Crazy Pianos coming to CocoWalk

The site will be expanded from the current 6000 sf to 7000 sf. Up to $3 million will be put into the place. This will be their first US location.
Nice to see the space fill up so fast. It is a great location and they look like a perfect fit. Check out their website here:
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Sounds like fun. I'm actually surprised they're putting in another Howl at the Moon type of place here. I used to love going there.
Looks pretty cool. I haven't lived here long enough to remember howl at the moon so bonus for me.
Just hope the pianos don't fall through the floor...
i suggest they learn from coyote ugly. kind of a one trick pony...fad wore off pretty quick.
Even odds it won't be around next year. Those kind of monothematic places get boring really fast.
I agree Silk, but Coyote Ugly was "girls dressed in skimpy outfits dancing on a bar". This seems to have more class and will probably appeal to more than just college kids.
I think it will do great. It will lure locals and tourists. Exciting.
I'm excited for this! I love this type of entertainment. My personal opinion on Coyote Ugly was the ladies in there just liked to drop F-bombs into the microphone a little too much. I can understand every once in a while, we're all adults but the stream was just too much.
I'm pumped about this, but they need to remember they are not a south beach club. The entertainment is unique, but low cover (if any), happy hours, specials, and generally low drink prices will keep people coming back after the "fad" wears off... the trick is, will that pay the rent?
Fantastic, moving in the right direction, the Dutch are coming with their ideas. Also it is really good that the Europeans are investing their Euros here. It would be even better if we changed our local laws so cafes could serve pot, hash and space cakes like in Amsterdam.
According to the Herald they signed a 10 year lease. That's optimism! If they manage to make it fun AND affordable during the first year or so, getting people to go over and over, they'll make it. If they don't manage to get a steady local clientele during that first year, they won't survive as tourists are a fickle group that are always attracted by something "new".
I'd day, hold tons of Sweet Sixten, Quinceaneras, Birthday, Bar Mitzvah's and office parties all the time. These might be low class, but pay the rent.
Also, kill the parking problem by giving 3 and 4 hour validations.
Loyal, often repeating customers are key for restaurants, bars and attractions.
I am picturing it as a Tu Tu Tango with pianos instead of artists. Hope it's the same atmosphere.
Oh Wow, Grape you are the biggest
dick that ever lived.
Long time reader. longtime feed back giver. you are pissin me off big time. Dont have me come lookin for ya next time i'm in the grove.
My call a cab might fall off the balcony at Friday's next time your walkin by. Go get your envelope from the management at Cocowalk.
Is this dude threatening you? In writing? I'm going to email you about this Grape, give me his IP address and I'll handle this legally.
wait - i don't get what made anon june 21 12:16 so upset. reporting on a piano bar?
I apologize for the above comment.
I would never waste a frosty beverage like that.
I was pissed about something else and just finished a a pitcher of margaritas with a friend before I wrote it.
Sorry Grape, I love the grapevine, and check it out every day.
Again, I apologize.
Keep up the good work.
I miss Cafe Tu Tu Tango!!!!!!
They have a lot to live up to.
As for Crazy Pianos being gone in a year ... I doubt it ... it's been around here in Holland for 8 years in one place and still does very well.
Too much of people not minding there on bussiness. Why argue? Let this place try and make something of it. Look at it this way, it's creating jobs for people. That's gotta be a good thing. Let us all check it out and try to have fun while doing it. If it don't work for you, you can always try Boomers.
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