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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Maniacs on golf carts on sidewalks

OK, what's with the golf carts on city streets? I know Key Biscayne allows this nonsense, but I don't think it belongs on South Bayshore Drive. I almost hit these nuts with my car on Saturday because they came out of nowhere.

They zipped from one street to another, up on sidewalks and bike paths. Not good. Maybe if I was driving and having fun on it, it would be good, but from my car it's not good. I guess it's like Jet Skis, they are a nuisance until you get on one yourself, then they're a fun thing to do.

Ironically, Glenn Terry wrote about "obsticles on the bike path" in his Herald column today. This is one of them. Imagine coming around a bend and being hit by this thing on the sidewalk or bike path.

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Blogger Sledge said...

There IS no bike path. Miami has consistently been voted one of the 5 WORST cities for Bikers in the entire US, not even remotely close to Portland Oregon or even New York City, not to mention places like Amsterdam.

There is NO bike path from Coral Gables, to the Grove, to S.Bayshore Drive and the cause way, unless you have a mountain bike, a very good helmet and a great Health insurance policy.
At least we have Mercy hospital over here just in case. There are biking accidents almost everyday. and this is from someone who has been living here for years, running and biking almost every morning all over this area, down to Bill Bags park or down to Homestead.

There is faulty lighting, tree roots, simply no bike paths, bumpy roads, desperate people going to work in a hurry in their cars honking at sometimes irresponsible bikers. We have to share the road because there is no place for bikes, or even for runners. That's why you see a lot more people on weekend mornings all over South Bayshore drive all the way to the beaches" There are less cars and it's a bit safer.

Once again, TERRIBLE job from the city of Miami about this issue. As lousy as it gets, almost as lousy as our infamous "Waterfront Boardwalk" which most people don't even know it's supposed to exist.

September 21, 2008 10:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's worse is these golf carts on the streets - what's with that?
They belong on a golf course in a golfing community. If you are worried about gas, get a bike. I see parents with their kids in these and they are not strapped in - isn't that a violation? If seatbelts are required in a car, why not in a golf cart?

September 21, 2008 10:57 AM  
Blogger C.L.J. said...

All I can say is that "it wasn't me."

September 21, 2008 10:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

golf carts are not street legal... that's why there not 'on the road'. other electric cars (with tags) are street legal.

September 21, 2008 11:15 AM  
Blogger Sledge said...

There are very few Golf Carts out and about in Coconut Grove. They are just a rare appearance, much like the few policemen on horse we occasionally see. Still, the former is wrong and should be illegal, the latter encouraged.

But we have many other problems a lot worse than a rare Golf Cart where it shouldn't be, real issues like no running or biking paths and no Waterviews. Now that's serious. There are accidents every week.

September 21, 2008 11:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

is now the time to bring up the chaos on the bike path that occurs every weekday morning outside Carrollton School on Main Highway. The school, which has an enormous amount of acreage, insists on using the bike path as a "turn lane" for cars into their property. and they pay the police to assist. let's get them off of the bike path (a.k.a. The Commodore's Trail). It is illegal and the police get paid private funds to enforce this illegal use.
Plymouth Preschool, Ransom Everglades, St. Hughs, St. Stephen's do the right thing... shouldn't Carollton too!

September 21, 2008 1:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To anonymous above, you are completely wrong, Many golf carts these days are completely street legal. They do have seat belts and headlights among other things and they can only be driven on streets that have a 35 mph or less speed limit.

September 21, 2008 2:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't get it? Maybe we should go back to horse and buggies and get all over.

We are in a situation where we are being told drilling for oil is bad so we must conserve and look for alternative resources.

For local runs around the village, a golf cart is ideal.

This is like the windmill farm proposal on Martha's Vineyard. The elitist protest including residents John Kerry and the Kennedy family.

It is what they tell us the country needs, but reject it themselves because it is negative to their way of life.

This type of hipocracy is becoming more common in America.

September 21, 2008 5:08 PM  
Blogger Tom Falco said...

So you feel these unlicensed vehicles are a good thing and the fact that they are in and out of traffic, on the sidewalks and lawns and just about anywhere they want to be is ok? And many times kids are at the wheel. I saw a young kid driving one today on Bird and Virginia. Interesting.

I don't find that these people are using them to conserve gas. Most are using them to joyride because they can.

September 21, 2008 5:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh come on its only a golf cart, how come you almost hit them were you driving on the sidewalk? Lets not start excluding residents and as long as they are safe all I can say is "Can't we all get along?"

September 21, 2008 6:19 PM  
Blogger Tom Falco said...

I was exiting a parking lot and they were going the wrong way on the sidewalk.

September 21, 2008 6:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These golf carts are illegal and don't belong on the streets or the sidewalks for that matter. I reported one to the police last week, they don't have a license plate so there is no way to identify them. That is one reason they are illegal.

September 21, 2008 6:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The wrong way" on a sidewalk?

I'm in the Grove every day, and never considered the occasional golf cart to be any big deal. I have specifically looked - out of curiosity - and found they DO have license plates.

September 22, 2008 6:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ban the peacocks,
And ban the golf carts.
Ban the late bar that rocks,
And ban the big store that sells parts.

We love the Grove,
But we love to bicker more.
Save us from ourselves..
So we can simply enjoy our life on the Biscayne shore.

September 22, 2008 7:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Golf carts outside of golf courses are a pain in the ass most of the time. If they are on the sidewalk, you can hit them or they hit you and they take up the entire sidewalk. If they are on the road, they hold up traffic something fierce. I'm dying for one of them to hit me on the bike so my lawyer can have a field day.

Key Biscayne seems to have reached a happy balance, but I don't see that happening anytime soon in the Grove.

September 22, 2008 7:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is that Nathan driving??

October 08, 2008 11:29 AM  

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