Going in circles

Can't the money go to something useful?
I went over yesterday to get some photos, but Harry Emilio Gottlieb got this great photo. Thanks Harry.
For linking to this one story, just click on the time it was posted & just this story will open for sharing - only through social media. Not copying and pasting.
Someone obviously gave compasses to the
engineers in the Gables a few years ago.
Apparently these are inexpensive gifts to give,
but we the taxpayers keep paying when they
get really excited that they can draw circles at every intersection. The ones that went in on Franklin seem to encourage speeding instead of slowing the traffic down.
Please take the compasses away.
Well landscaped "traffic circles" can look quite good. With great plants and design they can make neighborhoods look better. Clearly they need enough space in the right of ways but I suppose traffic engineers figure that out.
There is a park at Virginia and Shipping so maybe having a traffic circle there will add to that neighborhood.
That our "great" commissioner Marc D. Sarnoff lives on the intersection of Virginia and Shipping.
What a coincidence that a traffic circles is going up at an intersection that is rarely travel.
I don't get it.
The commissioner has been in office for less than 1 year and we already have proof of a project that it’s questionable.
I am glad tax payer money will improve his property value.
Has anybody notice the way the commissioner seems to speak down to any view that questions his own plan. It seems that his attitude is as if you are not with him then you are against him.
Has anybody notice that?
I am not interested in politics, but as a member of this community I was disappointed by his tone to opposing views in the last meetings as well as in public hearings.
Rarely traveled? Where do you live? Spend some time on Virginia St. Next to 27th Ave., it is one of the main streets to the business district.
There is not enough traffic to warrant a traffic circle. 27th Ave. and 32nd Ave. Yes. Virginia, no.
I live on Virginia and Bird Road. Most people coming east from Bird Road drive up to 27 Ave and take a left when going into coconut grove.
anonymous do you find it a coincidence that the Commissioner lives on the intersection where the traffic circle is going on?
Virginia and Shipping is a pretty busy intersection. And there is a small pocket park on that corner.
As we all know, projects get started many years before anyone ever sees a shovel. The proposed traffic circle at Virginia has probably been in the works for years before Commissioner Sarnoff was elected. (Maybe he opposes it?) Some City parks have been in planning since Bill Clinton was President.
Let’s not get crazy about comparing the Federal governments with the local city of Miami government.
Considering the transparency of the city of Miami government it’s hard to say when this project was put on the books or how it came about.
The city of Miami is does not have a good track record on honesty.
That is why the motive of this "traffic circle" is questionable.
I have lived in the city of Miami for more than 19 years. My youth was spent in Coconut Grove nightclubs and restaurants. I have lived on that street and I know that area.
The person that wrote this article knows the area. The fact is that Virginia is NOT BUSY.
The Park you are talking about is a DOG PARK.
Stop signs are already up in this intersection.
I would ask anybody to walk on Virginia during weekday morning or afternoon rush hour. You will see that no traffic exist on this road.
It is not travel because most people in Miami do not know where Virginia is.
Let’s ask the tough questions and get answer rather than assuming "projects get started many years before anyone ever sees a shovel".
I am an engineer I know how long a project takes and something like a generic circle that has started showing up in random un-travel intersections is questionable and the Commissioner should add transparency to how this project came about.
Why is it everyone wants the City improved and when it gets done, people complainL the pink wall, traffic calming at a street that goes between Cocowalk and Mayfair -if you want to complain, complain about the City Clerk mailing pens to LOBBYISTS. That's right LOBBYISTS! Now that is a total waste of city funds!
I could be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure that a traffic circle would be the county's responsibility, not the city's. Back when I lobbied for the crossing light at Kirk and Bayshore, I was told that all road, sidewalk, and street signage matters are the county's responsibility.
Fwiw, a lot of Grove backstreets become busy during afternoon rush hour, as people try to take shortcuts through the neighborhood. Some people drive dangerously fast.
Gary, not to be petty, but there is a playground on the other side of the dog park and it is my experience that cars haul butt through there (or maybe they're just aiming for me on my bike?)
How fast can people go when there are stop signs?
Anonymous, you are right about the Pens.
I don't know about what is going on with the pink wall so I will not comment on it.
