Is the poster too funky for the area?

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Funny, I object to the poster much more. Not because I'm a prude but because I am a woman and I am sick and tired of seeing women's naked or half clad bodies exposed to sell ANYTHING. It is disrespectful and cheap. Any questions? FU is the least of my problems but yes, I don't like that either.
There is no nudity and no vulgarity, they have all the right to put the poster and call their store that name. What about the condom store?? Or Victoria Secrets with all their underwear models. Everyone has a right to express their opinions and they have a right to be there in a commercial area and run a business. I agree many other real issues exist to waste much conversation over this.
Their initials actually spell FUK and it seems to be purposely written that way for impact.
This window display is comfortably within what is deemed to be acceptable in the community of Coconut Grove. Easily.
How does TS know what is "deemed" acceptable? Does he have a Charter or something?
2nd poster is right. What is the difference between this ad and Victoria's Secret? Spelling issues? This is coming from the guy who writes about "boiz" and "boifs"...
Does no nipples mean no nudity? I am looking forward to the picture of a buff young stud covering his genital area and just giving us a peak. I wonder how well that would go. And by the way, Victoria's Secret sells underwear for Pete's sake! Poor comparison.
FUK can put anything they like on their window. And I can spend my money in stores where the female form is the one buying, not selling. The name is simply sophomoric...that's all.
You've never heard of French Connection UK I think?
They even have a radio station in London
This is such a "fuddy duddy" "goody two shoes" kind of comment
Little play on words there - did Elena really mean she wants the young stud to give us a "peak"????
Elena meant that if women's breasts can sell and don't offend anyone, well then, let's see some male action. That's what Elena meant. I thought it was totally clear.
And my comments don't come from any 'holier than thou' place as anyone who knows me will attest. They come from a feminist who does not like women's bodies objectified. I'm sure that ad people can use their creativity in many other ways.
And while it is true that we have bigger fish to fry, Grape was asking about this issue and I was stating my views. Images are important and so are words.
I agree with you, Elena. As a non-pectorally enhanced male, I'm still recovering from having grown up in Manhattan during the Calvin Klein Marky Mark billboard days. A lot of women could say the same about the Kate Moss billboards of the same campaign.
That said, this window is totally in line with the Grove and pop culture in general. Yes, it's offensive to me (same with a lot of their t-shirt and hat slogans) but I don't feel hopeful of challenging it at the local level. I laugh when I walk by, explain the vulgarity to my daughter and buy our klothes elsewhere.
When we have a VP called Dick I do not know what the fuss is all about.
By the way, why is there a comparison made between the store and the church, both of them serve people except one does not pay TAXES and I have ABSOLUTELY no problem with that either.
She's just jealous because her body doesn't look like that. Get over it!
Their choice of spelling is not our problem. Sex sells, no matter how degrading it might be to the same or opposite sex. I personally have no issue with this being next to a church and school. I agree 100% with comment #2. The condom shop is right in front of the Elementary school and has been that way for YEARS! Why should it cause a problem at another store a block away? Victoria’s Secret sells Lingerie they are expected to be sexy
I will pray for thee, this is just to funny, moral majority is getting all tooo excited.
US1 and SW 80th St park is named "FUCHS PARK"... get your signs and torches out... to protest...
Not sure who Fuchs was maybe someone can enlighten me and provide the correct pronunciation.
Like "Few". "Fuuuks".
If this poster was in a South Beach window, No Fuss. Grow Up Team!!
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