Publix is having problems going green
I'm not impressed with Publix.

The problem is their bag people, I would say bag boys, but they are old ladies and old men, and what they do is the put one item in each bag, tie the bag up like a gift and that's that. If you say anything, they get insulted and look at you as if you have three heads.
I ask them over and over to please fill up the plastic bags, don't just put one item in each sack, but for some reason, they feel it is too heavy and they insist on sticking one item in each bag -- they don't get that this is a total waste of resources and really goes against everything they are trying to push with their Greenwise line.
I don't think they train these people. They should.
Blogger Buzz: Blogging for the Environment
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On speaking about global warming, Dr William Gray, a pioneer in the science of seasonal hurricane forecasts stated that "We're brainwashing our children" & "We'll look back on all of this in 10 or 15 years and realise how foolish it was"
I completely agree. Saving a couple of sacks from Publix will not accomplish squat!
So I guess all the extra millions of plastic bags that Publix is giving out for no reason is not a waste of money, resources and extra crap for the landfills? This is all a "theory?"
Isn't Dr. Gray the moron who makes unwanted hurricane predictions and has to change his predictions 20 times a season until he gets it right?
Anyone associated with hurricane predictions is an idiot, nuff said.
Grapevine, if you want to help the environment, why not ask for paper bags? Thats what I do. You can get way more into them too and they usually double bag to prevent the bag from ripping.
In a related story, I stopped by the Publix with a friend on Saturday to get stuff for a paella and I gotta say that it justified every feeling of hatred that I have for that place. People everywhere, extremely narrow aisles, and the register girl was a total waste. She couldnt have gone any slower ringing up the 10-12 items that we had. It was the whole "My job is boring and I just dont give a crap about anything or anybody but myself" attitude.
Because I prefer the plastic. I am not the problem, putting one item in each bag is the problem.
When I bag myself, I stuff the bags, they never break.
Well, I don't bag myself, I bag the groceries. But you know what I mean. :)
As someone who worked as a "Bag boy" at Publix for some time, I can tell you that they do train their employees to put more than just one item in a bag. They are, in fact, trained to fill the bags to the point that you would actually need two hands to carry them since they are so full. The stores want less bags given out simply because it saves them money.
When I first started as a bagger, I would constantly fill the bags to their max in the manner we were trained to do, but customers complained. Ultimately, it is not Publix or any other food chain who is to blame for the bagging that these people are doing, but the consumers who want only one item per bag. Generally the larger chain stores are put to blame for matters like this because they are easy to point a finger at instead of having the person who is truly responsible re-evaluate what they are doing in accepting/demanding their groceries in that format.
There are more eco-friendly bagging alternatives you could use rather that relying on their "Poor Bagging skills". Cloth bags are one alternative; they can be purchased fairly inexpensively and can be reused whereas plastic and even paper both are one-use-only alternatives. If you don't mind the weight, you can get collapsable boxes to put your groceries in. The baggers will not (or should not) scoff at any of the alternatives out there, and in fact the chain would prefer its customers provide their own bagging alternatives.
I use canvas bags as much as possible, even though the baggers get pissed sometimes. Too bad. Also, the Publix at 16th and Douglas had canvas bags on sale for less than $2.00, so I guess the baggers have to get use to canvas.
Also, if you bring your own bags to Whole Foods, they pay you. I think its a dime a bag. You can reuse your plastic, brown paper, or canvas, your choice.
I was at Peacock Park yesterday, and received a canvas bag with Sarnoff's name on it. That'll be one for my collection.
Your contribution to the environment is to whine about the number of items Publix puts in the plastic bags? Thats quite a contribution.
Aren't you being a bit hypocritical calling Publix out? You can't be bothered to use paper bags, or bring your own reuseable shopping bags (what a truly "green" person would do)?
I have shopped at Publix hundreds of times and NEVER seen them put only one item in a bag unless it was:
1) Bleach, Raid or some other chemical you would not want near food.
2) Something large/heavy enough to justify its own bag, like a gallon of milk.
How would it possibly be in their interest to waste bags? It costs them money.
They dont stuff the bags full because most people dont want bags stuffed, their eggs cracked, their bread smooshed, their chips broken, etc. They also dont want them to be heavy, and risk them breaking while being carried.
Do you think I am making this up? Go to the Publix on 27th Ave. 9 out of 10 baggers will put one item in each bag. The older they are the less they put.
When I complain, they put a face on and walk away and I end up finishing the job.
I actually recycle the bags and bring them back to Publix, they have a bin in the front of the store.
I'm with you Grapevine on the 1-2 items per bag, but I think they think they are doing you a favor, not maliciously. Like what this person said: They dont stuff the bags full because most people dont want bags stuffed, their eggs cracked, their bread smooshed, their chips broken, etc. They also dont want them to be heavy, and risk them breaking while being carried. ANON October 15, 2007 11:32 AM
I don't like it, so I just bring a big ol' bag that nearly half a shopping cart fits in. It's SO much easier to carry than the plastic bags or 4-5 small canvas bags. And big items with handles don't need bags...they have handles.
(Now, Grapevine, while I agree with some others that suggest you could reach farther into your Eco-Quest, I am certainly appreciative that you make SOME effort and keep the conversation going)
I usually ask them... nicely... and then smile and say "I have to carry them home, so I don't want a bunch of little bags, don't worry, I can lift it", smile againa and presto, no single items unless, as someone said, it's items you don't want mixed with food.
It is real simple: They only put one item in each bag so it looks like you have a lot and then they have to take it out for you.
Everyone who attends the Village of Center Grove meeting Wed night at the Sailing Club (7-9 pm)will receive a free canvas bag from District 2 Commissioner Marc Sarnoff.
While I agree that publix and most grocery stores in miami tend to underfill the sacks, I think it is funny that you are so offended for the environment when you get a few extra bags, and yet are still using the plastic that they give you.
I bought large cotton canvas bags from ebay vendor CanvasBagDealer and they are awesome... affordable, heavy weight, perfect large size (just bigger than a paper bag would be), long handles for easy carrying... even the checkout lady at Publix said they were the nicest she'd seen.
If you're that concerned you should take a reusable bag. They're very inexpensive and much sturdier than the plastic bags.
I work at Publix and if theres a problem with your cashiers or baggers its because of idiots who ASK to have one thing put in every bag. You should think to cut us a little slack, we deal with people who are rude, have had bad days and want to take their anger out on the lowly cashiers who barely make minimum wage.
As for Publix going green, we are first and foremost a grocery store, not an environmental revolution headquarters. Our reusable bags are efficient, much better than paper or plastic bags, and we do the best we can to help the environment. If you don't want to spend the .99 cents to get a green bag, then just take the plastic bag and have a nice day.
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