I've been thrown out of better places

I wanted to get their phone number and see how people could set up appointments for the rest of the day, but the rude management there would have none of it. Apparently they want model releases signed to take pictures in there. They are not models. They are hair stylists visiting the Grove for a charity event.
All the Grove residents getting their hair cut were up for my Grapevine pictures. The management was not amused.

For linking to this one story, just click on the time it was posted & just this story will open for sharing - only through social media. Not copying and pasting.
I work in the industry and I have to let you know that these stylists, while they are not models, consider themselves to have "celebrity status". Thats why they want you to sign a model release. Its pretty silly if you ask me. You should see some of the productions they put on at industry events. Crazy outfits, flicking hair while snipping like crazy in front of a crowd of screaming girls. Its really comical. Ive seen quite a few models leave the stage in tears because their hair has been hacked.
I guess there is no such thing as a free lunch -- OR -- A FREE HAIRCUT. Everything comes with strings. I wonder if the Woman's Club knew the rules before they signed them up for this event.
That's pretty silly. They have this comic idea in their heads that you are going to sell the pix for hundreds and hundreds.
Normally, I find that approaching people nicely works well (take a look at the hip hop weekend at www.dailycamera.blogspot.com) but there's nothing you can do when someone inflates her own ego.
Best is to move on to the next thing.
Model releases! LOL!
I went yesterday and everyone was extremely nice. I didn't see anyone getting their hair cut, only styled. Stephanie styled my hair and did a great job. I'd pay to have her cut my hair when I move to NYC.
I'm not really sure how it was a fundraiser. It seemed more like raising brand awareness and pushing products.
I can understand why they were upset about taking photos, many businesses have rules about photographing in stores. This isn't too far of a leap.
Oh no, like there ain't enough hair stylists in the Grove, now they are carting them in!
Maybe the salon paid to be allowed on the property - maybe they wanted tips or donations, who knows? But people are really squirrely these days about signing anything, you either get on an email list, get inundated with junk mail, and oh yeah there is stolen identity issues.
I did ask three people for permission -- one outside the truck before I even entered and two inside at the main sign-in desk. And then I asked the people in the photo for permission before I took the pic.
The ones complaining were the ones that I didn't ask to photograph, so maybe that's the problem. I wanted pics of the locals in the chairs, not the divas doing the hair.
Ok come on its only taking a picture it is not like we are stealing your soul or putting the infra red on to see in your wallet ah right grapevine you discontinued that one didn't you? I actually wonder why no pictures if you have nothing to hide then hide nothing...ok I had to get my Dr Phil statement in there...
i attended the promo and it was great, it was free and there where some top stylists there who really helped me control my "tangled hair" with there frizz ease line of their products...i don't mind pictures but rumor has it there where many people rushing in and soliciting without speaking to management there and it scared a few customers....maybe the grapevine guy was one of those rude characters
My name is Theresa and I was working in the salon when this discussion happened. Our manager Carrie was asking if YOU had releases that YOU needed the people to sign before photographing them. She did not mind that you were taking photos at all, but you would not listen to her and physically moved her out of the way before she could finish talking. A couple of us tried to talk to you but you were being very rude. Finally, no one even asked you to leave. You said "is that the exit?" and we said yes, and you left. Please get your story straight and next time calm down and talk WITH people instead of AT them. A little politeness will go a long way.
First off, I am very timid when I have to walk into a place and take photos, so don't say I was pushing people around. Everyone in there was acting so suspicious, like, "Who is this guy with the camera?" You were all very unfriendly.
The bald black guy got in my face and refused to move. He kept asking me who I was, I gave him a business card and said I was taking pics for Grapevine and he kept asking me, "Who are you? Why are you here?" He knew Carrie let me in to take the photos and I asked people permission before I took their photos. I don' snap photos ever without permission.
I think he wanted me to know that he was in charge and the one to ask. He was the rude one. He knew I was uncomfortable being a man and being in there.
And I kept saying, "My name is Tom, the girl at the front said I could take photos." And he kept asking, "Who are you? Why are you here?" And I just walked out after that because he wanted to make a drama out of the charity event.
I left out of embarrassment. You were all making such a big deal out of nothing. I was trying to publicize the Woman's Club by take a few photos and posting them.
I first asked the girl outside in the parking lot if I could go into the trailer, then I asked the first girl inside the trailer for permission and she directed me to Carrie and I asked Carrie permission. Then I asked the ladies in the chair getting their hair done for permission.
If I brushed through Carrie, I wasn't being rude, I just wanted to rush in and rush out with the photos, I was parked on the street in a no parking zone and just wanted to get in and out and not make a project out of it.
Someone here in the Grove asked me to go by to take photos and get the phone number so others could make appointments. It wasn't even my idea to go there.
I tend to side with Tom on this one. Watch the show Split Ends and you'll see how these hair people think they are all divas.
This is why, Grapevine, sometimes I think you should live somewhere nicer like Maine or Oregon. Your niceness is sometimes lost on the prima donna community. But I'm glad you're here in the meantime.
Good for you for posting that photo anyway.
You are providing an editorial service for the community.
Those hair stylists need to get over themselves.
Who do they think they are? Vidal Sassoon?
There's a lot of supportive comments here from people who weren't there. However, I WAS there and you were the one being rude, Grapevine. To be clear: the stylists were all totally fine with having their photo taken. No one cared about photos at all, in fact. It was the way you carried yourself (not "timid" whatsoever) that was off-putting and led us to ask what you were doing and why. Your "business card" had no name or contact info, just your blog address. It just seemed weird and you flipped out when we tried to clarify what was going on. The "bald black guy" calmly asked you what your name was 3 times and you didn't answer. How is that not strange?
We had all sorts of crazy people come in during the 2 days were were in the grove, which is par the course when you are offering a free service in a public place obviously. So by the time you got there we were a little on guard which I hope is understandable. But your attitude exacerbated the situation when you could have just been polite to the staff. If this was any other public setting (a restaurant, retail store, etc.) you would have been thrown out without a second thought. But we made an effort to be nice and that effort was rebuffed.
Charity Johnson is our contact at the Women's Club and she had a great time visiting the salon, as did many of her friends and fellow members. If you speak with her you will find that she had the opposite experience as you and so did all of the other women who showed up and received some free products and services. The only drama over 2 8-hour days took place during the 5 minutes you were there. So that should tell everyone something.
I would be interested to hear Grapevine's response to Artie's comment.
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