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Friday, November 02, 2007

Problems at Grove CVS store

Seems like the CVS at 3215 Grand Avenue is being pressured to clean up its act. Community leaders and police want them to start doing something about frequent robberies and car break-ins.

I have seen broken windshield glass in the parking lot more than once. I always do feel uneasy when I visit that store. I try to keep my business in the Grove and the CVS seems so much cleaner than the sleazy Walgreens at Grove Gate so I go to the CVS, but now I am having second thoughts.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

How the hell is this CVS's problem. the notion that village west home owners association is threatening to boycott cvs for not preventing village west COMMUNITY MEMBERS from vadalizing and robbing boggles the mind. Ill keep going to cvs, i like the employees and they have a good selection. I also applaud them for being to willing to make changes for security when I do not even think its cvs's problem.

And maybe people should stop looking to a private business for their personal safety and hold the real responsible parties accountable: the miami police and the west grove thugs.

November 02, 2007 8:38 AM  
Blogger SteveBM said...

Right on anon. And for what its worth, I go to the Grove Gate Walgreens all the time and its not bad at all. Much cleaner and less cluttered than CVS.

November 02, 2007 9:13 AM  
Blogger Miami247 said...

That is what happens to you when you do not invest in the community you make money from. CVS is a bad neighbor, they have prevented many mom and pops businesses from renting the little stand alone unit between their entrance and the Bank of America entrance and now the Comras number on the unit does not answer. They just came in put a monstrously warehouse looking building in the middle of the community and are paying minimum wage to the locals so that they can please their notoriously greedy bosses at the HQ. Start giving back to the community, do not spread your poison in our Coconut Grove.

November 02, 2007 6:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh please, miami247, no one would go past Mc Donald before because of all the problems in that area... Im sorry, but even if CVS opens a really nice store in that area, there is still going to be a lot of crime because the root of the problem has not been addressed... there is still people living in abject poverty just blocks away, commiting crimes every day, but of course, as long as it does not affect us and our cars we are blind to it. C'mon people, let's stop being so blind about the obvious... I know, I know... we all want to have a 'pleasant experience' in our area, but before we take that for granted it is important to address one (or a few) of the many reasons why our neighborhood is not 'as pleasant' as it should be...

November 02, 2007 7:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I go there, sometimes. But never without "one in the chamber," as the saying goes.

Oh, and miami247? Get a life!

November 02, 2007 8:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suppose it was the "notoriously greedy bosses" at CVS who shot that tourist and those other folks on Grand the last few years, eh? 50-something paunchy guys in pin-striped suits busting into a neighborhood, blaring rap and shooting people. Happens all the time. LOL.

November 02, 2007 9:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gas anyone noticed how the personnel keeps changing at CVS; you never see the same manager for more than a couple of months. There is always broken glass in the parking lot; the store is not that full and the parking lot is; so where are those cars coming from? Have you ever seen the unsavory characters that hang out at the ATM at night? No one needs money that bad to get out of that car

November 02, 2007 10:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is the responsibility of CVS to increase lighting and bolster security. They know that if the place a store in a marginal neighborhood, there will be a different approach to running that store than you will find on Key Biscayne, for example. Big problem just a few feet away has nothing to do with their acccountability. Just ask their lawyers.

We should all be grateful they were brave enough to build in that neighborhood. I sure wouldn't. You don't see the big Miami developers buying land in that neighborhood, unless they are building jails these days.

November 03, 2007 6:39 AM  
Blogger Crumbs said...

I love that they have a drive-thru pharmacy - if you've ever had to drag a crying, sick toddler through a store, you'd appreciate it, too. And if you feel unsafe, just lock your doors.

November 03, 2007 9:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not so quick to call CVS "brave" to build at that location. Building a store at Grand and 37th would be brave. Building two blocks from Cocowalk is just taking advantage of what I suspect is a tax incentive (I could be wrong).

But anyone who thinks that CVS isn't really responsible for crime in its parking lot doesn't know much about Florida's common law of premises liability. If they have notice of crime in the parking lot, and fail to take extra security measures, they can be liable for any invitee who is subsequently injured by a crime. I'm sure that their insurance carrier is holding the Sword of Damocles over them, right about now.

