT. It is based on their treatment of the village as one family. You steal from one person you steal from all.
A young boy about 12 broke into my house one day and tried to steal some stuff. I screamed and he ran. I went and told my neighbors and the entire village went looking for this kid. He was busted after he tried to break into another hut. They beat the kid, and while I expected myself to be upset, I wasn't. He knew the consequences and made the choice. It is a standard practice there. And when some one is beaten, all the people in the village see those consequences first hand. They will also hold the parents partially responsible and may charge them fines or require some other sort of damages. They told this boy he had to return all the money and was forbidden from both the village market and within 100 meters of the homes of the people he stole from. They also told him if he did it again they would turn him over to the police. The family was also shamed (basically they got a bad reputation). The whole thing was handled in less then an hour. For me, it was the most complete sense of justice I have ever experienced.
I sometimes really wonder if we have gone down the right road in this super sensitive, politically correct world.
Like I said before, nothing beats an armed and alert citizenry for keeping the peace.
Thanks for sticking your neck out, Grape.
Exit question: Hope 'n Change, anybody?
The real question is where are the cops. Seems that in the past six months they have disappeared from the Grove. They used to be at the Kwik Stop and I would see them driving around town. No longer. Has someone mad City Hall mad at the Grove so this is there way of getting even?
I have not encountered any groups of young children in center grove that have been harrassing or menacing, thankfully.
However, I'm appalled that a group of young black children walking through the center grove are labeled as a "gang". It's tag lines like, "gangs taking over the grove" which grab headlines and which patrons head. You are hurting our local businesses by making such accusations.
While I do not doubt the veracity of your comments that groups of children were banging on doors, throwing rocks and running away, this does not make these children "gang members". It makes them rowdy, wrong and undisciplined. Until you have proof of any gang affiliations you should refrain from making such accusations.
I do agree however, that a stronger police presence would eliminate any criminal activity, whether from gangs, children, adults, etc.
THANK YOU anon 4:40 pm, I could have not said it better myself...... Black kids are usually labeled as gangs or thugs....2009 and still ignorance exists...when will this end?
Yes, we wouldn't want the little youngsters to be traumatized by being labeled as "gang-bangers." Good heavens - it might affect their self-esteem.
Think of the children.
I don't care what color they are: black, white or purple. A bunch of kids throwing rocks, cans and breaking into storefronts and stealing mail from mail boxes are a gang of hoods as far as I am concerned.
I think the cops left the Grove because they were harassed for ticketing cars that were illegally parked. Ouch.
Put down the camera and pick up a bat or a tire iron. Beat one to a pulp as an example. Problem solved, the little brat won't do it again.
"Black kids are usually labeled as gangs or thugs....2009 and still ignorance exists...when will this end?"
Perhaps it will end when the rate of black on white crime declines to the level of white on black crime or white on white crime. Right now, and for many years, there is a large discrepancy between the two. Whites fearing crime from young black males is not inconsistent with the reality that exists.
Wow... pod_bs you need to smoke some weed and relax or go out and get laid. Lots of pent up aggression.
I am sure you are thinking something else that you can not write here, I am sure you want to call them something else... I can see right through your sarcasm
Anon at 11:20 a.m. remarks:
You know what, anon? I can see right through your comments, and you know what I see?
A fat kid, eating two double-bacon cheeseburgers and a super-size soda while playing computer games and jerking off to Internet midget porn.
oh ok anon 3:48 that was really a good point you are so smart...NOT IGNORANCE is IGNORANCE and you just proved that point...
POD_BS grow up, I am sure you would want your kids beat with a bat too....
Maybe they were still celebrating Obama's win?
Folks, frankly and collectively you are all correct on the bell curve, however, I believe this is just the beginning of what numerous and various communities around the world, similar to the Grove, can expect to experience in the months and perhaps years to come, in this type of serious recession. It is good we have the Grapevine to compare notes so lets try to come up with some workable solution, some intelligent discussion to try and eliminate these type of things from taking place.
