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Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Fitness Company is closing

This just in: The Fitness Company gym (2901 Florida Ave.) is closing. They have given their members one week notice, their last day is next Friday, July 27th. Apparently corporate didn't like the financials and couldn't negotiate a new lease.

Shaq's 24 Hour Fitness (2982 Grand Ave.) will honor all prepaid memberships from
The Fitness Company.

It's a shame, for a long time The News Cafe and The Fitness Company were a perfect duo, now they are both gone and that street is totally dead.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

That street has so much potential. But, most landlords, developers and owners would rather burn down their properties than fill the spaces at realistic rents.

Celio is still in business, I think. But, that is not going to last either. The Miracle Mile has the grove beat, big time.

July 20, 2007 7:41 AM  
Blogger Len Scinto said...

Could someone, preferably a owner/developer/property manager, explain to me the logic of leaving space empty that could be getting $20-$25 sq. ft. in the hopes of filling it with a bar or something that can get $40+. With the number of places closing it seems that the probability of getting a high-rent business in your space is very low but getting a good variety of retail at resonable rents would be high...Wouldn't you make more in the long-run?

July 20, 2007 9:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is the overall occupancy rate of Mayfair? Nothing in that place seems to be doing very well. It's been in a long slow decline. They closed the movie theatre, then the bookstore. The bookstore in particular is a void that has never been filled. With all the yuppies and artsy folk in the area how do we NOT have a bookstore in coconut grove!?!? it boogles my mind! Maybe it's time to just tear down Mayfair altogether and start over new, although it's not up to me.

July 20, 2007 9:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't understand the bookstore thing either. It is practically the only thing I leave the Grove for. Perhaps if enough shops close in Mayfair the rents will drop making a bookstore feasible.

July 20, 2007 10:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've posted about this before, but here it goes again. When Borders opened, there were several smaller book stores already in the grove. They disappeared because they could not keep up with the "mega" bookstore. Then, when Borders was having their closing sale, the woman checking me out remarked how terrible the store closing was and how now there wasn't going to be any bookstores in the grove. Well, that's because they went bankrupt when Borders opened. Very ironic. Places like the Gap and Borders drove out places like Four Way Street and the Grove Bookworm (anyone remember those places?)MayFair was built to service the wealthy south american clientel of the eighties, it was not built for the people of the grove. Even Burdines was overpriced, planned for the upscale people. So now, when all these places closed their doors, the people of the grove were blamed for not supporting the businesses. Give me a place that we can afford and where meter maids don't stalk us.

July 20, 2007 11:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good riddance to The Fitness Company. Overpriced, dirty, horrible layout. Glad to see the Shaq gym run them out of business.

July 20, 2007 2:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

as a long time member of The Fitness Company I'm now scrambling to find a replacement gym - 24 Hour Fitness is not in the same league. Few gyms have 7am classes for working folk.
Mayfair may have marketed itself in the 80's to the wealthy south american and to spillovers from partying at the Mutiny, but from the tourist filled busses stopping in front of planet hollywood to the ulta fine dining that brasserie le coze offered, it made for a varied mix that helped make the grove an exciting place. that appears to be gone, and why? Mayfair is a puzzle just like it's counterpart Shops at Sunset Place. However walking around south miami is still a whole lot more satisfying even with Sunset Place than walking around the grove - little shops filled with great stuff - not just tourist trappings.like most retail now in the Grove. Shopowners and potential developers should take a few hints on how successful south miami is and pattern a bit of it back into the grove.

July 20, 2007 4:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go to Paradise Gym - best gym in the area

July 20, 2007 7:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, I was a member of Grove Fitness for many years but finally quit and went to Paradise. They just finished a major renovation there and it looks great. To me its the Cheers of health clubs. I have met a lot of very nice people in a short time.

July 20, 2007 7:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alexandra Suarez- come and checkout The Workout Spot located in Rice St.(3315 Rice St.)The best local gym to hit Coconut Grove!! Non of the over crowd mess like in the big name gyms, friendly people and I could workout without getting harrased..

January 28, 2009 7:08 PM  

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