November 03, 2007 12:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


November 03, 2007 2:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

swilp how about we start holding family member in west grove liable for doing nothing to curb their gang affiliated, heat packing, drug dealing/using family members. and as for all the grafetti and window breaking, someone should start a task force and nails those little punks and sentence them to cleaning up grafetti all over the city as well as helping replace the windows probono.

November 03, 2007 4:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem with CVS is that they do not want to pay money for a security guard and the employee (including management) turnover is high since CVS pays very low wages in a very high pressure workplace, people can find better paying jobs in better environments. CVS did a good thing to open here but they are not going in the right direction, especially with the locals.

November 03, 2007 4:54 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

anonymous, I didn't make that pizza; I just delivered it. That's the law of invitees in Florida. You'd be surprised at how many lawsuits are prosecuted over people being robbed or attacked in store and mall parking lots.

As to your suggestion, I for one would be glad to see families held responsible for their criminal spawn, but that won't happen absent an act of the legislature.

November 03, 2007 5:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Coldwell Banker Building looks worse than any building I have seen in the Grove. They should be ashamed. Graffiti just white washed, still showing through, tattered awnings that have not been replaced since the bank was the occupant. I called the manager of that business to ask her to paint and replace the awnings and she acted like I was seeing things; she played dumb. I told her to just look at the building, then she will see what I mean. That building is the cornerstone of the Grove and looks worse than a ghetto tavern.

November 04, 2007 11:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is all the controversy? Did you read the story? The community let the company know about problems at the store, and CVS responded by taking reasonable measures to improve security. Both sides seem happy, so why is everyone here pissed off. I shop at that store all the time, I am thrilled to hear that CVS upgraded their security.

November 05, 2007 1:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am sure cvs opened at that location cuz they checked it out and it was financially a good business idea.... people in poor areas get free scripts for gov't, milk from wic, food stamps etct...
drug stores in poor areas bring in money..
and you're right.... the chain drug stores pressure employees to keep working , especially the older ones who work harder... the young sexy girls (usually ethnic) can hang out and do whatever... the younger so called managers (actually glorified stock boys) are afraid to yell at kids cuz they will walk out

November 05, 2007 5:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, while I was next in line at the CVS register this afternoon, the security wall came down at the entrance, blocking anyone from coming or going. None of the employees could figure out how/why it randomly closed.
After all this talk of crime, it kind of freaked me out - thinking maybe a criminal played a role in locking us in. After a few minutes, someone found the remote, opened the gate and all was normal - but still, I briskly left.

November 05, 2007 8:39 PM  
Blogger Ruthiness said...

I'm an outsider to Coconut Grove and her for a long weekend for work. I am staying at the Mayfair and had need of a place like CVS. I actually walked to it around 9pm on a Friday night during this weekend (spring break) and felt the difference just past The Last Carrot area... almost turned back to call a cab to go the two blocks even! Anyone who is interested in preserving tourist image should be very concerned to have this kind of "lure" that a tourist might think they can walk to this CVS and find out they have just stepped into the ghetto.

Once I got to the CVS I noticed a "police presence" which was reassuring except I did not have a police escort to walk the three blocks back to CocoWalk.

It's a shame it is really out of reach for me since the Mayfair charges $4 for a bottle of water which is outrageous!

Whenever I stay in a hotel, I try to buy my own snacks and bottled water because the "honor bar" stuff they try to tempt you with in the rooms is usually priced just high enough for me to starve before I'll touch any of it.

Glad I found your blog because now I will have breakfast at Foccaccia Rustica (hope they are open on EASTER) and will make sure I stop at The Last Carrot. Such a shame they are not open for dinner!

And from what I read here - I am curious about Scotty's but I don't think I'll eat there! lol

My first night here I lucked out by choosing Tu Tu Tango and sat on the outdoor porch and it was terrific on service, food and atmosphere.

Mayfair has VERY good food from Ginger Grove but another poster here mentioned how expensive it is and I have to agree. I will just avoid ordering bottled water from them though!

March 23, 2008 7:20 AM  

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