Jobie, your comment really make sense, maybe you can give swilp some guidance.
Midget porn? Now you are discriminating against midgets? Actually I work out and don't eat meat, but you must be talking about yourself....I feel bad for you.....
Give it up, Anon. I see right through you.
In addition to midget porn and cheeseburgers, you're into serious goat-spanking.
It's all right there in the subtext of your posts.
Would you prefer we called them "Group's of out of control Non-White youth's"?? Is that PC enough? Or maybe Un-caucasian possible criminal perpetrator's?
I'm sure when one of them get's killed cause he ran in front of a car while running from the Police you'll see plenty of phony outrage from the parent's. They'll probably settle out of court for a few million many year's after some of their neighbor's express their phony outrage by destroying every supermarket and appliance store in the Grove (east or West)!!
BKNY loves The Grove!!
Swelp is just jerking your
chain(s) to obtain the max response. Swelp is the Howard Sterns of the Grape and Swelp can get you to turn loose your response and that is a positive. I would wager Swelp is someone you would gladly have stand beside you when you need a reliable friend. Swelp probably does not need advise rather than a just cause, which would be hard to find in todays world. This Grape is a positive for those of use who like this outlet.
Boy, I wrote a comment that was right on the money the other day that never saw the light of day because I called someone a liberal Hippy Moron, just to be sure for the next time, It's OK to say someone Wank's of to Midget or Animal porn but Liberal hippy Moron is a no no??Hmmmmmmmm?
BKNY Still loves the Grapevine!
BKNY, are you located in New York?
Good to have you here if so. Say whatever you want and we'll give you our honest opinion down here in the South and I suspect all of us Americans' will harmonize, including our immigrant friends without legal status. We are all very fortunate to be here in the U.S. of A. and I suspect we'll all be back to back soon.
The grape suggest these kids are scaring off our visitors and I say if you are fearful you had better plant your feet or run and hide.
The Grape says they are a gang of hoods. Since this gang of hoods is in Grapes sphere of influence what does the Grape recommend other than rhetoric?
How can you people allow a group of teens, or so you state, to come into the Grove and intimidate your population? What in the hell are you people going to do to protect yourselves when something serious takes place? Your males need some serious training in manhood training or is the Grove full of feminist and if so I'm coming down there next week and taking a few of your women home with me.
Anon 8:08, Yup Brooklyn born and raised.(frequent Grove visitor since 1986) Didn't mean to disparage all liberal's, hippie's or a combo of the two but the dude I was referring to that day deserved it I thought.
Some of my best friend's are Liberal hippie's!!
By the way naysayer's, Wearing sock's with your slipper's no matter what your color or age can get you taken in by the Fashion Police Gang unit!! That's all the proof I need!
Book em Bruce!!
"just to be sure for the next time, It's OK to say someone Wank's of to Midget or Animal porn but Liberal hippy Moron is a no no??"
That's exactly right. And well it should be so! Wanking off, midgets, animal porn - all pretty normal stuff, by the by. But calling someone a liberal moron, c'mon man - what were you thinking??
"is the Grove full of feminist and if so I'm coming down there next week and taking a few of your women home with me."
Be my guest. They are the ones with the hairy armpits and the angry looks on their faces. Take as many as you like...I don't like gangs of young hoodlums, but that problem tends to sort itself out over time. But feminists? That's a REALLY nasty infestation to have in an otherwise nice place like the grove.
Anon 11:21, good point, I stand corrected. I got three and before I could get them home they kicked my butt, took my Rolex and my dog fido.
Grape and all:
I live in the grove, I eat in the gove, I buy anything I don't buy on the internet in the grove, I invest in the grove, and I most certainly drink in the grove. And ya know what's funny, I've never seen this type of thing. Maybe though, that's because I work till at least 7 every weekday, and these little punks know better than to mess with "the trouble making party crowd" the crotchety old, no money spending - all day complaining, fogies are always complaining about.
