Noisy politics in the Grove
I may pop in tomorrow for part 2.
Embattled school head Alberto Carvalho was at breakfast at another local eatery with a bunch of filthy talking buds. Alberto was all decked out in pink tie and Armani-looking suit. He was more subdued than his noisy buds. I would think Alberto would want to be low key these days and not sit with a bunch of guys yelling out f-this and f-that.
I have to get out to breakfast more often.
I returned home yesterday to see three police cars and my next door neighbor all upset. I thought there was murder or something. It ended up that another neighbor stole her Obama signs off her lawn, so she called the cops.
They actually went after the guy and arrested him. They claimed vandalism.
For linking to this one story, just click on the time it was posted & just this story will open for sharing - only through social media. Not copying and pasting.
Some bastard stole my Obama sign too. So much for the so-called "values party"
This Alberto Carvalho thing is such a farce; what happened to the transparent process? This guy was handpicked, primed and waiting in the wings for his exhorbitant salary while teachers are struggling. Why not appoint an interim and do a national search?And its the kids that will suffer!
What...... McCain has fans?
Someone stole my Obama sign on Douglas Road. It was up for less than a day!
A Republican stealing something? Let's see, what else have they stolen from us? We can start with the 2000 election and go on from there. Anyone that votes Republican this year, well, if you have any money left, I have a bridge to sell ya.
In related news, there was a fight at recess near the monkey bars and a trapper keeper has gone missing! Waaaaaah!
That's literally how stupid and petty McCain supporters are. So typical that they actually think that by removing Obama lawn signs that it will somehow stop the him from winning the election! Ridiculous people. I'm pleased they got arrested. They totally should be reprimanded for such asinine behavior.
Yesterday I was speaking to a Cuban woman (who BTW spoke no english after being here for 25 years) at a Supercuts in Palmetto Bay. She was obviously not a wealthy person, I wouldn't even say middle class. I mean how much money could you possibly make cutting hair at Supercuts? The place was deadsville.
Anyway, I dared ask who she would be voting for and she said McCain. I asked why - when he's not for the common man, etc, etc. She acknowledged all that, actually agreed! But said. "I vote McCain because I Republican!"
Labels ruin freedom of thought, and in this case common sense. The hypnosis runs deeper than we originally thought.
S T O P T H E B U_ _ S H _ _!!!
V O T E O B A M A 2 0 0 8 !!!
Luckily my Obama sign is still up and in tact. However, my mailbox was stuffed the other day with a three page diatribe against Obama, and the MSM being devils and it went on and on and on. It was pure vitriol and disgusting. (not to mention filled with misspellings and rotten English). Needless to say, I trashed it. But this didn't come through the US Post Office, rather some one stuffed it it my mail box ...I'm assuming aftr they saw my sign. Has anyone else received anything like this?
I think calling the cops (and having someone arrested) because a sign was stolen is a waste/misuse of police resources.
Aren't there worse things happening out there that the cops should be looking into?
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