All I am asking is for the city of miami to be transparent with the way it utilizes taxpayer money.
Guys, come on. Every street in Miami has people zooming down it. Should we put traffic circles up on every intersection. It's an eyesore, un-needed and a waste of money.
I live on Day near Virginia. I'd like a traffic circle at that intersection, too. Virginia gets heavy traffic at some times of the day and at other times people blow through the stop signs. On weekend nights it is sometimes backed up from Cocowalk almost as far as Shipping. I've almost been hit twice by cars that drove right through the sign at Day. Traffic circles would help the problem.
From where I'm sitting, our commissioner, Marc Sarnoff, stands out like the real eye sore. I stand among those of you who share a recognotion for Marc Sarnoff's previously noted, politically transparent and otherwise self-serving machinations. The time has come for some of us to seek out a more humble and encompassing voice; one that speaks for a community much broader than his own block. On his own block, cars block the street illegally and empty out streams of dog owners who all too often help fertilize neighboring footpaths in wilful oblivion of the law. My only hope is that we, as a community, start to call manure when we see it. Let's send false altruists like Sarnoff back into his house or the office he operates from next door (another convenience unlikely shared by most of us).
It turns out the traffic circles at Virginia and Shipping have been in the planning process for 7 years. I know other projects that have been planned for well over ten years. Planning and funding move slowly. I suppose we should be glad we get any improvements for our tax dollars?
Lifelong Grove Resident - your comment about people illegally parking on Shipping is DEAD ON. That crap pisses me off to no end. The damn dog owners park on the street leaving the southbound side totally blocked.
As for the traffic circle, its a total waste. Not only is it a waste but PEOPLE IN MIAMI DONT EVEN UNDERSTAND HOW TO DRIVE USING A TRAFFIC CIRCLE!!!! The ones in the Gables that were recently installed near the bridges over the canals (I forget the street names) are completely absurd. First off, you dont need more than one traffic circle on a street that is hardly busy. Secondly, traffic circles that are close to each other, plus morons in Miami, equals MORE traffic, believe it or not.
I live on Virginia and Day and Virginia is far from a busy street. Yes, there are speeders, and yes, there are people who blow thru stop signs. Funny thing is that I drove thru that traffic circle and it was really frustrating. As I rounded the circle, there was Mr. Marc Sarnoff returning to his home with his 3 dogs. Another dumb idea from the guy who is supposed to be helping this community. Conveniently located outside his home nonetheless. Only thing that sucks is that its likely irreversible...
Anybody that has to navigate through one of these circles on a daily basis knows how bad they are. No one knows how to drive around a circle in Miami!!! Some come to a complete stop, others zoom through, and the best, when they go around the left in order to get past you. At least some people slow down for stop signs.
Another thing about these circles is that the intersections they reside in simply arent big enough. If 2 cars are in the circle, its half full. This does nothing to allow traffic to enter freely. Dumb, dumb, dumb.
i can tell you one place in center grove that justifies a traffic circle. the intersection of mary tigertail and oak. it is true miamians cannot drive in traffic circles but they are even worse at busy 4 ways stops.
Just regarding traffic circles on principle (not a specific one), I think they suit the city just fine. Since few folks come to a complete stop at stop signs as is (and those who do get honked at), I think a circle is a nice compromise. Folks can roll through AND be funneled into proper position. Miami drivers still find a way to not play fair, but I think the circles speed up the crossing business quicker than stop signs do.
Maybe that circle is done to drive the visitors who are socializing after 3AM out of our fair city...
Who is running against Sarnoff?
Traffic Circle! Great Idea. I hope to get some for my neighborhood in North Grove. They have them in Eurpoe and they work very well.
I'd like to first see how the circle at 27th and Tigertail works out before we piaint the city in traffic circles.
Specially before we add 2 or more on Tigertail itself.
Who is running against Sarnoff?
Ray Cantillo.
I agree with various comments above. People in Miami rarely know how to handle an intersection with 4 stop signs. There is always someone who must have gotten their drivers license from a Cracker Jacks box.
Traffic circles are used for traffic calming, not just to speed vehicles along.
Who is running against Sarnoff?
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