Village of Center Grove meeting tonight

Here is a photo of the current dockmaster's office. As you know there are plans to fill this whole dockspace with an office building.
The residents are not amused.
Meeting details here.
Besides the fact that they want to literally build an office building right on the waterfront, what about the Charthouse restaurant next door? The Charthouse is being moved back as part of the Waterfront Masterplan. Shrimp boats will be on the waterfront behind the Charthouse, right next door from this dock. So basically, working shrimpboats will be docked next to an office building if this office building is built.
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Grape, I believe you have the plans for the new building. It would be three stories high, with most of the ground floor open, similar to the front of the Shake-a-leg building. Grove Harbour has offered to make the entire ground floor space open to the baywalk and part of the public realm. We do not have a right to that ... if we kill the plan for the new building they can leave things the way they are with an under-wide baywalk and a parking lot on the water. The proposed building would not go all the way to the water, its outer perimeter actually would be set back a few feet further from the water than the outer perimeter of the current building.
Also, the Waterfront Plan contemplates building a new dock that would extend out toward the spoil island from an extended baywalk area in front of the Chart House property. The shrimpers would not be right next to the Grove Harbour building (and if they were, so what?).
I know I was defeated on this at the Village Council but frankly the uninformed hysteria is beginning to make us all look a little stupid. This building is not such a bad thing. It would be better if they would build it a little smaller without the proposed sub-leasable office space, but they do have a business to run and want to help defray the expense of the building somehow.
Frankly, we don't mind the parking lot. There is no way they can keep the entire bottom floor open. What about complying with the 50' setback? We appreciate the openness of the waterfront.
It's actually a 40' setback that is required, not 50'. More uninformed misinformation. Their current building was built by the City with an 18' setback at its closest point to the water, I believe before the law was passed requiring 40'. They do not need to change that if they leave the current building there. You are correct that the entire ground floor would not be open. It would have a little over 1000 square feet of closed building, surrounded by about 5,700 square feet of patio under the roof formed by the second floor.
P.S. They also offered to make the restrooms in the closed part of the ground floor available for public use.
An office building does not belong on the water. Set back or no set back.
Michelle, And we will deny this building, all of the people from the Grove. Who want a Concrete Huhe Office Building at that spot,Blocking Water view, except for certain people with certain interests? Most of us without any Boating or monetary interests there will not allow that.
Everything I have read says a 50ft setback - I have never heard 40ft. Why is it that someone who advocated for the open waterfront master plan is now advocating to have an office building built on the waterfront with a trade off of patio space. We don't want to eat lunch there - we'll go to Kennedy Park - and we don't want more cement or a 3 story office building on the waterfront.
It's rather simple, RN, Money considerations, at the expense of mosr regular Grovites and visitors.
Make no mistake, the agenda there is to make even more MONEY than they already make (I have some estimated numbers for that and other Marinas) regardless of weather it decimates and kills even more or limited access to the Water here in the Grove.
Business as usual.
Except that they have failed twice, thanks to concerned Grove neighbor associations, and we're trying to make make sure they will fail yet again and take that nasty Office building elsewhere but right by our limited Water Front.
I know. Why not construct a 30-story office building RIGHT IN THE BAY with a nice, green bridge/parking lot/disco where we can all park our Hummers and drink mojitos and listen to Snoop Dog?
The building is a bad idea! The arrogance of the propsition is mind-boggling.
Isn't this a no-brainer?
I'm still mystified how this was not addressed in the very expensive so-called "Master Plan". It seems emblematic of how all of Miami has been developed through its history - and that is not a good thing.
See Michelle, there's no reasoning with Grovites. What starts as a snowball eventually becomes an avalanche. The funny part is that the majority of people who gripe about water views probably never even go down to the water.
And yet hundreds of us are there daily.
You are right - all those people with boats never go to the waterfront, duh!
I go jogging and/or biking with my family here on a daily basis and have for many years! Leave it open. There are actually many people walking, biking and jogging here daily as well. They should enlarge the area for these types of activities not minimize it more! Wake up Groveites take back what is left of our property! NO MORE GIVE AWAYS. Stop the overdevelopment. Hasn't anyone learned anything yet from the current economic situation!
That's right - let's take back the Cloisters - that was the most abominable give away the Grove has ever had. Just umagine if Commodore Plaza went all the way to the Bay!
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