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Saturday, May 31, 2008

And on top of this, they keep raising postage

Harry Emilio Gottlieb made a visit to the post office recently and really took notice of the mess that it is. The Grove post office has to be the biggest eyesore in the Grove.

You see graffiti on the walls out front, it just stays there, they don't give a damn about cleaning it up. The old, rusty discolored mailboxes greet you, all bent and faded.

The parking lot looks like a condemned land fill. The fence is broken, the dirt has been there so long that weeds are sprouting all over.

You'll notice lots of liquor and beer bottles when you pass by. Apparently this is a little party spot after dark.

They killed all the big oaks to plant these straggly things which are a poor excuse for the ones they destroyed last year.

This is the lobby. You enter to see this crap.

The garbage overflows, there seems to be no pride there. The employees apparently just go through the motions. They may be very nice, I don't know because I don't use the post office in the Grove. I avoid it.

They took out the stamp machine and really expect people to wait hours in line to buy a book of stamps. I go to the Coral Gables branch. I can get parking there and it is a pleasure to visit.

Here in the Grove, the ceiling is caving in. I know for a fact from many employees that the ceiling leaks inside and there is asbestos in many areas, mostly in the area that used to be the movie theater. The part you actually stand in now to buy stamps.

I don't know why the federal government is allowed to do this. Grove officials should really step in and fine these nuts. Whomever is in charge here is a slob and should be ashamed of themselves.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

The manager of the Coconut Grove Post Office is Mr. Alex Rafuls.

He may be reached at 305-461-0125.

Or better yet, please go by and ask to meet with him.

Please let him know how you feel about our post office and the trees that have been removed for a parking lot that has been a mess for several months.

You may also wish to inform your City Commissioner, City Manger, City Mayor and State of Florida Congressman.

May 31, 2008 1:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who's in charge of the Post Office? It's the Federal Government. Who's in charge of the federal government? It's Pinky and the Brain. Who's Pinky and the Brain? It's your country's Pres. and V.P. Good luck! If you voted for Bush, you deserve the Post Office. (Oh, and if you voted for Nader, your high standards deserve the post office.)

May 31, 2008 6:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great point you bring up, since it looks like a "condemned landfill" perhaps it should be treated like one, then they may take notice. There have been quite a bit of complaints in the past year, they don't care, a class action lawsuit may get some ears though, maybe not. They are damaging the value of properties in the neighborhood. I guess they are looking and itching for enough public pressure so they can have the excuse to build whatever or sell it to whoever the powers to be wish for. Otherwise it is unbelievable.

May 31, 2008 6:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps Manny Diaz and the CRA could call the Grove Post Office property blighted, condemn it and build another under attended museum, arena, sports stadium or streetcar station!
Perhaps the Related Group could buy the Post Offcie lot to build a luxury condo project and then Mercy Hospital could build a much needed assisted living facility in their own parking lot.
Or we could just buy our stamps on-line or go to the Coral Gables Post Office for them or pay our bills directly and skip buying stamps altogether
Everyone wins!

May 31, 2008 7:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually the fed govt is not in charge of the post office. its a quasi private company. thats why they have to make a profit and why the stamps keep going up because people are not using mails when they can email for free.

that said, the grove po really is an eyesore and has been for years. i wonder why?

June 01, 2008 2:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon at 6:07 P.M.

Yeah, I'm sure that Bush and Cheney spend a great deal of their time managing the Post Office. Eh?

Anyway, if you want to bring politics into it, consider that Hillary or Obama would put the federal government in charge of your health care. And trust me, as someone who has lived in a country with socialized healthcare, I can tell you that going to the doctor will feel just like going to the Post Office.

June 01, 2008 3:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember when the post office site used to be the Rocky Horror Picture Show!

The Grove was a very cool place back then, raw and full of integrity.

June 04, 2008 5:11 PM  

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