My point is this: have an active nightlife in the grove or you will have active crime in the grove. Personally for the safety of my property, I prefer a drunk college kid to a criminal looking for something to steal, break or at least spray paint. It's one or the other. Always has been, always will be.
Anon 6:56:
Well said!!!
Good Point "Grape & All", Very good important point.
If the Grove could attract more people to the Grove daily this type of activity probably would not take place as the crowd would get involved because there is the perception of power in numbers or at least the perceived power of the group.
Is that your point?
To yesterday's evening posters. Yes, that was my point. You see a big part of Sarnoff's plan is running everyone out of the grove by 11 (his bedtime). He wants some fantasyland of upscale restaurants and art. Those are both great, but we need bars too. They, their staff and their clientele help the economy just as much if not more, and funny thing is people apparently like to drink. Sarnoff and his policies are trying to make the grove into the gables, which is just plain stupid, and impossible. First, you don't try to imitate the city place next door, especially when its already claimed its niche. Second, we're part of miami, not a separate municipality. Hey Marc, run for mayor of the gables, thanks.
Sarnoff's bedtime is 9:00pm
The police told me they were "gangs" that is why I used the term.
I did approach them as they were kicking in the door at Kinko's and asked why they were doing that. They responded by throwing rocks and cans at me and calling me every name in the book. They told me to mind my f-ing business.
Here are some definitions of gangs from - it doesn't say black or white. My father is a black professional and my mother is white.
1. a group or band: A gang of boys gathered around the winning pitcher.
2. a group of youngsters or adolescents who associate closely, often exclusively, for social reasons, esp. such a group engaging in delinquent behavior.
3. a group of people with compatible tastes or mutual interests who gather together for social reasons: I'm throwing a party for the gang I bowl with.
4. a group of persons working together; squad; shift: a gang of laborers.
5. a group of persons associated for some criminal or other antisocial purpose: a gang of thieves.
By these definitions, the boys are part of a gang.
Why should The grape or anyone else have to be nice to them?Maybe you would prefer:
Pardon me my good man, would you be so kind as to cease from trying to destroy that property that does not belong to you?? Why do some of these people who are alway's making excuses for the behavior of these kid's alway's try to twist what other people have written to make them sound like they're racist's? When someone they know or love is robbed, stabbed or killed in the future by some little criminal who started his life of crime with one of these little scam's, or assault's in your case.( having a rock of ANY size thrown at you is nothing short of assault as far as I'm concerned, anyone that think's other wise need's to have a rock thrown at them.)Then their phony outrage will be aimed toward's the Police and city for not having done something about it earlier.
For those of you who want to be politically correct:
gang [ gang ]
noun (plural gangs)
1. group of troublemaking young people: a group of young people who spend time together for social reasons and may engage in delinquent behavior
Seems to me, that is what you have. I do not live in the Grove, but am there often. This has to be stopped and soon, or it WILL get worse.
I am not sure if I am more disturbed by these kids running around throwing stones @ people or by the delusional comments of certain people posting to this article. The politically correct stuff has gone far enough and it is not a matter of racism (it's pretty well known that the grove is not exactly racist compared to other areas) We are all well aware of the things that go on on Grand and whether the people that live there are black or white shouldn't matter. The crime rate is what matters and it so happens that the people are black. I came home late one night from the airport and one of these "youngsters" was hiding in my bushes at 2AM, my husband asked him what he was doing and he ran away. what if I came home alone that night? Should I wonder about what the outcome could've been then? Can I say for sure he was up to no trouble? If I saw anyone of any race hiding in my bushes, I would have the same reaction! Let's stop worrying about race for a minute and look at the facts. And if you think you can sit down and have a conversation with these kids as they are throwing rocks at you, go ahead and mentor them while you're at it, it's obvious they need mentoring! We need the police to keep on eye on the grove. If I was out on the street throwing rocks at people, I am sure I would be taken in to the station and I am not black.
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